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Idiot Cube

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Everything posted by Idiot Cube

  1. Idiot Cube

    Fixing the Word Filter

    comrade comrade dictator dictator "Exact" is case-sensitive except for the first letter, "Loose" is not case-sensitive for any letter. It changed after I edited, what the fuck. I guess nothing is case sensitive now?
  2. Idiot Cube

    Fixing the Word Filter

    The Rammite one is perfect. No need to remove that one.
  3. Idiot Cube

    So We All Chipped in And Bought This Stupid Mansion

    Rynjin, eh? I could do a lot worse.
  4. Idiot Cube

    Binary Models

    TR now has the best headwear in the game. It was only a matter of time, of course.
  5. Someone at Valve has too many cats and is trying to get rid of 'em.
  6. I'm looking for a new headset. Any suggestions?

    1. Mersopolis


      Look in the electronics section.

    2. Buddhazilla



    3. Wulff


      Logitech G35

    4. Show next comments  219 more
  7. SteamOS will come with a free cat. Calling it now.
  8. Idiot Cube

    share your worst jokes

    Poor Ana.
  9. Idiot Cube

    So We All Chipped in And Bought This Stupid Mansion

    I actually think this is a neat story idea...though it may tell us more about what Bernk thinks of each of us than we want to know. Can I be Buddha's sous-chef?
  10. Idiot Cube

    What'cha been playing?

    *parachutes in, throws a necro-grenade, grapples out* I'm really enjoying Just Cause 2. The story is nothing more than various shady characters telling Rico to blow stuff up, and Rico being happy to do so. But that's hardly a problem since blowing stuff up is so much fun. I also like getting around by grapple-parachute. Somehow the act of reeling yourself forward feels so satisfying with that "pew-clikclikclikclik" of the grappling hook. Of course, that's not to say that stealing a plane and jumping out at the last second while it explodes against a tree isn't fun as well. I appreciate an open-world game that makes getting from place to place fun in itself, instead of just letting you either hoof it or fast-travel (cough Skyrim). I could do with a little more mission variety, though. Most of the missions are either "blow up a thing" or "hack a thing with a ridiculously stupid button-pressing minigame", sometimes a combination of the two. But again, blowing stuff up is pretty fun so I won't complain.
  11. Idiot Cube

    share your worst jokes

    What's a pirate's favorite letter?
  12. Idiot Cube

    So We All Chipped in And Bought This Stupid Mansion

    I am the most culturally refined prankster. and yes Huff I would hit it as well
  13. Idiot Cube

    Posts Per Page Vote

    15 or 20 works.
  14. Idiot Cube


  15. Idiot Cube

    SPUF City

  16. Idiot Cube

    New Forum Suggestions

    Commander why Following up on birthday bot posts was my only job!
  17. Idiot Cube

    SPUF City

    Well, your imagination didn't think up a dapper young lad who conjures exploding cubes with his mind. Maybe you should get it replaced.
  18. Idiot Cube

    SPUF City

    Time paradoxes don't work like that. Now, if they start making out, THEN we'll have a problem.
  19. Idiot Cube


    Wowee. How could I not throw money at this game for that kind of variety? This kind of creativity is what I love about the free-to-play market. *motorboats away on a wave of bitter sarcasm*
  20. Idiot Cube

    SPUF City

    A story where everyone dies in the worst way possible: fourth-wall antics.
  21. Idiot Cube

    SPUF City

    did·dleˈdidl/verbinformal [*] 1. cheat or swindle (someone) so as to deprive them of something. I beg to differ.
  22. Idiot Cube

    SPUF City

    There has been so much diddling. The diddlemeter is off the goddamn chart.
  23. One of my new roommates was very grateful for the cookies I made. Glad I know SOMEONE who appreciates baked goods.

    1. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      and don't even get me started on cake

    2. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

      Stackbabbin' Bumscags

      I appreciate baked goods!

      I love cookies ;-;

    3. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      Scags, you're my new best internet friend. Congratulations.

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