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Everything posted by kayohgee

  1. >wrapping present for brother >zip tie the box shut >put the box in the bag it came in >zip tie the bag to the zip ties on the box >put double sided tape on the bag >wrap it in paper, taping the paper to the actual bag >second layer of paper >wrap the whole thing in packing tape >place inside larger box that is perfectly flush with the smaller box >double sided tape the inner walls of the bigger box so the smaller box is taped to it from the inside >wrap that up and place it under the tree >smallest box under the final layer has a note inside that says "just kidding, your present is in the nightstand next to your bed" >use green text arrows on spuf because i'm shit crimbo
  2. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    358/2 days 3d dream drop distance hd 2.8 final chapter prologue why do these games have such garbage fucking titles?
  3. I think I took some low grade stuff like Tylenol but none of the shit they actually prescribed.
  4. kayohgee

    Operation Posterboard

    SPUFBlue master race SPUFDark master race SPUFDefault master race SPUFDark master race again shit guys i'm having a hard time here
  5. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

  6. i held off my crippling anxiety long enough to pass my driver's test today feel free to shower me with congratulations and/or tell me what a sad failure i am for waiting until 25
  7. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    ​You can and it's sweet. You can basically catch an enemy's shot mid-flight and shoot the fucker with their own arrow. Combining slow time with the Shadow Warrior perk (a sneak skill that hides you from combat for a moment when you crouch) is particularly fun. Since the window for that sneak attack moment is larger and you move so fast you can basically run behind a guy, crouch and one shot him in the back in an instant. You can decimate entire groups of enemies like this before the first guy even hits the ground and it's absurdly fun. I'm not even sure you need Shadow Warrior to do this as slowed time might affect all stealth and the reaction times of NPCs differently, but I don't remember. Side Note: I have no idea if this is common knowledge since I stumbled upon it myself, but Shadow Warrior is fucking devastating even in vanilla Skyrim when paired with Archery. If you loose an arrow and crouch just as it strikes your target, it counts as a sneak attack. As long as you time it correctly you can deal 3x damage for every single shot.
  8. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    If you just want something game breaking and fun I think this one is pretty cool: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13811/? Basically an unlimited slow time ability. Casually walking around incoming fireballs or shooting three arrows that hit three different targets in the same second is pretty satisfying.
  9. kayohgee


    Forget wishlists, just send me $20 and a picture of your feet.
  10. kayohgee


    I'll sign up, but you should all know that if you end up getting stuck with me as a secret santa I will send you a dragon dildo and I will not be discrete about shipping it.
  11. kayohgee


    I dunno if I ever shared this one but years ago I had a dream where I was a terrorist. I was walking into the entrance of this huge skyscraper with a black duffle bag that I had no knowledge of. I didn't even think much of it, it was just strapped over my shoulder and I walked right into the front entrance. A bunch of weird dream shit happened but long story short, I lost track of the bag and some time later and alarm went off and the building was being evacuated. As I was being ushered out the front I saw what looked to be a group of bomb squad guys tinkering with the open duffle bag. Then I went to a kid's costume/birthday party where I accidentally told a severely handicapped kid in a life support wheelchair he had a "cool cyborg costume" and everyone got upset. Obama was a party clown and he juggled stuff. I think I'm a little wrong on the inside.
  12. ​get the fuck out and don't come back until you and rammite ram, aite?
  13. I think I'm gonna just Halloween forever now

    1. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      can't stop the spook

    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      It's a good look for you.

    3. General DeGroot

      General DeGroot

      Enchantment: Eternaween

  14. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Nice to see Fallout's physics engine is as good as ever.
  15. kayohgee

    Fallout 4

    Settlement building is simultaneously awesome and frustrating. Even with tricks like using foundations, placement of certain items can be a massive pain in the ass. There are a lot of areas that don't even seem tailor made to building which kind of baffles me. The fact that I have to clip metal walls through other structures to "repair" things is stupid and you'd think Bethesda would have just designed existing houses and areas to be easy to build upon. I know it's nit-picking, but when I'm trying to put a trash gate up between two pillars and it just baaaarely won't fit, it makes me wonder why Bethesda wouldn't have the foresight to say "Hey, let's space these pillars out so they exactly match the widths of the walls you can build" or "hey, let's have metal walls snap to houses so you can fix the gaping holes in the side and not have them look like an idiot just put it next to the house six inches away".
  16. kayohgee

    Fallout 4

  17. kayohgee


    I fought a bear. I was in this field on a hill surrounded by forest. This two headed murderbear creature with huge teeth and what looked like severe mange came running out of the trees. It charged me but I had a shotgun and just unloaded on the damn thing. The bear shrugged it off completely and we had this weird cat and mouse game where it would come at me, I'd fire off a few shots and roll out of the way at the last second. We just repeated this for a while. I could shoot it as much as I wanted and while I was slowly wearing it down, the damage was negligible. Finally we ended up fighting our way to the edge of a cliff. I managed to maneuver so the bear was at the edge. I took a running start and kicked the fucker as hard as I could - and suddenly it wasn't a mutant bear any more. It was my dog. At that point it was mid kick and I just launched my fucking dog over the cliff and had to watch it fall and break on the rocks at the bottom. It was kind of fucked up. I was upset.
  18. kayohgee

    Fallout 4

    Just found Dunwich Borers 0/10 do not fucking want
  19. ​It was THE resource for good quality manga with no bullshit watermarks or fucked up scaling, casual popular shit can be found else where at a lower quality but there were a lot of series' that have been lost because of this. /a/'s little secret up in flames ​so, yes ​
  20. ​lolno it's just a hobby. I learn challenging verses for fun, I don't write or anything.
  21. I've been thinking about recording all the fast raps I've been learning lately and putting them in a thread. Is this a thing people would give a shit about y/n You could at least ridicule me if it's bad