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Everything posted by Medic

  1. Medic


    Oh my, I've always wanted a dynamic map. Does anyone have a potion of underwater breathing? I have slime balls!
  2. Medic

    League of Legends

    I really hope people don't whinge and make Riot take back their Kog'maw buffs. May I be honest? I only play bot games on Summoner's Rift. All my PVP games are in Howling Abyss or occasionally Twisted Treeline.
  3. Medic

    Pixar Announces Incredibles 2

    It has the potential to be amazing or really awful. I hope it's the former.
  4. Medic

    A Kickstarter for Raz's dream game.

    Looks rather amusing. Wouldn't buy it though.
  5. I swear everyone treats me like an idiot. You only need to say it once, if I don't understand, I'll ask again.

    1. Razputin


      You're not an idiot Medic, we all love you!

    2. Unromantic XYTWO

      Unromantic XYTWO

      Tell me about it. Yesterday I had someone who tried to tell me what a questionnaire and a resume were.

    3. Arm the Homeless

      Arm the Homeless

      @Raz, only idiots will get this

    4. Show next comments  144 more
  6. Medic


    Eh, I didn't find it that addictive.
  7. Medic

    League of Legends

    I heard about that. His W costing no mana? That's crazy. Glad that his Q will be more than an attack speed passive with an optional mediocre shred that's barely usable. I've read a few guides that don't bother even getting the first rank of his Q until after level 6.
  8. Medic


    A server I visit regularly has the ability to capture mobs using eggs. Use it on creepers. It's awesome. Anyway, I found 12 diamonds yesterday woo! If anyone has any slime balls, I'd like one to make a lead. I can offer Lapis Lazuli or maybe an emerald or chicken eggs or something. Also, what's this dynamic map everyone's talking about?
  9. Medic


    Oh good. Don't want everyone suddenly leading creepers into people's houses and stuff.
  10. Medic


    So wait, is the community around Spawn slowly falling down or something? Good thing my house at spawn is pretty much empty. There's free carrots there if anyone wants, as long as you replant them after harvesting.
  11. Medic

    League of Legends

    Oh, yeah, Statik Shiv and Phantom Dancer are great. Runaan's is the fourth-fifth-sixth item after those. Blade of the Ruined King or Bloodthirster first, no matter what.
  12. My fanfiction is pretty bad, but I never realised how bad Bionicle fanfiction could be...

    1. Unromantic XYTWO

      Unromantic XYTWO

      Pretty much. Additionally, if it's known for bad fanfic, then God help you.

    2. Medic


      I think I was sheltered by the good fanfiction on BZPower. Elsewhere, the fanfiction is awful.

    3. Veez


      "Gali gently stroked Tahu's mask and said,'lets go to Kini Nui, baby and have some fun.'"

    4. Show next comments  144 more
  13. Medic


    I have my own cookies, thanks.
  14. Medic

    League of Legends

    What about Runaan's Hurricane on Kog'Maw? Triple the deadly barrage of spit.
  15. Need my eyes tested. Please don't tell me I have yet another thing wrong with me...

    1. Doopliss2008


      20/1000 here, you can't get worse than that.

    2. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

      Stackbabbin' Bumscags

      I don't even know what my vision is.

      All I know is that I've got astigmatism.

    3. Medic
    4. Show next comments  144 more
  16. Medic


    So I'm wondering what to do now. I've looked all over the place for a Nether Fortress but nada. Gui13st, are you walking all that way?
  17. Medic

    League of Legends

    Jinx's passive though allows her to race out of trouble should she get a kill or assist. You don't need mobility but it helps a lot, particularly as a lot of assassins have high mobility too now days. For long range, Kog'Maw can rely on both his W and R, and his R builds based on ability power. Sometimes I find it's nice to build a bit of both though. You get Blade of the Ruined King and you're all set.
  18. Medic

    League of Legends

    That's just cruel. Poor guy, hope he gets better.
  19. €25 off TGI Fridays. I shall use that tomorrow. Probably will end up costing like €50 but oh well.

  20. Medic


    Last night was a mess of dreams, which goes to show that my mind has been taken over by video games. Running around in the Nether being chased by Ghasts as Kog'Maw with a bonesaw. I haven't even PLAYED as Kog'Maw since I got that pentakill.
  21. Medic

    League of Legends

    This is my list. Note that most of them, I'm not very good at them nor are they ideal champions for their lane. Top: Cho'Gath Jungle: Fiddlesticks Mid: Ziggs/Veigar/AP Kog'Maw Support: Sona/Thresh/Lulu/Soraka ADC: Ashe/Kog'Maw I don't know why Kog'Maw is considered a Marksman. He lacks any real mobility and is really slow by default, and all his abilities scale on Ability Power. Only his W (increase in attack range, does a percentage of health as damage) would be considered great for carries. Before the days where every champion had some sort of non-Flash speed boost, I can see him really kicking ass, but now that lack of movement really hurts. It's annoying because I love that little monster.
  22. Medic


    Anyone want more netherrack? I'm having trouble getting glowstone. There are like 4 Ghasts constantly flying around my Nether Portal and it's right out in the open so I've had to dig tunnels everywhere.
  23. Medic

    Banning the Word "Bossy"

    Surely there are other things we ought to be concentrating on, right? "Bossy" isn't even that bad a word. It describes any person of forcefully pushing other people around, regardless of gender. If their campaign was to ban the word 'slut' or 'whore' or 'faggot' or some other mass-derogatory term, they'd have a slightly larger reason to exist, but this is silly.