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Everything posted by Binary

  1. It's ok guys, I totally didnt just remember to un-reverse the forums today.
  2. Binary

    Star Citizen

    So, I've been following this for quite a while, and you may remember me playing "Out of fuel Spaceship Simulator" after Movie Nights and such. Well, with the release of Arena Commander (the first actual "game" part), I feel confident about starting a thread about it. Basically, it's a PC Space Sim made by Chris Roberts (Wing Commander) and Cloud Imperium Games. Oh, and right now it's raised over 44 MILLION dollars in crowd funding. I'd be pretty inadequate in explaining it, so here's a video.   http://vimeo.com/73365240   I'ts built in a modified version of the Cryengine 3, and looks gorgeous. I've literally spent hours just walking around and looking at ships. And now, you can fly the ships in Arena Commander, aka the Dogfighting Module. The devs are very involved with the community as well.   As for me, well, I'm the proud owner of this beauty:   Built for exploration as well as battle, houses a secondary fighter as well as a crew of 3 ( ) She needs a name as well.   Oh, and we have a orginization: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/SPUF   So yeah, anyone heard of this/interested in it/ owns a ship?
  3. Binary

    New Forum Bug List

    Post any bugs you find here. Please include the theme you are using.   White quotes. (D)Black letters in editor (D) Needs custom header Can see mod CP? No rep shown on posts. Avatars are no longer animated. SPUFurb subforum is missing. Saloon OPt-in Name colors?
  4. Binary

    Planetside 2

    Is anyone else as amped for this as I am? I just got my beta access key, and read a lot of articles, and it just keeps sounding better and better. For some reason, though, I feel like i'm going to end up driving people around a lot.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
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    3. Doopliss2008


      Jokes on you I always run SPUForange

    4. John Caveson

      John Caveson

      Spookification complete.

  6. Binary

    New Forum Bug List

    It is very clearly written on the fridge...
  7. Binary

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Having never played a Neptunia game I can say with absolute certainty that it’s great
  8. Blender and repiteer works well for mine. PRINT TEST CUBES FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD. It's really exiting and tempting to go and start a 24 hour print as soon as you set it up, but do a few test prints to get the slicer and setting right.
  9. We've had an uptick in traffic on the site, and frankly our current moderation team has been overwhelmed by the effort required to maintain order. As such, we have unanimously voted to add some new administrative users to the site- April Fools!
  10. Binary

    Welcome to our new Administrators!

    yeah sure why not
  11. Binary

    Welcome to our new Administrators!

    Shhhhhhhh. Everything is EXACTLY as it was.
  12. Binary

    Welcome to our new Administrators!

    Sweeping through the debris of yesterday, we've decided that this was a horrible idea, and have reverted all the permissions. Happy April Fools all!
  13. Binary

    Welcome to our new Administrators!

    It's right there at the top. And -rep isn't actually a thing. It was just an empty threat all along.
  14. Binary


    I used to have oxium until I wanted a Scourge. Been slowly building back up.
  15. Binary


    WOAAAAAAAAAH WE'RE HALFWAY THERE WOAAAAAAAAAAH EXISTENCE IS PAIIIIN Side note, I am really enjoying gara. It's like frost but not.
  16. '02 CR-V still. Hoping to move up after I graduate, looking at leasing a Jeep Renegade or something.
  17. Hey all, it's time again for the totally not rushed or last minute SPUFpowered Secret Santa! Please use the form below to sign up! https://goo.gl/forms/GhCKLgTthzqDXG5n2 As per the usual, only sign up if you intend to participate, gifts to be distributed around Christmas Day/Eve, price limit will be given with giftee assignments. Deadline to sign up is arbitrarily the... 15th-ish?
  18. Binary

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I feel like it's going to lean a lot on more current stuff, and a lot of action, which is going to make it a good bit different than the book (they've already stated it's fairly different). What will be missing, and what I think made the book great, was the actual "hunt" for the egg, the mystery and problem solving, and the history behind all the games and movies. It ramped up as the book went on for sure, but it was actually fairly steady. I'm also curious how much time he'll spend outside the oasis. He doesn't really start leaving for extended periods of time until the last half (again). Trailers are only trailers, so I'm hoping they're just showing the "exciting" parts.
  19. Binary

    Star Wars Thread

    GAH ITS EITHER WAIT TILL AFTER FINALS TO SEE IT WITH FRIENDS OR WAIT EVEN LONGER TO SEE IT WITH MY DAD. Normally I don't care about spoilers, but I spoiled TFA, and really missed out I think on some stuff that I would have liked to go in blind on. As such you could post pretty much whatever you want, and label it "TLJ Spoilers"
  20. I'm actually pretty excited for it. Any more portal and puzzles is great. And it's mobile. (Of note it's not developed by Valve so its not like they've been working on this instead of other things like some people seem to think.)
  21. Binary

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Yeah, it really seems like that kind of era is on it's way out. I used to be a member of multiple boards, and they all had their own "ecosystem" of posters and threads. It's still there in things like reddit and discord, but they move quicker it seems. What's actually kinda interesting is that IRC-type communities seem to be on the rise again, with Discord.
  22. I'd really like to set up Secret Santa's, been thinking about it. I'll look into it.
  23. Binary

    Magic 2014

    Moved to games area.
  24. Binary

    Post ur Sunsets/Rises

    View from my backyard a bit ago: