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Everything posted by TheOnlyGuyEver

  1. TheOnlyGuyEver

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Only thing that mattered was the new Mario Tennis. Everyone was looking fresh as fuck.
  2. TheOnlyGuyEver

    Doodles on my mediocre drawing tablet

    FBIce cream truck
  3. TheOnlyGuyEver

    TF2 general

    There aren't any
  4. TheOnlyGuyEver

    TF2 general

    I've never seen a steam picture with myself in it. And fun fact: The Cow Mangler's rockets actually have a different point of origin than the Rocket Launcher and the Original (and all other primaries). It's noticeably more towards the center than the Rocket Launcher, but not completely centered like the Original.
  5. I am champion fire stoker and bane of all of hippies.

    1. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      I am the bone of my sword.

    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      I am the terror that flaps in the night.

  6. TheOnlyGuyEver


    Mannnn, fuckin shitty bullshit dream last night. So I was making a pizza, right? Some dude knocks on my door. I vaguely recognize him as one of my brother's old school friends, though I don't think he actually was. Dude whips out a switchblade and starts shanking me, piece a shit. Had to force the shank from his hand and drive him outta the house with it, then I called 911 and woke up. Guess dream-911 is just going back to the real world where you're not shanked. Didn't even get to eat the pizza...
  7. TheOnlyGuyEver

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    http://store.steampowered.com/app/248330/Dino_Run_DX/ Dino Run DX is as cheap as it's ever been right now. For a little over a dollar, It's well worth I'd say. All sales from here on go towards funding Dino Run 2, as well.
  8. There's a little bar. Been there for like a year, c'mon man. And I dunno what you're talking about, fuckin everyone is on the new maps, when I queue for them I get matches set on those in like 15 seconds cause everyone's out for the contracts.
  9. Found a Yugioh card from when I was little; Twin-Headed Fire Dragon any good?

    1. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      >not even twin headed thunder dragon


    2. TheOnlyGuyEver


      Fuck you, I remember having some OP shit before I gave them all away to a friend because I had no idea how to actually play. Had like an entire lunchbox full of them though.

    3. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      Call me back when you have Master Peaces.

  10. TheOnlyGuyEver

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Cold mold on a slate plate.
  11. TheOnlyGuyEver

    A Blast From The Past: The Snake Update!

    Fuck, I remember the original post.
  12. Fishin' bass and kickin' ass.

  13. TheOnlyGuyEver

    TF2 general

    Holy fuck Habib got fucking destroyed.
  14. Good article. I agree with a lot of the stuff. I actually have a different cosmetic loadout on each of my 4 Demo loadouts. First is normal Demoman (demolition stuff), second is Demoknight (Scottish cosmetics), third is Sticky Jumper (changes between cowboy and rastafarian), and fourth is a wildcard. Right now it's a stereotypical Mexican and I go around smashing people with a bottle. But yeah, it's amazing what you can do when you just aim for a theme and try to make it. Like right off the top of my head I can cite a dozen combinations for Demo that range from sci-fi, western, urban, military, Scottish, and everything in between.
  15. TheOnlyGuyEver


    Dreamt one of my best friend took me hostage. Escaped and got him arrested. Hah!
  16. TheOnlyGuyEver

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    Classic one
  17. TheOnlyGuyEver


    Had a kick-ass fuckin radical dream last night. I flew to Australia and enlisted in the military. And of course because it's Australia there's giant bugs and shit. During bootcamp I got in the bed on a pickup with some other dudes and we went down this kind of trenched backroad. On the right it was all woods, on the left a big field, which turned into woods eventually. So we're driving and then a fuckin big ass herd of these big ass bugs starts moving down the field going the opposite direction of us. They were called "great converse beetles" and looking like centipedes, except the segments were fatter and rounder, and only had an exoskeleton on the top, which was black, and their bellies were red, with white fur where their legs began. They kinda moved on the back half of their set of legs, with the front half of themselves held up off the ground, looking forward. Oh and they were also 250 feet tall from belly to back and 150 feet long from head to tail. Apparently they were super aggressive if you got near them bu otherwise didn't care if you kept your distance. So we're driving with these giant fuckin great converse beetles going opposite to the left of us, and then a herd of giant fuckin goats the size of the beetles come outta the woods at the far left of the field and start battering the beetles, so now the giant goats and the giant beetles are fighting and killing each other. Shit was awesome. Eventually I left Australia cause I had a dentist appointment. And to think my dream the night before was literally just me taking a shower and then playing SMB1 on the NES.
  18. TheOnlyGuyEver

    TF2 general

    I've been using the Dragon's Fury a shit ton lately, and goddamn it's so fucking fun. There's not a big reason to use it while flamethrowers continue to have flail-mode enabled, other than flexing your Pyro muscles hard as fuck on the enemy team. For real, you can airshot the fuck out of people with it, got a fuckin triple airshot yesterday. That alone makes this weapon instantly more fun than the flamethrower in my eyes. If it didn't have knockback, a big skill-factor of it would definitely be gone. It's by far the best sidegrade added to the game since the Kritzkrieg. -Finally moves away from Flare crit gimmicks. -Airblast takes skill and can't be spammed, but at the same time, the weapon is countered by airblast since you can't afford to not try and follow up on a shot. -Airblast also can't be used immediately after attacking. -As aforementioned, has knockback and can airshot, both of which add massive depth to the weapon. -Punishes missing and hesitating, rewards good tracking and prediction. -Fuckin big ass range lets you zone more like you were using a Grenade Launcher, and counters W+M1. Gives you options other than "get close to enemy." -The afterburn is short enough so that if you miss, it goes away. No room for error. -Deals full damage to buildings, whether intentional or not, lets you destroy bad Sentry spots. -Mediocre at Spychecking. The TFTeam pretty much nailed this weapon right out the gate. Should've been stock from the very beginning. Only things I would change are making the projectile hitbox slightly smaller and fixing the projectile instantly colliding around special map geometry and certain slopes.
  19. TheOnlyGuyEver

    TF2 general

    Festivizers continue to irk me. Festive Ubersaw: Festivized Ubersaw (with warpaint): Holy inconsistency. And even on some weapons where the light positions and appearance is otherwise the same as the original festive, the battery pack is different. Also, while a Festive Stick Launcher and Festivized Sticky Launcher have the same light positioning, a Festivized Sticky Launcher lacks the "festive" style, and is always in what is otherwise known as the "festive-est" style on the original Festive Sticky Launcher.
  20. Mannnnn I don't wanna meet any of you fuckers.
  21. I charted out an island by hand once. I'd been going there for years and didn't even know it had a river flowing into it until I did.

    1. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être

      I charted out a map of the largest size in Minecraft once so we basically did the same thing.
