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Everything posted by Wulff

  1. Wulff

    The Toy Thread

    I've been following the release of the "Love Live!" figmas (and by "following" I mean I've browsed the figma general on /toy/) and it seems to be all but confirmed that the figmas will release with some alternate faces that are much akin to the ones they have a tendency to pull in the actual anime. See: My avatar. If this turns out to be true for all of them and not just Honoka, I don't know if I'll be able to contain myself.
  2. Wulff

    World of Warcraft

    Fuck me Heirlooms are expensive. I just grabbed a full leather set Headpiece + 60 > 90 upgrade Necklace + 60 > 90 upgrade Shoulders + 60 > 90 upgrade Cloak + 60 > 90 upgrade Chestpiece + 60 > 90 upgrade Leggings + 60 > 90 upgrade 2x Weapons + 60 > 90 upgrade 2x Trinkets + 60 > 90 upgrade And I came out at just around 14.000g spent.
  3. Wulff

    Post your ringtone

  4. Wulff

    Dota General

    Next round enemies: Instapick Axe player Chinese Skywrath Mage zoning god support, playing EUW "for fun". Autistic Storm Spirit "mainer" Sniper player Literally !AttackerDota Kunkka Thanks late night matchmaking.
  5. Wulff

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    EDIT: I realize after a bit of retrospection that I may have gone a bit overboard in this response. I'm really not trying to flay you for your opinions, it's just that Blizzard is a sore spot for me Blizzard are notorious among even their fans for making the most questionable decisions with some of their balancing. See: Any game released by Blizzard past Diablo 2. In the past, Blizzard managed to hit near the perfect balance with Starcraft: Brood War and enjoyed a lot of goodwill following that. Since Warcraft III however, Blizzard have pretty much proven continously that their game development teams are a bit out of the loop when it comes to online play. I like Blizzard games (Heroes of the Storm being an exception, I've never played a more dull game in my life so I won't comment on the balance of that game) to the point where I in one point of my life pretty much identified myself as a "Blizzard fanboy" as homosexual as that sounds. I've become pretty disenchanted with the company though, mainly due to their decisions regarding Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3. I'm not going to compare Blizzard to other developers out there in terms of who is better or worse, because I honestly feel like you can't make an argument out of that. Other devs failing just as bad or worse than Blizzard at maintaining balance shouldn't excuse Blizzard for making several braindead balance changes in many of their games. Warcraft 3: Have you ever played Warcraft 3 on the old Battle.net? If you have I probably don't even need to tell you that a certain couple of factions are played a ton more than the others, mainly because they're imbalanced. The same goes for many heroes and even units. A good portion of them straight up lost you the game against an equal skilled opponent who was playing with an "optimized" strategy. Warcraft 3 got a lot better with the release of the Frozen Throne expansion and it settled into a good spot with Frozen Throne patch 1.10, but prior to that, the Warcraft community suffered years of horrible imbalances that enforced a select few strategies being used if you wanted any shot at climbing the higher parts of the ladder. I know the counter-argument here would be something like "All RTS end up having the cookie-cutter builds though". I know that very well, the point here is that WC3 had very few of those even, making most ladder games the same. There wasn't even any variety in the cookie-cutter stuff. Starcraft 2: This is probably among Blizzard's biggest mistakes in the history of the company. I'm not talking about the core game, I'm talking about the direction they went with their online community. Starcraft 2 released in the middle of my summer break in the year 2010 and I was HYPE AS FUCK at the lack of better words. I no-lifed that game to the extreme in Season 1 Ladder. I have 1274 1v1 games played in Season 1 alone and 282 2v2 matches ontop of that. That's not counting the myriad of practice lobbies I did with other people. I was a Platinum player back when Diamond was the highest league (Bronze > Silver > Gold > Platinum > Diamond) and I considered myself a fairly decent player with a 59% winrate over the course of all my games. There has literally never been a moment in Starcraft 2's history where the game was balanced. I'd rather not go into detail about the several patches which Blizzard applied that changed almost nothing (We can do though, if someone feels like discussing it), not to mention their inability to listen to the community, who by the end of Season 1 had proven themselves to be much more understanding of the changes that needed to be made than the Blizzard dev team. Starcraft 2 was the game which truly disillusioned me in regards to Blizzard, because they made poor decision upon poor decision upon poor decision. It just never ended. They very literally ran their own game into the ground. You can see the effects of it now. Starcraft 2 pros are defecting to other popular esports en masse (and have been since early 2014), Brood War sees more play in Korea than Starcraft 2 does and Starcraft tournaments are far and few between, outside of the ones Blizzard hosts themselves. Diablo 3: This is probably that is the most blatantly obvious even to ousiders who haven't played the game, but Blizzard dropped the ball HARD with Diablo 3. It's basically a reverse situation of Starcraft 2. The Starcraft 2 core game (Campaign) was amazing and the online was definitely passable, but the online part of it was slowly killed off by moronic balance changes from the SC2 dev team. Diablo 3's core game started off being the most atrocious pile of shit I've ever seen Blizzard release as an AAA title and then got better over time with the release of Reaper of Souls. This is another one where I feel like going into too much detail probably won't serve my argument, because I'm not really sure how many people here have played D3 enough to comment on it. But it's definitely also a game I am willing to discuss in regards to Blizzard balancing discussion. Long story short would be: Class viability in endgame. World of Warcraft. World of Warcraft never has and never will be balanced. I don't really blame Blizzard too much for this one, because there are so many variables to that game, on-top of having to balance both PvE and PvP. I'd just like to say that WoW has been an endless circle of "Flavour of the month" classes being imbalanced in one patch, only for the next patch to raise another class to that level. They definitely can't pull any points home in the balance department with this game. --- I'm gonna end this blog by saying that I DO like Blizzard and their games. All the games I've mentioned here have never been so unbalanced that they were UNPLAYABLE (Except for maybe patch 1.0 D3), but they've definitely all had issues. I'm not saying that Blizzard are going fuck up Heroes of the Storm, but you should stay skeptic, their track record ain't too pretty.
  6. Wulff

