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Status Replies posted by Buddhazilla

  1. Oh what a beautiful morning. Oh what a beautiful day.

  2. fuck fuck fuck homestar runner's website is down


  4. new jinjantintran

  5. I am going to say 3 words (that are true) that you should be very scared of: Disney. Bought. PewDiePie.

  6. I am going to say 3 words (that are true) that you should be very scared of: Disney. Bought. PewDiePie.

  7. i took the which mythical creature are you quiz and it says i'm a fairy

  8. Beat Mr. Sandman on Title Defense. That was like fucking Ornstein and Smough, but with more winking. jesusfuckingchrist

  9. I'm giving up caring for lent.

  10. I'm giving up caring for lent.

  11. Can we just do to the common cold what we did to smallpox? Because that would make the world five times better. Screw realistic expectations, the cold needs to go.

  12. I'm slightly (read: quite wholly) disgusted at how much the Vinesauce community hates Game Grumps. At least I know how to get their guff up now.

  13. Just found out I share the same hometown as Totalbiscuit. Aye, divn't ya knaw that's alreet, me pet.

  14. Monday is my subSPUFaversary. What should I do?

  15. pistachios are fucking incredible

  16. So I got an ESO key finally. Still dunno what class I should play.

  17. SeeS or SooS?

  18. Beck is love, Beck is life. No, seriously, Beck makes good music

  19. Error 404 rep count not found

  20. Error 404 rep count not found

  21. My new DeathAdder came in two days early! I'm happy as fuck to have a new mouse and this one feels really nice and solid.

  22. I need new metal music to listen to. Only having 3 or 4 artists isn't a lot of variety.
