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Everything posted by Guy923

  1. Guy923

    Payday General

    You came in the era of 5 billion exp for everything, back in my day you had to play a firestarter proverkill if you wanted just a half a level. Damn kids. Ya did a damn good job to be fair. Guy: Alright guys, lemee stealth this Skye: What do I do? Batty: Wait until Guy fucks up
  2. Guy923

    Payday General

    http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/23964095356657767/CFD3621C7CB598BECB55F159DAD80736DEA4E630/ now we're gettin places
  3. Guy923

    Zoe Quinn

    https://github.com/GamerGateOP/GamerGateOP/tree/master/Current%20Happenings Here's some of the current happenings if you guys haven't been keeping up with Gamergate boogie2988's been posting on /v/, guardian fires someone who posted a super biased anti-gamergate article, people gettin banned & threads bein deleted on /v/ & reddit, lotsa stuff
  4. Guy923

    Payday General

    http://pastebin.com/HBBuEZzu So how about that oldhox
  5. Guy923

    Payday General

    What do you mean? The Clarion is a deagle. This is the FAMAS
  6. Guy923

    Payday General

    Obviously. Anywho, I have played the new pack enough to pass some full judgement on all the weapons. So let's go. Ratin em on a 10 point system, 10/10 being a car-4 or loco, 0/10 being an amcar/chimano Clarion Assault Rifle (A deagle) It's a mac-10 as a primary with some more ammo. That being said, it can actually manage 14 accuracy, 40 damage(with the enforcer 5%), and 25+ stability with just a short barrel and competitor's compensator Definitely gives the car-4 a run for its money once you pick up the retro grip. It's not extremely good as a pure stealth weapon, but it's good as a semi-loud/semi-stealth weapon, and fantastic as a loud weapon. 8.5/10 pretty good. Edit: I did forget to mention, the thing eats bullets and has a hell of a kick to it because of its ridiculous RoF. Be sure to practice ammo conversation with it. Gecko Assault Rifle (The Galil) A very good all-rounder. It can be customized to fit most roles, a long range sniper, a concealable plan B, a spray and pray room clearer, if you want it, this gun's got it. It's only major downside is it has a pretty long reload time for both the tactical & the long reload, somewhere around 4 secs for a full reload, 3 & a half for a tactical. It's a good all-rounder, but that long reload hurts a LOT. 7/10 would bang. GEWEHR 3 Assault Rifle (The G3) Meh. It's the new Eagle Heavy. It's got a better accuracy but has very, very poor stability. It's still alright, I just think the Falcon, Eagle, and AMR cover all the bases for hard-hitting ARs. 5/10 I'll take it I guess GL-40 (da blooper) It's nowhere near as good as the first game, due to its inability to one shot Cloakers & Tasers*. Think of it as a saw or HE m1014. It's there for utility, not as an actual primary, so your secondary will have to do most of the work. Compared to an assault rifle or a sniper, It's okay. I think as it stands it definitely needs a buff, needs a larger AoE, or larger damage. Right now it's sort of an extra 6 replenishable grenades as a primary. 6/10 in usefulness, 8/10 in fun. And that's all I got. I would call the pack a solid 8/10, would recommend.
  7. Guy923

    Payday General

  8. Guy923

    Payday General

    I find the first part of the stealth to be the hardest part, getting into with the ecms and nabbing all the cams. There's always that one cam someone forgets, and it blows the full heist. It's actually not that RNG-based, even if you get hilary or the cops to show up, you'll still have enough time to clean the vault out with a saw. If you're picking the locks you're up shit creek without a paddle.
  9. Guy923

    Payday General

    Has anyone noticed slight differences in cloakers? I know for a fact they've changed the sound to something quieter, and I think i've noticed them missing kicks a lot more frequently They also seem to be slightly more aggressive, but I'm not sure.
  10. Guy923

    Payday General

    Thanatos will always be #1 in dozer killing, but HE rounds are a close second. GL-40 does stun dozers, but with its long reload by the time you're done reloading you gotta pop another nade in his face. Unless you like dying.
  11. Guy923

    Payday General

    Everything seems great. Meeles seem just okay. GL-40 seems alright, can't say much on anything else since I dont have the mods for anything yet. Famas seems good, primary Mac-10, galil seems like a great all-rounder, GEWEHR is just Eagle Rifle 3.0.
  12. I got a new phone 10 minutes ago and I already forgot the password. God fuckin' damn it.

  13. Guy923

    Payday General

    The melee change is pretty interesting, but I like it. It makes no sense that carrying a bat on you doesn't make you a bit less stealthy. No custom ammo though, which I thought they'd add. Also the GL40 seems pretty balanced to be honest, I like it. Time to bust open my wallet and throw money at the Swedes.
  14. Guy923

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Is Plague Inc just a slightly better Pandemic? It seems that way from what I've heard of it.
  15. Paging Dr. Acula. Dr. Acula please come to reception.

    1. FreshHalibut


      Calling Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine, Dr. Howard

  16. Guy923

    Payday General

    Payday general (on /vg/) is a nice place.
  17. Guy923

    Facade has a crack at streaming

    The only thing I could recommend is getting one of those facecams like 90% of streamers have. It just feels better being able to see someone, and not just hear them. Good luck buddy, hope you make it big! I'll be sure to tune in even if I don't like league.
  18. Guy923

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Anything is better than Dead Money, but Old World Blues is up there with Point Lookout. I disagree, after playing the game a few more times I found Dead Money to be one of the more fun DLCs for the atmosphere and the challenge. I really like the characters from it as well. My personal preference for expansions is OWB>Dead Money>Lonesome Road>Honest Hearts As for fallout 3 I'd say Point Lookout>Anchorage>Broken Steel>Pitt>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Mothership zeta
  19. Guy923

    Payday General

    I still giggle at how Guy reacted to my first Payday paying out with Chains' mask. Screw you man, it took me 120 hours to find my first infamous and it took you one heist. Also batty, glad to see you got best heister mask. I think they'll do what they always do, and have the mods be exclusive to just the weapons they add. Like how the shotgun pack only added mods for the shotguns added in that pack, and so on
  20. Guy923

    Payday General

    Woah, is that a Famas? Anywho, I originally didn't want to shill out money for an assault pack, but seeing as it has the glorious GL40 I might actually have to reconsider. Kike on wheels strikes again.
  21. http://puu.sh/bh8jw.png check my trips
    1. tsc


      I couldn't find the GIF, so have the full video:

    2. Idiot Cube
    3. Guy923


      What trips? http://puu.sh/bhkyT.png

    4. Show next comments  135 more
  22. Guy923

    Payday General

    http://puu.sh/bgV5N.webm Payday is a perfectly functional not at all buggy game.
  23. Guy923

    Payday General

    Gotta get to infamy V with that normal mallcrasher, yo.