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Everything posted by hugthebed2

  1. ​Can people from the outside even find posts on this forum?
  2. hugthebed2

    How we hold our mice

    Huh, I don't remember voting for claw grip. I'm most assuredly a palm grip.
  3. hugthebed2

    How we hold our mice

    I know I'm bumping a three year old thread but can we get the results to be public so I can try and make a connection to something. Been debating with somebody about middle finger on right click or scrollwheel. Could also make a second poll, I guess, with the middle finger debate included.
  4. hugthebed2

    subSPUF 10v10

    Does 10v10 use all pick or what're we doing
  5. hugthebed2

    Now with 100% more Pony Stable history

    ​And that's only because this thread got so much traffic and the same image link was used and not rehosted a billion times.
  6. hugthebed2

    subSPUF 10v10

    9.3 hours accross two accounts, I could be a dota noob if you want me to.
  7. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    get ur 3ds hax
  8. hugthebed2

    Anime General Discussion

    Does that mean I can pull this out
  9. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    ​It was a test to see if you could get eligibility for cards by buying a DLC. Those cards were worth a shit-ton man.
  10. ohayou

    1. hugthebed2


      You can either look it up on youtube or play it yourself (even without a VR helmet)

    2. Arm the Homeless
    3. Jaydor


      Eh, it depends.

      2.5D rendering techniques have gotten better in recent times.

    4. Show next comments  123 more
  11. "Alright let me just climb into bed while in this skype call, I'll surely fall asleep soon, we can't talk about life and stuff for this long." time passes "Huh, it's 6 am and the sun is shining through my windows, neat." good life choices by wicket
  12. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    ​And technically the AWP is in tf2 as well. good ol' tf2
  13. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    When you first hear this, you may think of Sniper's Ult, but it originated from the counter strike franchise so dota is basically CS:GO
  14. hugthebed2

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    found on a valve employee's profile
  15. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    ​The knife also gives you a kill reward of 1200. ​I thought I trained you better. Zeus has its uses if you have the AWP and CZ and oh fuck someone is right next to me but I can't waste 1.5 seconds to pull out the CZ. Basically a one-bullet shotgun should you need it.
  16. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    sex the nekos
  17. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    ​Wait what? I've never seen this happen. In fact, I'm certain it's not true, because you get three hints for each emerald shard that cycle in the pause menu and go away once you've found it. That said, I'm calling it now: You're gonna ragequit at Mad Space. ​Alright, I admit I was wrong about that, but it doesn't matter because I just discovered that this game has a Kart-racing minigame. It's pretty bad because it just consists of a bunch of Sonic characters in the same kart with different colors driving down a generic looking road that was recycled from one of Tails' levels, your worst obstacle being the game's turning controls. What was this game trying to be? ​Developers can't have fun and add a side-gamemode? The map isn't recycled from the Tails Level. All 3 kart-racing maps are originals (albeit can be bad unless you know how to drift). You've still got the Rouge driving level as well.
  18. hey guys i had my mom take a picture of me here it is!!!

  19. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    ​also coming in to say this is bullshit. It says where the current emerald you are looking for is. The major flaw with the hint system is that it requires map knowledge, which you most likely won't have if you're new to the game.
  20. hugthebed2

    Dota General

    ​wow conglaturations you got post 220000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (unless it counts it forum posts in like the two subforums I don't have access to) I guess when it comes to Dota talk, I was in a skype call with like 10 people who played Dota while they watched TI5. It was quite loud.