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Everything posted by Kraszu

  1. Kraszu

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    proper webm implementation when
  2. what is this eyesore of color theme you are talking about blue theme best theme
  3. About 100$ worth of ammo plus roughly 120$ for the classes. Your costs may vary since you are on the other side of the globe.
  4. So I burned trough 10 boxes of 9mm ammo in 2 days of defensive handgun class, which, even though I got a lot of practice and learned a few things, I know I just scratched a tip of the iceberg. SF guys who ran the classes said that you start to get good after 10k rounds of systematic training. My wallet already hurts... You know what also hurts? My hands. Grip texture and serrations are very agressive, which is great when you have sweaty or wet hands. It's not great when you manipulate handgun for few hours. Apart from that, no issues with my CZ P-09 atfer about 1000 rounds fired.
  5. Kraszu

    Anime General Discussion

    it's ok, miss monochrome had at least one good episode
  6. Uhhh, Office apps? They are free and all, they are nice to have sometimes. CCleaner and GBA emulator.
  7. Kraszu

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I played BF3 last week I killed group of guys who kept trying to run trough back stairs and back cap us on 64 man Metro and then tbagged them and it felt good
  8. Haven't seen red moon here, but super moon looks preety cool.
  9. putting statuses down here won't change low post amount issue

  10. Kraszu

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    >clip this triggers me
  11. subspuf

    y so slow?

    1. ICBMoose


      we're all dead that's why

    2. Jordax


      We're all deadly boring.

  12. Kraszu

    Paero whines about music

    T R A N C E R A N C E
  13. paero, not everyone lives communist state
  14. Kraszu

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Uhhh, I forgot. No casualties on our team, only ones who suffered injuries were mercenaries :^) . Merso and Paero joined team as linemen, we didn't have spare players for real good while.
  15. Kraszu

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    "Gotta Go Fast" won it's first tournament! Match against dark elves went about as good as it could go. Many casualties on enemy team, including first kill of the team, inflicted by Brain. 2:1 was a final score. 3 players leveled up - Brain, who I chose to get Kick, since he's got -armour due to injury, so I'd rather not push him on the front lines, since he's on borrowed time already. Facade did not roll doubles, so no mutations for you :^), I took Block out of available skills. Corv advanced to level 3 and learned Sprint, which means he's even more bullshit now.
  16. Kraszu

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    ​nope.avi Game versus orcs was a massacre, as previously expected. Their team was well seasoned, with much higher value, players equipped with Block, Dirty Player and Mighty Blow which soon took it's toll on the team. Moby, Moose and Guy died; Simon,Huff and Brain were injured. And yet somehow, due to Corvette's display of bullshit dodge rolls, we managed to tie 2:2. He leveled up as result and also got Shure Feet. As playoffs ended, we faced Halflings again, off all of the teams. We got star player, Headsplitter and Bought some new linemen in form of Kayohgee and Hugthebed. Luck still was not in our favour and Headsplitter waskilled by the treant. Hugthebed also died in his debut match, and Jordax suffered an injury (- movement allowence, which really sucks for the runner). We won 2:1, but we got really unlucky with winnings rolls and we don't have money for new linemen. Next match will be against, Dark Elves. RIP Moby, Moose, Guy and Hugthebed. why am I even playing skaven
  17. Steam up in a minute, I'll just take a leak and grab another beer.

  18. Kraszu

    Stream Streaming Thread

    Feel like streaming Blood Bowl in two hours. If you wanna see our team being mashed into ground by orcs, http://www.twitch.tv/warmnoodlesofdoom is the place.
  19. Kraszu

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    dat trailer man dat bandicam logo dat wingows movie maker editing cheese/10