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Everything posted by FreshHalibut

  1. FreshHalibut


    I played Warframe for the first time today. Zero to Zandatsu in five seconds. The game with the Flippy space Ninjas is fun even if I have no idea what I'm doing.
  2. Have a '99 Honda CRV that's been very reliable for me. Not much to say about it other than AWD being really nice in the winter.
  3. Glad to hear you're okay, car crashes are no joke!
  4. FreshHalibut

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I will become the Splat2 Egg King
  5. FreshHalibut

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Solaire is already sold out
  6. FreshHalibut

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    So I picked up Resident Evil 7 and I've come to the realization that I'm still a weak baby when it comes to horror games. Beat up giant fire manticores in Monster Hunter, run away from an old man with a rake in Resident Evil
  7. FreshHalibut

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Beat up the Final Elder Dragon of Monhun World. I think it's finally time to take a break.
  8. FreshHalibut

    Anime General Discussion

    Part 6 has some neat macguyver moments, but is probably the worst part plotwise. The villain's cool, but I don't think I'd read it again. Steel Ball Run (Part Seven) is great though. It's a separate story/universe from 1-6 so it gets to mess with the formula a bunch.
  9. FreshHalibut

    Anime General Discussion

    Finished Watching The Big O the other day. Batman:TAS with mecha is fun, but the ending leaves me with more questions than answers. Still good though, would watch again. Norman is the Alfred we always needed.
  10. FreshHalibut

    Star Wars Thread

    Lando movie when?
  11. FreshHalibut

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I like the souls games, but man fuck invasions. It's always me a couple years late to the party on my first go of an area, versus some million hour veteran using what I assume is the most busted build at the time.
  12. FreshHalibut

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Monster Hunter World in two days! The anticipation is killing me. I already played the open betas and whomped Nerd Gigante, but I need more.
  13. It's so incredibly foggy outside that I feel like I stepped into PS2 Silent Hill. Driving on the highway and you can't see the traffic lights until you're right up on them.
  14. Braving the depths of Chinese internet and shady download sites to avoid paying for textbooks

    1. TheOnlyGuyEver


      Major in English, make your own textbook, become what you once despised.

    2. Rynjin


      Safe gamble, IMO. Buying all those textbooks is more expensive than buying a new computer if you get horrible viruses. Worst case scenario you break even on funds.

    3. Gyokuyoutama


      The textbook industry is really weird at the moment, in that a growing number of people are writing open source books and distributing them for free online (or using print on demand services and selling them at slightly more than the cost of printing), while the larger textbook companies are gouging prices at an extreme level even for them.  Thus it's not uncommon to see two equally good books for the same course with one available for free, or costing at most $20 or so, while the other is $300.  The price range of $40-$180 is very sparse, with everything above or below that.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  15. FreshHalibut

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Specifically the "Spending 80 dollars on cardboard and rubberbands" part. The engineering behind it is super neat. But yeah, the two kits are the Variety Pack which is 70 dollars and the Robo Pack which is 80 dollars. Unless the papercraft is made from nintendium or something, I can't see it being durable enough to that you wouldn't have to replace it eventually.
  16. FreshHalibut

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Nintendo Uses joycons and cardboard in novel and confusing ways. Prepare to spend 80 bucks on a papercraft gundam suit on 4/20 this year, because you'd have to be high to think that's a good idea.
  17. That was a regular part of Mötley Crüe's stage show. Got the drummer and his kit hooked into a rollercoaster thing to flip him around.
  18.  Jailbreaking my WiiU because what else can I use it for now.

    1. Expresate


      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  19. FreshHalibut

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I can't Believe TWEWY isn't dead and it's getting a Switch Release with NEW CONTENT
  20. FreshHalibut

    Star Wars Thread

    Finally saw the Star Wars It was a good, I really liked it.
  21. FreshHalibut

    Official happy new year 2018 thread

    Happy new year everyone! All the fireworks caused my dog to try and hide inside our dryer
  22. Belated Merry Christmas everyone I got an electric blanket and it's so comfy.