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Everything posted by hugthebed2

  1. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I'm interested in the SNES Classic because it will finally give me an excuse to play through Super Mario World and Yoshi's Island. Maybe Earthbound too. It's an easy way to legally get all of them and I don't think there's an official release of Yoshi's Island anywhere else that isn't the GBA port. Just worried about it being scalped.
  2. hugthebed2

    TF2 general

    who are some people who used to be on SPUF that fit into the category laid out
  3. hugthebed2

    Random Image Thread: Animu Edition

    how ping people
  4. hugthebed2


    I had two I wanted to post but I don't remember one and it's been too long to remember the other one fully. I guess my mind did a continuation of Metro: Last Light (which I beat yesterday) and it was in a not-so-radiated part of the world so I was able to take off my mask and walk into an apartment building with people still living in it. I killed the bottom two floors of people with a newly-acquired shotgun that lowered my move speed but decided to stop after I saw some kids and stuff in the higher floors. At the top floor I saw a guy and asked to sit on his chair which apparently was a trap because he wouldn't let me leave until I consented to being an alien/mutant. I tried to escape but my head was about to explode because he got me with something so my only way of living was to consent to becoming a mutant. The dream ended after I went downstairs with my human-looking body (but am actually a mutant underneath the guise) and played soccer with some other denizens who weren't mutants but were probably going to become them. The dream ended when I looked at my thumb and saw tons of hairs coming out of it.
  5. hugthebed2

    TF2 general

    You get around 15% more speed when you have them out and whenever you hit someone you get a disciplinary action speedboost. They gave you less speed than the G.R.U. but no marking for death. I just think it's kinda sad that every change here except 4 is nerfs. And even then, the Crossbow and the G.R.U. are still the best to run in their slot.
  6. hugthebed2

    The Spud Whacker

    Does it take the same hp value or the same percentage value? If it were hp value based, then it'd be better for heavies to take the packs because then the Medic could get a full 150 from a medium healthkit.
  7. hugthebed2

    TF2 general

    I was on the tf2 subreddit and I saw one of our newer members in it.
  8. hugthebed2

    Non-Magic CCGs

    I've been (practically) forced to play YGOPRO quite a few times by various people and I'm always a scared puppy worrying I'll do something wrong whenever I play it. I'm not so great at deckbuilding and I don't want to use an online deck so the extent of what I do on it nowadays is just do a 1v1 with a friend using only traps and spells (no trap/spell monsters) because any deck I make is inferior to one made by someone who actually knows the game and will proceed to OTK me.
  9. hugthebed2

    Non-Magic CCGs

    We went through my cousin's yugioh and pokemon cards and for some reason he had tons of Harry Potter trading card cards. I think he threw them out and then he gave me an Obelisk the Tormentor because he works at a movie theater and he has tons of those because they were handed out to people who watched a Yugioh movie or something.
  10. No, I've had issues where images don't load for the first time too. Has happened on two different articles. One by SilverWolf and another by aabicus,
  11. hugthebed2

    Cute stuff.

  12. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    CS:S and HL2M and whatnot all got their voice chat updated to use TF2's and CS:GO's. I thought they were done with engine fixes for those games since the last one they did was a year ago, but I never expected them to port over the better voice chat.
  13. tfw you're singing the entirety of pumpkin hill to people but your microphone was up so they couldn't hear you over their video games

    1. A 1970 Corvette
    2. Idiot Cube
    3. hugthebed2


      it's okay I did it again to redeem myself

      crisis averted

    4. Show next comments  54 more
  14. hugthebed2

    E3 2017

    I bought the prime trilogy on Wii U on release but I didn't know until I was kinda decently far through Prime 1 that I was playing on the baby difficulty that they made for the trilogy. I stopped playing for a while and since I forgot what to do I just restarted which was a bad move because it made me want to play even less.
  15. I really don't like Sven Co-op. They change too many of the guns and remove some stuff if you play things like Opposing Force because Sven Co-op lacks the rope entity. Add on the fact that dying doesn't have any downsides in Sven Co-op and you don't really have to manage ammo and you get a lackluster experience of everyone running through the levels without caring about anything even on the hardest difficulties. The maps MADE for the game might be good, but after trying out both Half-Life and Half-Life: Opposing Force with others, I don't feel like playing it.
  16. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I'm grateful for my friend family sharing with me on steam and then having me play various games that he has on steam. I don't really buy anything random on the store so being forced to play and beat games like Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight, Wings of Vi (haven't beaten yet and probably far from it), and Titan Souls is nice because they're good fun. There really are tons of games on steam I could buy and enjoy if I wasn't so worried that they aren't worth my money.
  17. why boot spufugees when we can boot kayohgees?
  18. If you post something, you will surely get replies. There's people, it's just that the small-time cannon fodder SPUF posters didn't move on so you've only got the people who actually cared about SPUF "community". It's obviously not going to be as active as the not-so-active SPUF, but at least there's some sort of place for people to still post.