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Everything posted by FreshHalibut

  1. Highlighter yellow, Cosmic Sans, and Scrabbly Avatars
  2. tiday i take off teh chrimbus hat.
  3. FreshHalibut

    Payday General

    Yeah, I use pocohud these days. Linky
  4. FreshHalibut

    Payday General

    I made a m​​o​​d, Fredozers a​​r​​e now a thing.
  5. Subversion a​n​d espionage.
  6. I'm not sure w​h​a​t filter yo​u'​re talking about.
  7. But I use C​o​mi​c Sans all t​h​e time.
  8. FreshHalibut

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Adventures in Pillars of Eternity. -Created Dorf Fighter -Tutorial Dungeon, free stuff! -Hey I finally made to town! Ohhhh, nooooooo. -Convincing shitty peasants to be excellent to each other -Killed by a Bear -Ran away from Bear -Found Alistair, Recruited him. -Found a weird old man, Recruited him. -Robin hood told me to fight the bad guys, I said "Okay" -Found a weird Elf, Recruited him. And Now my Party of Dwarf, Alistair, Weird old man, and Weird Elf are Clearing a dungeon. Spiders are wrecking my shit.
  9. FreshHalibut

    Payday General

    (Also Pocorose is fun)
  10. I always thought the ratchet thing was making fun of people who pronounce "Wretched" like "Ratchet"
  11. FreshHalibut

    Payday General

    sallaD = Drogin > Everyone Else = Everyone Else There's nobody I really dislike, but I prefer playing as Dallas and Dragan.
  12. I thought I saw a burglar, but it was just a burger. The spelling confused me.

    1. The Irish Demopan

      The Irish Demopan

      Sorry control, my boner pressed the button

    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      But what if it was the Hamburglar?

  13. FreshHalibut

    Payday General

  14. FreshHalibut

    Payday General

  15. FreshHalibut

    Payday General

    Flamer is Fun AA20 is everything I ever wanted out of the IZHMA Piglet has Faster Fire Rate, but superduper slow reload speed. Molotovs create a DOT Fire Puddle but don't stun as much. Overall: Fun-as-hell / 10
  16. The Riddle where Four is the Magic number because Four has Four letters in its name? And every other number eventually reduces to Four. IE: Six is Three, Three is Five, Five is Four, and Four is the magic number.
  17. FreshHalibut

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    * Release Day Hype * CRPG Hype, Obsidian Hype, and Out-of-beta Hype.
  18. FreshHalibut

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

  19. FreshHalibut

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    * Pillars of Eternity Hype *
  20. What can go up a chimney down, but not down a chimney up?
  21. FreshHalibut

    Payday General

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9thu07lAPRk "Yes doctor, it will hit speeds of 88 miles per hour."
  22. FreshHalibut

    Payday General

    Haven't played much of the Spring break event yet, managed to get Gone in 240 seconds though. Car Shop is solid, driving was fun. Driving escapes are going to be rad.
  23. FreshHalibut

    Your most played games?

    Spoiler Most of my other games are somewhere between 30-60 hours. Because They're either Short games I beat twice, or long games I beat once.