I had one of the odder dreams of my life today. Apparently a group of people with superpowers emerged and it was my job to fuck 'em all up. Now, my mind had some thought of a cycle of Magic cards that showed the way to kill all five of them (In that way that a dream can manufacture memories, since I'm about 300% certain there wasn't anything close to it) and I went out to kill one. His shtick was that he was super tech-savvy but his life was tied to his computer. He was in some kind of underground basement complex that i assume was water cooled because the way I killed him was by locking him in the main room and flooding it. At the end part I realized that the computer system this guy used looked awfully similar to mine, and then I came to the realization that I had just killed myself and my own computer. But I was already coming out of the dream, so I remember saying to myself, "I am so glad this is just a dream." I had that twinge of "What if it isn't, though?" Some surreal stuff. There was some lewd stuff before that but nobody needs to hear that nonsense.