Apparently I sent out a virus kind of link to all of my skype contacts. I got notified by someone I literally never talk to at 4am. I quickly downloaded MalwareBytes, being on a new computer with no windows updates or anti-virus. I ran it and nothing was found. I looked up the issue and there are skype forums with hundreds of pages of people with the same issue, even people who have not been online skype in quite some time. There are so many people with this with no response from Microsoft and nobody can find a virus on their machines. The messages are all seem to be sent at 4am for your computer time, so there has to be something on the computer?
Why is this kind of stuff not fixed. This has been happening for months apparently and there's no fix. Thankfully discord should be adding in a bunch of stuff to try and replace skype, but that doesn't mean I can just uninstall it. Sorry for this being completely rambly, it's 4am and I'm tired and upset.