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John Caveson

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Everything posted by John Caveson

  1. John Caveson


    Oh yeah, forgot they switched that up. In which case it will be even easier, since Ceres is no longer the last location unlocked.
  2. John Caveson


    One slot for Loki, another for Trinity, whose parts are farmed on Saturn's boss fight, and Jupiter's boss unlocks Valkyr's parts, so you can use the third for her, but Rhino is a good tank frame for now, so honestly it's up to your discretion.
  3. John Caveson


    This right here is probably the best tip for newbies. Star chart is top priority, since that allows you to do bonus missions without restriction (you can't play alerts and other bonus missions on nodes you have yet to unlock, unless you were invited by a friend who has it unlocked) Just take it all one step at a time. Set small goals that you think you can get in a reasonable time frame. Go with the flow of sorts. The frames you have right now are perfect for clearing the star chart. I wouldn't recommend getting frames like Limbo and Mirage until you get used to the games mechanics and you know what you're doing, especially with Limbo due to his situational use and complicated abilities. If you get stuck anywhere just give me a holler.
  4. John Caveson


    If we're talking any old frame...that depends on what missions you like. If you like soloing more, I would recommend Loki, modded for ability duration and once you get into syndicates, his mod for silencing attacks while invis will make the game ez mode, if not time consuming if you have lower level gear. For crowd control, Nyx is god tier with range and duration focused to max Chaos. Rhino is a good tank, but he can be a bit of a crutch, instead I would recommend Valkyr or Wukong. Valkyr is easier to get, but Wukong is more versatile. Build for efficiency and duration for both. As for support, Trinity is a good all-rounder, if you build for -duration for Energy Vampire, she can be god tier when working with a team on mission that requires a lot of energy like defense or survival. What you have so forare good all-rounder characters, especially for beginners. If you want Primes, prepare to do a lot of farming or spending quite bit of Plat for a full set. A lot of the good ones (Loki, Trinity, Ash, etc.) are retired unfortunately, though they do get temporarily unlocked from time to time. Of the ones available right now? Valkyr and Sayrn are good picks.
  5. John Caveson

    Jungle Inferno Update Thread

    Who else but Valve? E-Hyuck!
  6. John Caveson

    Jungle Inferno Update Thread

    It was good, but nothing can replace the VSH mod voice for me.
  7. John Caveson


    Add me if you need any help with those.
  8. John Caveson

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Sorry, my scythe slipped.
  9. John Caveson


    Ah yea, I remember this guy. On his way to being a reguar before BigSPUF closed down. Glad you made it. Pro tip: It's John Caveson btw, just switching my name for Halloween. You can do that once every 30 days under "Account Settings". That one was a freebie for ya kiddo. Oh, and dibs on the heart btw.
  10. John Caveson

    Jungle Inferno Update Thread

    They'll probably just re-activate Halloween mode for 3 weeks and leave at that. Fine by me tbh.
  11. Spookification Status: Complete.
  12. John Caveson

    Jungle Inferno Update Thread

    Holy fuck, 6 new maps, one being Payload Race, and what seems to be new game mode for another, and an official SAXTON HALLLLLLLEEEEE!!!! voice on Day one? Already a good update.
  13. John Caveson

    Star Wars Thread

    I would like to see where the rest of the Imperial Remnant is in all of this, assuming they are canon, because I'm certain the Empire wouldn't just collapse only to the First Order as all that's left. I mean, isn't the FO supposed to be just a small radical sect of what's left of the Empire post-Jakku? They should have just stuck with Thrawn coming out of nowhere and wiping the floor with the NR. But since he's been already revealed in Rebels, that's not going to happen. Would rather just have the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. At least that had some stakes raised since they were an extragalactic species that are tough and ravenous as the Locust Horde and not beholden to the Force. That conflict was comparable to a galactic-wide secession crises of the prequel trilogy. Then again, wasn't the Rebel Alliance in the original trilogy in the same boat as a ragtag group of insurrectionists fighting what they percieved as an illegitimate authority? Isn't the FO just an evil version of that?
  14. John Caveson

    Star Wars Thread

    Alright, I gotta say, that the new battlefront game looks really promising this time around. It looks like they are really listening to feedback this time. I was actually somewhat intrigued at their E3 demo, which had actual players this time. Then I saw this video, so I pre-ordered for Xbox (SW:BF will always be a console game for me): #JohnBOYYYEGAAA The beta begins Wednesday for those who pre-ordered, and Friday for everyone else. So, worst case scenario, I don't like the beta and cancel my PO. I'll keep you guys posted on what I think. I'm really curious to see what they have for single-player content, as I was mainly an offline player for the original SW:BFII.
  15. John Caveson

    "Good game"

