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Everything posted by hugthebed2

  1. hugthebed2


    ​I remember Corv posting it on SPUF once and I tried finding it but it looks like that thread was deleted since it was one of the AMA threads. Sad.
  2. hugthebed2

    Post your favorite CSS

    ​with the recent change to the bomb she only has 40 seconds to survive now :(
  3. hugthebed2

    absolutely insane headset problem wow oh my goodness

  4. hugthebed2

    Smache Brothers

    ​It's okay 100% orange juice is getting Sora
  5. hugthebed2


    ​Wasn't Degroot fine? The last member that stayed before him was me and I hope I'm not doing bad. Anyways, hello there! I hope you enjoy your time here.
  6. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    ​The revolver in-game has 8 bullets.
  7. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    CS:Source was a mess at launch until Hammer Point Studios practically remade the game. Makes people get a bad impression and not want to switch over, you know?
  8. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    according to my csgo playing friends ​some new gun got released and apparently it is a shitshow of poor balancing decisions ​They added the best gun in the game for only $850 along with nerfing the most iconic weapons in the game (M4 and AK) along with every single pistol (when only a couple needed the nerf). They also changed some gameplay things like how long until the bomb explodes and Valve is going to enforce this change at competitions even though the pro scene has been used to the same exact bomb timers for 10 years. Basically they added in a lot of random-ness to all of the iconic weapons and added this devastating weapon (it's nerfed but still really really good). It's like they didn't even test anything, but a lot of people are pissed about all these gun and gameplay changes out of nowhere.
  9. My grandpa got dementia before going. Shit's scary.
  10. hugthebed2

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    Apparently this was in Pixels but I remember it only from a Namco Arcade game on the gamecube. Same context I guess.
  11. Am I the only one here who got their license right when they turned 16? Wouldn't call myself a proficient driver though.
  12. 2010 Macbook life is a good life.
  13. The only thing I think of when hearing Caravan Palace is of this song and that's only because Guy's signature once had a mix with a bunch of anime vocals which made me go and find the song in the first place. Doesn't sound right without them. It's always neat as time goes on that I recognize more and more of the vocals the parody uses. thx Guy ur a cool dude.
  14. hugthebed2


    I don't have any games I want that I can think of and also run. I also want to save for PC funds that's probably never going to happen ever.
  15. ​I don't tell you how to live your life I like my wine like i like my anime girls, 12 years old and locked up in the basement.
  16. Are we talking about ipv7 in here?
  17. ​dude I've never been one with much money so that sounds like a nightmare
  18. I wonder if one of these will ever happen in my area
  19. hugthebed2


    I don't know what games I would want gifted to me though. My wishlist is fairly empty and dated.
  20. ​I remember Corv assembling a bunch of pictures of rooms for one of his SPUF giveaways a couple years ago.