    Dota General

    D O T A B O Y S http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/1258385862
  7. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    ive started watching im@s edit: and love live
  8. Wulff

    Slick Reviews

    You asked for it boy.
  9. Thought of the day: Just go with it. Let it happen. You know? See if you like it.

    1. Huff


      girls can't do shit other than suck dick

    2. Paero


      how can mirrors be real if Waka Flocka Flame one hood ass nigga?

    3. Guy923


      What a nice way to spend valentines, groping people

      I shoulda done that

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  10. Wulff

    Dota General

    A Dota 2 Special Event being an unstable joke? What a surprise.
  11. Wulff

    World of Warcraft

    Apparently taking 10 seconds to type a couple of lines on how to kill a Heroic Boss with a group of DPS who've never done it before makes me a "saint" in the eyes of my healer.
  12. Wulff

    Dota General

    Winter Wyvern is a hero that I will never play, but I welcome any additions to the hero roster. The CM Arcana looks great but I am really not pleased with the fact that it adds a non-combat pet. Valve added strings for non-combat pets all the way back in early 2013 and I remember worrying about it even then. I know I am most likely going to be condemned for being a jaded and anti-fun fuckwad for saying this, but if there was a petition out right now to vote on whether or not to keep the non-combat pet for the CM Arcana, I would vote to remove it. The model is quality and it is very cute, but it's just fucking clutter on the screen. In the heat of the moment it could easily be mistaken for a courier. If the option to turn the pet off was there for me and not just the person using the Arcana, I would be fine, but I really dislike cosmetics of this variant. It's essentially the Techies sign issue all over again, except the dog seems so deeply integrated into the Arcana (It's in the portrait and in the loadout pose) that I seriously doubt Valve will remove it, even if there is some sort of outcry from the community. I'm also aware that the dog has some set behaviours and attempts to move away from enemy heroes and such, but I still think it's too much. It just feels like a precursor to something much worse. I was very happy when the community cried out over the Techies sign. To some, it might seem as such a minor detail, but I think it's important to take a stance against stuff like this. I wish I could say I trusted Valve to not fuck up their game, but I've seen what happened with Team Fortress 2 and I am seeing what is slowly happening to Dota 2 in regards to cosmetics. From a first listen the Specter voice-pack sounds like something I will also never use, but to each their own. Balance changes seem fine and I am interested to see PL in Captain's Mode. I personally hate playing the hero with a passion, but maybe someone smarter than me will think of some cool way to run the hero. These are my favourite changes. Can't really say I give a shit about any of the other stuff.
  13. Wulff

