Obviously. Anywho, I have played the new pack enough to pass some full judgement on all the weapons. So let's go. Ratin em on a 10 point system, 10/10 being a car-4 or loco, 0/10 being an amcar/chimano
Clarion Assault Rifle (A deagle)
It's a mac-10 as a primary with some more ammo. That being said, it can actually manage 14 accuracy, 40 damage(with the enforcer 5%), and 25+ stability with just a short barrel and competitor's compensator Definitely gives the car-4 a run for its money once you pick up the retro grip. It's not extremely good as a pure stealth weapon, but it's good as a semi-loud/semi-stealth weapon, and fantastic as a loud weapon. 8.5/10 pretty good.
Edit: I did forget to mention, the thing eats bullets and has a hell of a kick to it because of its ridiculous RoF. Be sure to practice ammo conversation with it.
Gecko Assault Rifle (The Galil)
A very good all-rounder. It can be customized to fit most roles, a long range sniper, a concealable plan B, a spray and pray room clearer, if you want it, this gun's got it. It's only major downside is it has a pretty long reload time for both the tactical & the long reload, somewhere around 4 secs for a full reload, 3 & a half for a tactical. It's a good all-rounder, but that long reload hurts a LOT. 7/10 would bang.
GEWEHR 3 Assault Rifle (The G3)
Meh. It's the new Eagle Heavy. It's got a better accuracy but has very, very poor stability. It's still alright, I just think the Falcon, Eagle, and AMR cover all the bases for hard-hitting ARs. 5/10 I'll take it I guess
GL-40 (da blooper)
It's nowhere near as good as the first game, due to its inability to one shot Cloakers & Tasers*. Think of it as a saw or HE m1014. It's there for utility, not as an actual primary, so your secondary will have to do most of the work. Compared to an assault rifle or a sniper, It's okay. I think as it stands it definitely needs a buff, needs a larger AoE, or larger damage. Right now it's sort of an extra 6 replenishable grenades as a primary. 6/10 in usefulness, 8/10 in fun.
And that's all I got. I would call the pack a solid 8/10, would recommend.