    When in doubt, blame your team. One of the few benefits of playing console games is not having to deal with shit-talk by the enemy team, thanks to no chat feature due to the lack of keyboards. Otherwise they have to take the time to pm you directly, of which takes a lot of time with just a controller.
  16. History Channel already has you covered there, bud.
  17. Oh, I knew that. I actually have seen a few videos and, yes, it looks scary. I never denied that. Again, like Scags pointed out, I'm not denying that. Responsibility is on both sides to be honest. But since it is the media who tells these people it's happening at all, the way they deliver the news can influence the response received. So in the end, they still are primarily responsible for the hysteria. More like I say what's on my mind. But that's just me. Though I do agree that what I say can come out wrong sometimes, for which I apologize. I do know hurricanes can be quite the shit show, and I would hate to be where you are right now, and I can see your frustration. Phoning the hotel as we speak.
  18. True. But still, it gets annoying. Like the little boy who cried wolf. And at least you have a warning system at all. If a huge earthquake hits my town, I at best have a minute or two warning to get out of my immediate surrounding to make sure nothing falls on my head. Simply just how sudden and fast earthquakes move through the ground, the instruments that measure them can barely send out the data in time.
  19. That's what happens when the media over hype stuff like this. People panic. Wasn't Irma supposed to be a Cat-5 storm? But right before it hit, it was reduced to Cat-4 and quickly dropped to Cat-3. Now, obviously a Cat-3 hurricane is nothing to snuff at, even an outsider like me can see that. But when all the news outlets are like "This is going to be the strongest storm ever recorded! Category 5 massive hurricane! RED ALERT! RED ALERT! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!" only a day or two ago, but watching the feed now compared to what the media hyped it to be. It's just so....meh. like any other hurricane that Florida has witnessed. Meteorologists don't know shit. Either way, stay safe out there.
  20. To my dudes in Florida: Don't die.




    1. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      Be careful out in the Zone. Make sure you have food, water and most importantly, a lot of ammo.

    2. Kraszu


      Special song for Florida people.


    3. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      Not technically hurricane related, but close enough


    4. Show next comments  15 more
  21. John Caveson


    Ask, and ye shall receive. It's loadsafun. That sounds like a challenge. I accept.
  22. The eclipse was an omen. The end times are nigh. Repent!
  23. John Caveson

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Splatoon 2 is surprisingly fun. At least the SP so far anyway. I still need to make a Nintendo account for MP. Makes me wish I could go back in time and get the first game. I'm currently looking through Chuggaconroy's LP of that one. So if any of y'all want to splat some salmon after I made the account, hmu. You might be wondering why i haven't made an account already. Well, the Switch is the first Nintendo console I've fully owned since the GameCube, which hit right before the age of cloud-based accounts and online play. Everythimg elae was either my brother's (N64) or we "shared" it and he was the primary account holder (Wii/U).
  24. Been essentially off the grid for about a week to go see the eclipse up in Idaho. What'd I miss?

    1. Rynjin


      Also North Korea tried to nuke Japan.

    2. Gyokuyoutama


      North Korea isn't going to nuke Japan.


      If they did, who would they kidnap to animate their propaganda cartoons?

    3. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      Personally, I'm hype for the next Imperial Japan.

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  25. John Caveson


    Forget being turned off of competitive, I got turned off of the entire game because of it. The main issue with OW is that there is too much emphasis on teamwork and hero composition. All it takes is just one bad hero pick/stubborn teammate to turn an otherwise balanced, fun match, even if it was a loss, to a steamroll. And on the other side of the coin, the rewards for being a skillful "carry" player on your team is minimalized since the game is specifically designed so that no single hero can carry, unless they use the right Ultimate at the right time, and only then, it's if it is from a hero that does damage (seriously, when was the last time you saw a desicive, game-changing POTG that was anything but a dps hero go ham with/sometimes without their ultimate, or a Mercy Rez?). All are compounded when you're like me and have too much of a conscience to go the 4th dps character and decide to "take one for the team" and go tank/support for the tenth time. And I'm just talking about Comp/QP. Arcade doesn't get much better. 1v1, 3v3, and 6v6 Elimination is too taxing on the nerves due to the whole "one death and you're out" mechanic, though it can lead to hilarious clutch plays. RNG on Mystery Heroes frustrates me. CTF has the same problem as TF2 where it's either a complete stalemate or a complete roll. And the only reason to play No Limits is to do meme strats, but that gets boring quickly. There's just no room for solo players. It's just better to duo or triple queue with friends, or even just 6-man it in Comp. But when no one wants to play with you or you're too low/high in SR to play competitive with friends, it's frustrating. Now compare that to TF2 which already solved both problems. The 12v12 format for pubs means that there's room for every class plus change, cannon fodder players aren't as much of a problem, and the higher skill ceilings of TF2's classes vs. Overwatch's heroes means that any class can out-skill their counters, of which can be emphasized by players loadouts and playstyles. In the end, it is still an objective-based team game, but individual skill is not compromised as much for the sake of forced teamwork. Who knows, maybe the upcoming Deathmatch mode might rekindle my interest, but I can already tell that it's going to be a DPS-fest where tanks are largely useless. It's a shame, because the core mechanics of the game seem fine, and all the lore, art-style and polish is great, and Blizzard did alright for it's first venture into unfamiliar territory. It's definitely not a bad game by any means. But in the end, people play games to have fun, and if I'm not having fun, what's the point of playing it anymore? It was a good year while it lasted.