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MarcusTherion last won the day on March 29 2015

MarcusTherion had the most liked content!


About MarcusTherion

  • Rank
    Banned for shit taste in waifu.

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    In the Modcave receiving awards for excellency in SubSPUF posting

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  1. MarcusTherion

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    I believe you mean TOA, we re-branded.
  2. MarcusTherion

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    Because Totally Spies doesn't have this.
  3. MarcusTherion

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

  4. Miss u more and more every day big lad r.i.p

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Huff


      Local frostyboy put on ice.

    3. Paero


      sorry ben cant hear u over the sound of these cold ones with the boys

    4. Huff


      the pain of childbirth

  5. Since it came to light that your mods are complete jokes, that allow 'in' members to do as they damn well please but anyone else is a no-go. Shit this place could do with some excitement as opposed tot he same blog/shitposts all year round. Though ofcourse this wont get through due to the god complex of SupremeCommander over there.
  6. MarcusTherion

    Dota General

    0 insight is a pretty accurate representation of your life, not just your playstyle.
  7. 'Until further notice shitposting (i.e. extremely low quality content) in ANY form is not allowed and will result in infractions under rule 5. This is an emergency measure until more permanent action can be taken by forum staff. Thank you for your cooperation.'
  8. MarcusTherion

    Dota General

    I don't think i'm THAT determined.
  9. I feel like this is branching into MGQ territory.
  10. I feel like I REALLY need to 'play' through this.