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John Caveson

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Everything posted by John Caveson

  1. John Caveson

    The Tale of Two Cities Update

    They fixed the HUD crash, YAY!
  2. Actually McVinnie said he wanted to get it done before the end of the year, but it's probably gonna be released sometime next year.
  3. John Caveson

    Binary Models

  4. John Caveson

    The Tale of Two Cities Update

    I'm game.
  5. John Caveson

    The Tale of Two Cities Update

    Great, more MvM stuff, though I am glad Medic got a much needed MvM buff, and I'm glad for MvM players. But come on, wheres the regular TF2 stuff? Perhaps the patch notes will contain weapon changes and bug fixes.....maybe.
  6. John Caveson

    ESEA Verdict on Bitcoin Mining

    It's mostly to pay for their LAN access, which only goes to the top 4 Invite teams in the league, which is pathetic really. So people are actually paying money so the top players won't worry about lag.
  7. EXTRA EXTRA, READ ALL ABOUT IT! ESEA PAYS $1,000,000 FINE FOR BITCOIN INCIDENT! http://teamfortress.tv/forum/thread/14006-meatshot-8-vol-5 lpkane's official response: http://play.esea.net/index.php?s=news&d=comments&id=13341 Reddit's take on the whole thing: http://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1mo64y/update_esea_lawsuit/ http://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1qzqyt/esports_entertainment_settles_user_spying_bitcoin/ Discuss.
  8. John Caveson

    TF2 general

    http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=196572404 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=196572429 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=196572420 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=196572440 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=196572448 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=196572458 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=196572466 MAXIMUM ????????? In other news, I'm really starting to love the Crusader's Crossbow.. I have saved many asses and have received many a thanks alone today. Then again, i was with competent teammates, but whatever. Still an excellent weapon despite the nerf.
  9. John Caveson

    The Reppies / Replayyies

    Sounds good to me. Will it be the rules as the first Saxxies, such as 1 minute length, use of external programs etc?
  10. Driving through a blacked-out city in the middle of the night with full moon behind clouds is pretty freaky. I makes you think "Dude, where were you on Halloween? >:(

    1. John Caveson

      John Caveson

      Have any of you had to drive through a black-out?

    2. Doopliss2008


      kinda, the stretches of roads without lights here can get pretty lonely, especially on country roads.

    3. Medic


      I love driving down pitch black roads at night. Particularly the motorways.

  11. John Caveson

    TF2 general

    Thx a bunch.
  12. John Caveson

    TF2 general

    Dayum, are any of those hats/miscs for sale? I've got a couple ref to waste. what would you like? name the price. Are any of these for sale: Soldier's Stogie Medi-Mask Sandvich Safe Virtual Reality Helmet Pip-Boy Perhaps with a special Friend discount *hint hint* *wink wink* *nudge nudge*?
  13. John Caveson

    TF2 general

    Dayum, are any of those hats/miscs for sale? I've got a couple ref to waste.
  14. John Caveson

    Anime General Discussion

    TFS came out with it's 4th Hellsing Abridged episode. Watch it in all its glory. [spoiler2]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4wY-FhBArw[/spoiler2]
  15. John Caveson

    TF2 general

    Yo, if you wanna see poor, look at my backpack. http://backpack.tf/profiles/76561198082149883 The top three most expensive things I have is: 1.) S. Sapper - 5.5 keys 2.) S. Shotgun - 1.5 keys 3.) Uncraft Hi-Five - 1 key The only thing even remotely worth mentioning would probably be the Sapper, MAYBE. That's just sad. But I don't really care, as long as I get the hats, miscs, and strages I want, I don't care how expensive mine is. So y'all can suck it.
  16. John Caveson

    TF2 general

    Them wacky Italians.
  17. John Caveson

    TF2 general

    Which one was it?
  18. John Caveson

    ITT We Appreciate Good Video Game Music

    [spoiler2]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDuhSdtvhUY[/spoiler2] Incredibly easy fight if you have the fishing rod(*hint* *hint*), but still epic especially with orchestrated music.
  19. John Caveson

    TF2 2013 Halloween Update

    http://tf2stats.net/player/76561198082149883 What I've gotton throughout the event is near the bottom.
  20. John Caveson

    TF2 2013 Halloween Update

    The 2013 Halloween Update is here! Since this is a "major" update, I suppose it deserves its own thread. Update home page: http://www.teamfortress.com/bazbobarrabus/ Comic: http://www.teamfortress.com/gravematters/ List of accepted items: http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse?appid=440&browsesort=accepted&browsefilter=accepted&p=1 Patch notes: http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/October_29,_2013_Patch Voice lines (courtesy of Huff): [spoiler2]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_e9Bt5YM4OA[/spoiler2] Magic Mercenary voice lines (courtesy of guil13st): [spoiler2]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8REVZE-REw[/spoiler2] (inb4 brony flamewar) Mann brothers voicelines (courtesy of a random Spuffer):
  21. John Caveson

    TF2 general

    Finally got the Mann-tastic Four cheevo. Got me a spellbook page.
  22. John Caveson

    Global Warming Caused By Abortion

    You two, in my office, now! U-Moon used SUBSTITUTE! "Oh no, you're not pulling that shit again, get your ass in here."
  23. John Caveson

    Global Warming Caused By Abortion

    You two, in my office, now!
  24. John Caveson

    TF2 general

    Well I NEVER! *slaps EvilBrain*
  25. John Caveson

    Global Warming Caused By Abortion

    It's this crap that makes the Republican Party, enviromentalists, and Christians all look bad.