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Everything posted by Medic

  1. Medic

    The Middle

    From what I've seen, I quite like it. It does suffer from "I Sometimes Want To Punch Some Of The Characters" syndrome though.
  2. I am so fucking sick of losing every fucking game I fucking play.

    1. Razputin


      stop playing fucking games and play regular ones instead

    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      Fucking games are either really easy or really hard, Raz.

      Maybe she's just picking up the hard h-games.

    3. Mersopolis


      Try Happy Wheels: http://www.totaljerkface.com/happy_wheels.tjf

      Even if you fail, you have fun.

    4. Show next comments  141 more
  3. Ability Power Kog'Maw, your Void Ooze does so much damage...

  4. Medic

    League of Legends

    That's a good tip. I guess I'll have to try her again. I spent my 9k's worth of IP yesterday. Bought Soraka, Cho'Gath and Vel'Koz, to go with Ashe, Sona and Kog'Maw. I also got Garen and got a free skin for him, for following @LeagueofLegends on twitter.
  5. I think I made strawberry jam.

    1. FrozenFirebug


      strawberry jam is an okay album

    2. Argeon


      That's my jam

  6. Medic


    About 300 blocks away from my island. If you find a zombie/skelly dungeon, I can help convert it into a farm. I've got a really simple method that works quite well. I also think I may have found a Slime chunk, as I've found several slimes down there, but I need help digging out the area. There's so many other mobs in the dark caves that the slimes rarely spawn.
  7. Medic

    League of Legends

    I mean TF2 Sniper. Instead of a net, she throws a giant jar of Jarate. Instead of traps, she leaves small puddles of piss. Anyone targeted by her ult is turned a nice shade of yellow. I really don't like her as an ADC though. She seems to have a small pause before using all her abilities, I assume to 'channel' them but half the time I just find this annoying. I'd much rather have Jinx or Ashe or Ezreal or, well, most other ADCs. But not Twitch. I hate him.
  8. Medic

    Cute stuff.

    I think I may be obsessing a bit.
  9. Medic

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Spent all day playing ARAM. I've ended up as Kog'Maw 4 times today. So much for random.
  10. Medic

    LoL vs DOTA 2

    Are they any good at jungling though? Or do they just end up killing themselves? The HUD is still a big issue for me though. I don't have a problem with steep learning curves but that UI hurts me.
  11. Medic

    League of Legends

    That makes sense. Triforce seems to cover all Ezreal's bases. I've finally played more than 5 games without a damned AFK person or someone who rages, feeds then leaves. I've also fallen in love with Garen.
  12. I just saw an Ashe on ARAM. She started with a 2k gold item. Starting money is 1350, up to 1450 with masteries. Also appeared to be immune to all damage.

    1. Verumae


      allow me to translate for dota players: "something unusual happened in the world's best video game today"

  13. Medic

    League of Legends

    I know Ezreal's a guy, it's just this weird LoL joke... Does he need any help in the Attack Speed department? Does he work as a hybrid or does Triforce cover pretty much everything? A lot of champs got hit hard by the Lichbane nerf, I noticed. AP Sona particularly.
  14. Medic

    League of Legends

    Ezreal's good. I really like her ult, but does she work AP as well as AD? While I love Ziggs, I find Leona is too aggressive a support for my liking. She needs to really get in there and sometimes it can be a one-way trip. Caitlyn is okay, but I want a Sniper skin for her. I also always run out of mana really quickly when I play Caityn and find her a tad lackluster compared to other ADCs. My problem currently, I really like Ashe but she doesn't seem viable right now, apart from as a support.
  15. Medic

    2014 Mod Selection - Nominations

    This just feels like a giant popularity contest. Do any of the current top-runners have any experience at all moderating a forum? Do they have any idea how to use IPB's moderation system? What's their history, have they ever done anything ban- or suspension-worthy? Are their normal posts up to scratch? Do they even want to be moderators? Moderating should be decided upon by the admins, as they run the website and they know how they want the forum to appear and run. Source? Experience. I used to run a forum. For a while, it had about 30 active members and lots of on-and-off members. I tried doing community votes on moderators and it did not work, one of the mods was demoted within a month.
  16. Medic

    LoL vs DOTA 2

    Personally, I prefer League of Legends because it is much more simple and it has ARAM. Also, the tutorial is slightly more straight forward. You learn the basics on Howling Abyss then you play a game of Summoner's Rift with bots, where you are taught a little bit about everything. There's no "Play this 10 times with 10 different champions" to unlock stuff. It's a shame the bots don't know how to ward or jungle, but I am not sure if DotA bots know how to do that either, the few DotA games I played, I didn't see any jungling. In both games, if someone starts snowballing, there isn't much you can do. That's inherent everywhere. I feel it is slightly easier in LoL because you don't lose money when you die (as far as I know). The thing that sealed the deal for me though is the UI. In League of Legends, you have several options, including overall HUD size, map position and map size. In DotA 2, I found none of that. It's an informative HUD but it takes up way too much of my screen.
  17. Medic


    Did Evilbrain dig into one of your tunnels or demolish your house or something?
  18. Meh. One of those days where everything breaks and goes wrong.

    1. FrozenFirebug


      everything is fucked

    2. Doopliss2008


      I had a fuel line pop in my face today, drenching me in gasoline/petrol, good thing there wernt any flames around.

    3. Medic


      :( I think everyone's had a shitty day today.

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  19. Medic


    Voltorb/Electrode are more or less based on the classic "this treasure chest is actually a monster" bit from Dragon Quest. uh maybe they also have lungs? I suppose the first makes sense, but they can't all have lungs? I assume some do, but most of them seem to flat or mishappen to have anything more than gills or book lungs.
  20. Medic


    Voltorb/Electrorb are really weird, almost pointless Pokemon. It just occurred to me, in poke-battles, in the anime and manga and games and whatever, how do fish Pokemon fight? Surely they'd all just suffocate after leaving their pokeballs?
  21. Man I have a lot of work to do tomorrow. What idiot manages to get font warnings in their work with bloody Arial and other system fonts?

    1. FrozenFirebug


      i don't know what a font warning is so probably me

    2. Medic


      Where a program says it can't find a font so it substitutes it with a different one.

      I'm talking about fonts like Arial here.

  22. We're all bastards.

    1. Razputin


      "now all of the world is starving because we don't have farmland because that destroys the environment"

      this has never ever happened in the history of forever

    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      This is why it's a story, silly.

    3. Razputin


      It was a very un-sugoi story, and you should feel un-sugoi

    4. Show next comments  141 more
  23. Medic


    Anyone found a nether fortress yet?
  24. Medic


    I have built a Zombie EXP farm. It works well. I am also working on a slime farm, as I think I've found a slime-producing chunk, but need help making the area bigger and clearing out the caves.