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Cretler last won the day on November 20 2016

Cretler had the most liked content!


About Cretler

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  • Birthday 12/03/1969

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  1. Cretler


    Whats the deal with people being straight on media?
  2. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/how-bannon-flattered-and-coaxed-trump-on-policies-key-to-the-alt-right/2016/11/15/53c66362-ab69-11e6-a31b-4b6397e625d0_story.html like, this shit writes itself.
  3. you know what, you're right. im going to give trump a chance. maybe he is not the racist sexist idiot hes been claiming to be for the entire election. maybe hes a reasonable guy, that would in no way hire a white supremacist as his chief strategist oh...
  4. conservatives have some pretty ass-backwards views, so them losing is an objectively good thing
  5. they actually tried this a couple of years ago, but it didnt really work out
  6. no point in arguing with someone who openly supports bigotry. i just tell it like it is.
  7. "haha I just called "human rights" a buzzword, man im so smart. i really dont understand why every minority disagrees with my superior world view." -raison, getting his swastika tattoo.
  8. what am i getting wrong? it doesnt matter whatever bullshit reason you try to come up with to justify your vote for trump. the fact is that you knowingly voted for a bigot and helped put people who have openly expressed their hatred for everyone who isn't a straight white male into some of the most powerful positions in the country. because of your vote, you helped create a system that does not give a shit about the future of the world, the human rights of every minority, and the freedom for those people to express their thoughts and desires. all because you dont like white people not being in power, whatever that means. its that simple. you can whine about me creating a strawman all you'd like, it doesnt change the fact that youre an idiot. this is the correct and right way to think. too bad not everyone agrees with that.
  9. "yeah fuck climate change, basic human rights, freedom of speech! just so long as we whites stay in power and i can freely jerk off without some mexican watching me through the window." -raison, after voting
  10. i think you dropped this raison:
  11. i dont think you get to say this when you openly voted for a racist sexist idiot who cares about no one but himself