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Everything posted by hugthebed2

  1. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    where were u when pubg became the top game on steam
  2. hugthebed2

    Marc Laidlaw leaks HL2:E3's story

    Where's my nigga Adrian Shephard? And Barney never got us that beer :(
  3. hugthebed2

    Marc Laidlaw leaks HL2:E3's story

    It's gotten around really really fast. I saw it's stickied on /v/ and they have music auto-playing while on the thread. Kinda weird, had to rewatch the "heart to heart" in episode 2. Don't read past this if you want to avoid spoilers until you read it.
  4. hugthebed2


    God damn this is amazing Junkrat only good overwatch character
  5. Help I'm a gorillion dollars in debt

    1. General DeGroot

      General DeGroot

      become a deep web hitman

    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      Have ya tried prostitution?

  6. hugthebed2

    Payday General

    realism mode payday the heist is hard marked out hostages, bags, where people are downed, it's hard to keep track of on maps with bad callouts
  7. hugthebed2


    I saw some stuff about it but everyone seemed to talk about how it was dead-on-release, which seems to me like what made it not get very popular. Didn't it release on the same day as OW's 2017 Summer Games? I didn't hear anything about it until release and a basic description of it didn't really interest me, haven't seen any gameplay.
  8. I used the motivator on my cousin on the ps3 version, I remember it being very good because most teams don't have a healer.
  9. hugthebed2

    We Media Now: TF2 Edition

    https://funko.com/blogs/news/coming-soon-valve-team-fortress-2-portal-pop-s ded
  10. hugthebed2


    Game has never been fun for me to play alone. My friends stopped playing it so I stopped playing it. Even then, it lost its charm even with friends so now my account is probably gonna stay at level 80 for a while.
  11. I'm not in the direct center but I'll still get like "93%" of the sun covered. My brother is moving into college on that day so I've been told I can skip my college's group-fair day to help him move in for the full 100% but I'm not sure it's worth it.
  12. hugthebed2

    TF2 general

    what if Airblast that pushes players required you to charge it up a bit like the stickybomb launcher while a weak and cheaper one-click airblast can knock back projectiles
  13. This one has actually been rolling out in waves to people. You can sort of temporarily go back by hitting your avatar on the top right and choosing the bottom option.
  14. It sadly looks the exact same. The only bird head that supports paint is the Mann-Bird of Aberdeen but since you can paint it normally there's no point to noting its paint. I tried to get a Freedom Feathers for so long and waster a lot of money trying to do so. My owl head and medimedes are painted too.
  15. My haunted heavy and Medic bird heads are super pricey. Considering I painted them using a glitch, they might even be more pricey...
  16. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Instead of Mario I decided to play through Sonic CD again. I was going for every robot hologram and teleporter thing and I'm dumb and forgot getting all of the time stones voids the achievement so I spent an hour or so looking for Metal sonic holograms for nothing. I actually 100%ed Super Mario Galaxy (all 242 stars) but I never did get all of the green stars on SMG2 so I didn't get to play "The perfect run". I've probably lost over 200 lives on Champion's Road on Super Mario 3D World and still have never beat it either .
  17. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I installed a small (8 galaxies) Super Mario Galaxy 2 level pack and game over'd on the first level. Will to play ruined.
  18. One of the worst things about consuming old media (made worse based on how old it is) is that if it's not a huge franchise or one with an easy-to-find fansite, discussion about it with someone else who has consumed it is nigh impossible.
  19. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Defense of the Artifacts namechange when
  20. hugthebed2

    ITT We Appreciate Good Video Game Music

    The sound effects on this level add to the music pretty well in my opinion
  21. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Based on that description it sounds like it was generated with a mod or with the extra world settings.