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Everything posted by Buddhazilla

  1. Buddhazilla

    Dota General

    I got some spare immortals if anyone doesn't have 'em all already. Got the Storm, DP, and Axe ones.
  2. Buddhazilla

    Game Grumps

    Basically this. The real fun of grumps was all the arguing. Conflict is interesting by nature. The new Grumps isn't that good not because it's about the money now (though that is a small factor), it's because Arin and Dan are all hunky-dory-let's-be-friends-and-never-argue. ...Which is why I've been watching 2 Best Friends Play a lot more.
  3. Buddhazilla

    The International 4

    Well that's a rather pleasant surprise. I wonder how soon after TI4 is done they'll release Techies.
  4. Buddhazilla

    Smache Brothers

    I'd be even happier if Chrom got in as well. Still, good to see another heavy character coming back.
  5. Company of Heroes music is surprisingly good for last-day finals studying.

  6. Buddhazilla

    Web Browsers

    I used to be a Firefox (and Opera) nut but then I realized I didn't need all those bells and whistles (and themes) and switched to Chrome. It's considerably faster than Firefox or Opera and generally has fewer bugs.
  7. Guys, I just found Shaq soda.

    1. Mersopolis


      I have a friend with several different styled cans of it in his room stacked on top of his Xbox.

    2. Unromantic XYTWO

      Unromantic XYTWO

      Too watery by far. If you must have a drink that size and price, get a tea. If you're at a gas station, get a big soda.

    3. Sir Slick

      Sir Slick

      When XY speaks negative of Shaq you know something's up

    4. Show next comments  57 more
  8. Finished school project for 3 other people. Finally. I can rest now.

  9. Buddhazilla

    Anime General Discussion

    Friendly reminder that JoJo is still the best.
  10. Buddhazilla

    Cute stuff.

    I can't handle this album.
  11. Buddhazilla

    Dota General

    I have a new favorite support and his name is Shadow Demon.
  12. Buddhazilla

    Dota General

    I'm very glad that everyone is embracing the new era of DIGITAL SPORTS. Now if only Valve would put in the damn Immortals already.
  13. Buddhazilla


    Smeargle is pretty well-known in the lower tiers, since he can learn basically every move. The real hidden gem here is mega aerodactyl. 135 base attack and tough claws, with 150 base speed. 2fast4u.
  14. Buddhazilla

    we media now

    Dunno. Try the Chinese perfect world merch store perhaps?
  15. Buddhazilla

    we media now

    The moe... it's... it's too much.
  16. Buddhazilla


    Definitely Charizard. Blaziken too while I'm at it. Y'know what, fire types suck. Except for volcarona and chandelure.

    1. Unromantic XYTWO
    2. Davjo_


      Ten seconds to digital sports!

    3. <Witty Name>

      <Witty Name>


    4. Show next comments  57 more
  18. Buddhazilla

    subSPUF Fancy Pantsy League

    Yeah, sure.
  19. Buddhazilla

    Fistful of Frags

    The devs are working on balancing the carbine, as evidenced by their most recent post here. This game looks REALLY promising. I wouldn't mind paying 10 or 15 bucks for this game, it's just great. And oddly enough I've been having an okay time using the hatchet. No wonky melee detection if you know how to use it.
  20. Buddhazilla

    Fistful of Frags

    That's probably lag, then. I've never had any problems like that.
  21. Buddhazilla

    Dota General

    Stanley Parable announcer. Cyborgmatt's streaming it right now.
  22. Buddhazilla

    Dota General

    IT'S TIME.