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Everything posted by alexgndl

  1. Ewoks, AKA coked-out guerrilla drop bears.

    1. hugthebed2


      Wicket best Ewok all day every day


  2. alexgndl

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    Also-Darksteel Citadel AND Evolving Wilds? Those're both in Standard right now! At least give us Terramorphic Expanse, Wizards. Yeah, I really don't see myself buying any packs. Might grab a few singles for my EDH decks but besides that...I'm kinda sad about this set. It could've been so much better than the first MMA but it really just failed.
  3. alexgndl

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    Not gonna lie-I'm slightly disappointed. Sure, there's some great INDIVIDUAL cards, but there's a lot that're just...eh. Especially when the MSRP is $10, I don't want to pay that much and then pull a Niv-Mizzet as rare. Also, not reprinting Goblin Guide, Damnation or Obliterator is all kinds of bullshit.
  4. alexgndl

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    So basically it's an imperfect system, but it's the best we've got and is likely to be the best we can ever really get?
  5. alexgndl

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    Interesting. One question-about the land system, why do you think it's so bad? Is it because of the constant threat of mana screwing/flooding? How would you then build a resource-based game like this to alleviate it? Is Hearthstone's mana system a good one? Ok I guess that's more than one question but you get my point.
  6. alexgndl

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    ​Do it, I'd love to hear someone actually making solid arguments about it. I just kinda thought it was interesting that this card that used to be a rare (and a fairly good one at that, in my opinion) is now common.
  7. alexgndl

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    Oops, sorry-thought that was one of your favorite cards, for some reason. And yeah, kiki twin is going to be fucking insane. Can't believe they actually went for both of them. EDIT: Also, this guy http://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=130504&type=card got downgraded from a rare to a common. Which says a lot about power creep from 10th edition to now, I'd say.
  8. alexgndl

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    Hey Raaaaaaz...
  9. alexgndl

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    Bitterblossom at mythic. It's not Damnation, but whatever-i'll take it.
  10. alexgndl

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

  11. Last day of college classes, possibly forever.  Holy shit, where's the time gone?

    1. <Witty Name>

      <Witty Name>

      oh god it's seventh week send help

    2. alexgndl


      Done.  Fuck.

  12. alexgndl

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    Like I told Raz earlier, literally the only thing that would make this any better is Damnation reprint. Otherwise, this is going to be fucking amazing.
  13. alexgndl

    Star Wars Thread

    Wow, Star Wars Celebration just keeps giving: Looks like it's going to be about
  14. alexgndl

    Star Wars Thread

    I just realized something-so in the trailer, the Sullustan uses a jetpack and flies around blowing shit up. And I was thinking to myself "Cool, now the Rebels will have a mobility class on par with Dark Troopers." Then I realized-Dark Troopers aren't canon anymore. Maybe in this game the REBELS are the ones with the jetpacks. This whole thing with Lucasarts getting rid of the EU still really throws me off sometimes.
  15. alexgndl

    Star Wars Thread

    Battlefront, yo. EDIT: In an article, they confirmed that you can switch between first and third person. HYPE.
  16. Chewie...we're home.

    1. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      [Chewbacca noises]

    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube


  17. alexgndl

    Star Wars Thread

    I was watching the stream in class. Very big mistake, my friend had to smack me because I was making really excited happy noises and everyone was looking.
  18. Holy fuck, the new Daredevil show is absolutely brutal. I'm two episodes in and this is amazing.

  19. alexgndl

    Anyone want a Tekkit server?

    Ooh, def look into it then-the armor imbuement system is super fun. Basically you can use XP levels to give armor more stats, it's like a secondary enchantment system. Except it's tiered, and the final tier gives you crazy shit like a 20 block jump height or foodless health regeneration.
  20. alexgndl

    Anyone want a Tekkit server?

    Imma write these down and research them- I think it could be really interesting to have a magic-based server! Thaumcraft, Blood Magic, and Witchery are really good ones. I'm not sure if they've fixed it or what, but as of last October, Ars Magica 2 would just break your server after a while. Very fun mod, but you just couldn't run it because there were certain things (new dimension, other stuff) that'd just kill the server. EDIT: I've also heard fantastic things about the Direwolf20 1.7 pack. It's one of those mega-packs that just has everything-tech stuff, tons of magic, a few other dimensions (twilight forest, etc), pretty much everything. Seems like that and Resonant Rise 3 are the two big ones currently.
  21. alexgndl

    Anyone want a Tekkit server?

    Resonant Rise 3 is a pretty decent modpack, from what I've heard. I played a LOT of Yogscast Complete Pack over the summer, but I feel like it's probably not that great anymore-unless they've taken out Ars Magica by now, since that mod was just broken, and not in a fun way. I'd be up for playing something though. Does tekkit have any magic stuff? I did a lot of Thaumcraft on the YCP server that I played on, it's a seriously fun mod. Some of the endgame stuff is absolutely hysterical...there's a pair of boots that makes grass grow wherever you walk. It's awesome.
  22. alexgndl

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    See, I've heard that, but I've also heard MaRo say basically the opposite, that it's WOTC's decision. So idk.
  23. alexgndl

    April Fools 2015

    Guild Wars 2 made all the player models stick out their arms and make airplane noises while running. It's actually kinda funny. They also made the world sepia colored, but that can be turned off, thankfully.
  24. alexgndl

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    There was a small gaming con at my school today, so I decided to buy one last pack of Dragons because I'm basically broke and won't be buying magic stuff for a really long time, probably. Pulled Dragonlord Atarka, the one that I wanted most out of all the dragonlords. I'm quite happy.
  25. I've been playing Guild Wars for about 7 hours now. Send help, I'm trapped in the Silverwastes.
