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Everything posted by Paero

  1. ​poon-tang clan aint nothin 2 fuck with
  2. Paero

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

  3. Paero

    Dota General

    ​Misery, PLD, Puppey Control ur shitposting pls Sorry dad :(
  4. Paero

    Dota General

    we -refresh boys XD fucking trash team literally no names and EE we D tier team now
  5. ​ So I'm about to be very: ​ Vaporwave is cool cus it's kinda more than a genre, its god this weird ass feeling to it. Part 90's nostalgia, part weird retro futuristic, part technological advancement. It's really fucking hard to describe but it's something I noticed I thought was cool years before Vaporwave was a thing (I found it when I watched Interstellar 5555). Then the music itself is a mashup of funk, IDM, french house and just downtempo shit (even though a lot of the time that's because it samples old songs and slows them right down). I've not come across anyone that thinks it's really bad (but then again I've not met many people who think it's really good). But if I had to pinpoint why someone would think it was bad it would be because of what Stamda said. It seems so fucking up its own arse. Thing is most people who like it don't like it in the same way you like a traditional genre, they like it because it's cool to see what happens within the Vaporwave scene. On that note I'll leave you with this, a song I think is fucking cool and has all the elements I talked about.
  6. Can somebody please ban this guy before he starts droning on about aesthetics. MFW I LISTEN TO ELEVATOR MUSIC
  7. Paero

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Damn this is sad as fuck. Activision have fucked up a lot at Blizzard but it's amazing to see that they still do stuff like this in their games in memory of their developers, it's one of the things that makes me like Blizzard even when they do really stupid shit. (watch from like 2:25 if you don't care about Diablo 3 stuff)
  8. Paero

    How we hold our mice

    Im just saying that you're dumb as hell if you're arguing about whether it's right to use your middle finger on the scroll button. It's like arguing whether Legacy Keys or QWER are better in Dota.
  9. Cal Chuchesta mixtape EXTREMELY [100-Emoji] !!!!!

  10. Paero

    subSPUF 10v10

    781 hours winner of TI1, TI2, TI3, TI4 and TI5 reporting in to ruin your evening. I'll play whatever team I know what im doing but god knows I can fuck up a lot and ive not played in fucking ages.
  11. Paero

    Now with 100% more Pony Stable history

    ​Copy that ​Wait whoa what happened? Did this poor excuse of a forum outlive MLM? http://forums.onyxarmada.uk/index.php?/topic/3760-and-a-good-day-to-you-all/ HNNGG That passive aggressive crypto post, nice ​Stab me. ​wish we could have quality posts like this here.
  12. Paero

    Now with 100% more Pony Stable history

    ​Copy that ​Wait whoa what happened? Did this poor excuse of a forum outlive MLM? http://forums.onyxarmada.uk/index.php?/topic/3760-and-a-good-day-to-you-all/ HNNGG ​yeah MLM is fucking dead has been since I came here.
  13. Paero

    Dota General

    id reinstall for it maybe