    ITT the year is 2010

    Freshman in High School, life is pretty great overall. All I do is go to class and raid with my World of Warcraft guild and play Team Fortress 2.
  14. Wulff

    League of Legends

    cool i like this
  15. Wulff

    League of Legends

    how do i play mid in this game?
  16. Wulff

    Dota General

    literally cannot stop crying
  17. Wulff

    Dota General

    Broke my heart VG.
  18. Wulff

    Dota General

    what the fuck is this EDIT: I mean, I know what New Bloom is, but where did this trailer come from? EDIT 2: Is that fucking Winter Wyvern @ 0:48? EDIT 3: This screen is really cool
  19. Wulff

    Dota General

    I'll just quickly outline the lanes in case you might be unfamiliar with the common Dota terms There are a lot of alternative names for the Dota 2 lanes, so I'll list them here too. "Easy lane" can also be reffered to as "Short lane" or "Safe lane" "Hard lane" can also be reffered to as "Long lane" or "Suicide lane". Mid is always mid Jungle is always jungle Now here's the beauty of Dota 2, nothing is set in stone. Lanes in this game are extremely flexible compared to League of Legends as an example. That being said, there are a few "general rules" for laning. Please note that these don't apply 100% of the time, they're just the "common setups" 2-1-2 (Two hard lane, one mid, two easy lane). This is the cookie-cutter laning setup. This usually involves one support top and one support bottom, helping out another hero who has farm priority. Mid lane is a solo hero. 1-1-1-2 (one hard lane, one mid, one jungler, two easy lane) This is the more greedy setup. You run a solo lane hero top that can survive on its own (See: Offlane heroes) while running a solo mid, a hero in the Jungle and a support + carry duo bottom. The idea behind this setup is that you get more out of the map by also utilizing the otherwise untapped experience and farm you can find in the jungle. However, the issue here is that it leaves your solo lane top weakened. Other times it is run because you have an offlane hero who really needs solo experience (Read: A lot of them) and so you pick a jungler so that your offlaner can be solo. 1-1-3 (one hard lane, one mid, three easy lane) This setup is a lot more rare in lower tier games. It's also known as "the trilane" setup. A trilane is basically when you throw three heroes together in a lane for a very specific purpose. Please mind that this doesn't HAVE to be the safelane, you can do it in the offlane too (usually not mid though), it is just most commonly seen in the safelane. You can have two kinds of trilanes. Aggressive trilane: You have heroes with good early offensive abilities, usually supports with good level 1 lockdown abilities such as stuns and snares, combined with a farming hero who can help dish out some damage. Main purpose of the aggressive trilane is to murder the opposing laners over and over. Defensive trilane: You have heroes with good early defensive (sometimes offense is also the best defense) abilities, usually supports who can peel enemy heroes off the carry and zone them completely out of farm and experience range. Main purpose of the defensive trilane is to secure your carry farm, which is why you will most often see the extremely vulnerable hyper carries in defensive trilanes. --------------------- Other laning setups exist, but you don't have to worry about them for now. Chances are you won't see much else other than the first two I listed (2-1-2 and 1-1-1-2) when you start playing. The trilane setup is more of an advanced thing and anything beyond that is even more advanced. Please let me know if you want anything more in-depth or if you have questions. I will be happy to give an answer.
  20. Contemplating streaming the "John Wick" film with Keanu Reeves today, provided I can get it working via Steam Broadcasting.

    1. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      Nobody move, NOBODY TALK, and everybody lives.

    2. FreshHalibut


      Listen to the guy with the gun

    3. Huff


      But really, I'd be down. It was a fun film and I'd like to see it again.

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  21. Wulff

    Dota General

    Go Vici!
  22. Wulff

    Dota General

    Big God vs C9 Game 1 in the DAC summed up in one picture:
  23. Wulff

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    Naw, us former MLM boys have a Mumble that we hang out on. Though you are most welcome.