*parachutes in, throws a necro-grenade, grapples out* I'm really enjoying Just Cause 2. The story is nothing more than various shady characters telling Rico to blow stuff up, and Rico being happy to do so. But that's hardly a problem since blowing stuff up is so much fun. I also like getting around by grapple-parachute. Somehow the act of reeling yourself forward feels so satisfying with that "pew-clikclikclikclik" of the grappling hook. Of course, that's not to say that stealing a plane and jumping out at the last second while it explodes against a tree isn't fun as well. I appreciate an open-world game that makes getting from place to place fun in itself, instead of just letting you either hoof it or fast-travel (cough Skyrim). I could do with a little more mission variety, though. Most of the missions are either "blow up a thing" or "hack a thing with a ridiculously stupid button-pressing minigame", sometimes a combination of the two. But again, blowing stuff up is pretty fun so I won't complain.