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Status Replies posted by Doopliss2008

  1. I wish when my parents were rolling for my stats they rolled high for con, it would make all sorts of things easier in life

  2. Half-frozen ham and cheese sandwich... Delicious.

  3. Apparently there's a Breaking bad version of cookie clicker???

  4. so am I the only one who finds vampires to be the least spooky thing possible

  5. The surgery was a success, but the treatment has only just begun!

  6. I'm bored. There has to be something for me to do.

  7. I'm BAA-aack! (inb4whoareyou?/youweregone?)

  8. Tomorrow, I leave to perform Shakespeare.

  9. Eating pizza and watching anime. This is the life.

  10. Why are people so fucking stupid?

  11. Why are people so fucking stupid?

  12. vague edgy passive-aggression

  13. New Team Service Announcement made me laugh pretty hard

  14. no classes Fridays, suck it!

  15. Getting ready to move back to college. Probably won't be online until tomorrow afternoon.

  16. Why the hell am I watching this?

  17. Eating ramen for breakfast #collegeprep
