Man I´m so excited for the future! I´m almost done with high school and then I´m off to university! I´m a bit sad I will be seeing my high school friends less but I´m sure we will all keep in contact. On top of that I will make plenty of just as awesome friends at uni! And of course I will always come back to my hometown since I want to see my awesome and sweet girlfriend as often as possible
The engineer update is near and I´m really excited, a sentry built around ninjaneering would be a really cool and skillful addition. I wonder what they will start doing after that, maybe a new cycle of class updates? I hope they will keep adding hats because the valve-designed cosmetics we got so far look really good. I just hope those fugly bunny ears were a one time mistake, glad I managed to trade that for a much nicer hat. I've only just started playing Tribes Ascend but it looks really promising, these devs know what they are doing
But maybe I won't even have time for video games, when I'm studying psychology I'm going to give it my all to find out about the mysteries of the human mind. There is still so much undiscovered about consciousness and the functioning of our brain, maybe there really is such a thing as a soul and this life isn´t as utterly pointless as it sometimes seems