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Everything posted by Gyokuyoutama

  1. It's really not worth it. Not that I followed that advice.
  2. Gyokuyoutama

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I'm honestly kind of surprised that nobody's made a Steam Simulator game yet.
  3. Gyokuyoutama

    *BANG BANG BANG* FBI OPEN UP!(the rainbow six siege thread)

    Rainbow 6 < SWAT 3/4
  4. Jaydor did nothing wrong.

    1. hugthebed2


      homerun contest

    2. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être

      I swear I last saw him like a few weeks ago but the site says he was last online 2 years ago. What the fuck, man.

    3. Huff


      He recommended I watch a mediocre anime, very devious sin

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  5. Now that Don Bluth is back out of his cave to push the Dragon's Lair remasters, we need him to make another movie to kick off another western animation renaissance.
  6. Gyokuyoutama

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Looks like Valve changed the default upcoming games tab to upcoming popular games to mask the amount of shovelware on the service. But we all know there's still plenty of stuff like this coming up.
  7. Gyokuyoutama

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Started playing Trails of Cold Steel. I can't believe how many times I've pressed the jump button from Neptunia only for nothing to happen.
  8. Today I learned that apparently Madhouse and the creator of Bionicle were going to work together with Guru Larry to make an adaptation of this. EDIT: Looks like later on Madhouse dropped out and they got the guys behind Johnny test to animated it instead. Except, obviously, that version of the show didn't come out either. There's some behind the scenes story behind this in any case.
  9. Gyokuyoutama

    New TF2 Update Idea: The Mann Con Update!

    Once again Spy is the hero we need.
  10. Gyokuyoutama

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Join TF2 casual. Some sniper is repeatedly shooting a wall. The only guy using mic initiates votekick on sniper. Vote fails. Guy proceeds to bitch about this. Votekick initiated on the guy who initiated the first vote kick (reason: "idle"). Vote succeeds. Nice to see that TF2 hasn't changed after all these years.
  11. In reboot it is clear that the programs process information much more quickly than the average person, since seconds are considered to be a while (maybe something like a few hours) and hours are considered to be an extremely long period of time (something like a year). Now consider that the computer user plays games fairly frequently from the perspective of the programs. Sometimes we even get more than one game in one episode. Judging from the internal timeframe, these games must be coming down at most minutes apart. This means that the user plays hundreds of games each and every day. Additionally if we had a single user who went to sleep or had a job, there should be entire seasons where no games are played. Then again, it is "mainframe" so perhaps there are multiple users. But we still have the issue of the games lasting at most minutes, no matter how complicated the game or how much action appears within them. From the user side they would have to be doing nothing but constantly putting in split second inputs. Worse still, we eventually learn that time actually moves more quickly in game than it does in the normal computer universe. This means that if you see a user thinking for what looks to be a couple of seconds on screen, that would actually correspond to nanoseconds in the "real world." But I guess having games running that fast might explain why playing games damages your hard drive.
  12. Gyokuyoutama

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Games like Doom and Heroes 3 are going to outlast every single modern game. Cosmetic microtransactions and forced matched multiplayer have basically doomed most games to an early death.
  13. Gyokuyoutama

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Sounds like the ability to buy new characters for the main menu is coming soon.
  14. Valve should make Half Life-3 but it's just Half Life Full Life Consequences.
  15. Gyokuyoutama

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    When most players see an effect with a high cost they obsess about how they usually aren't going to play it. They'll also evaluate the cost as if it were an individual card. You wouldn't pay 6 mana to give something lifelink and +2/+2, so most players will see that activated ability and think it's trash. They'll do that regardless of what the rest of the card says. 1WW for a 3/3 flyer is already more than playable, and a conditional ability with a good payoff is just more value. Even if you never pay the activated ability once the card is still good, and since the activated ability is optional it's just value on top of that. But again, that's not how many players look at it. Arc-Slogger was where Wizards really realized this effect. Arc-Slogger in player polls did significantly worse than Earth Elemental, despite being Earth Elemental with the ability to throw a few shocks around to win you the game. But players read Arc-Slogger and thought "is it really worth 10 cards in my library just to do 2 damage?" and so the card wasn't well liked. In case it isn't obvious I'm not talking about tournament level players here, but casual and new players.
  16. Gyokuyoutama

    Non-Magic CCGs

    Shadowverse has reached a point of complete degeneracy again. Basically only two decks: The first is Tenko Haven, which uses Tenko's Shrine, an amulet which pumps out 2 damage every time you or one of your dudes gets healed. This actually wasn't that great when they printed it, but now there are a ridiculous number of repeated heal effects together with lots of cycling to make sure that you get the shrine (and even if they have tech cards to blow it up, you just draw a second one). It's not uncommon for a tenko deck to have 4 different effects that will heal every turn, meaning 8 damage being pumped out above and beyond what their followers are doing. And on top of that they are healing themselves, making it harder to outrace them. The second is midrange sword, but really it's "plop a bunch of guys down and go face" sword. It's midrange in that instead of getting as many storm guys as possible (as they would in a true aggro deck), they use two guys which protect all of your followers from being damaged by spells and effects for one turn. This protects them from the usual threat of overextending, i.e. having your force wiped out with a mass damage effect. They also have Arthur, who is a bit later game, but summons four weenies from your deck with him just in case they actually did wipe your board. Now honestly midrange sword could be countered by a strong defensive deck or by outright destroy effects and so should be being kept in check... except that their damage prevention effects makes it extremely good against Tenko, which relies on repeated damage from the shrine. So the meta is now that Tenko dominates until it dominates too much at which point Sword becomes the number one deck. Then eventually people start experimenting with anti-sword decks but they always lose to Tenko so then Tenko is back on top and so on. A lot like the Mirroden meta where it was affinity and the midrange red deck that could beat affinity.
  17. Gyokuyoutama

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    Without even looking at magic fan sites I'm guessing that people are bitching about it being unplayable due to the activated ability's cost being too high.
  18. Gyokuyoutama

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    I kind of want to play that format again where non-basic land in your deck had to have the exact same mana cost. If I recall correctly WW dominated the format. I was kind of partial to R though.
  19. Gyokuyoutama

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    Somehow when I think of Chopin being Chopin instead of any of the really famous named pieces, I think of this nocturne:
  20. If I ever get a time machine all I'm going to do is go back to the late nineties and make predictions of the future during online deathmatches.

    1. General DeGroot

      General DeGroot

      you mean you won't be a key part of The Simpsons' animation team?

  21. Gyokuyoutama

    Anime General Discussion

    I unironically like the EBA version of jumping jack flash better than the stones version. But I also like the Grand Funk version of Gimme Shelter more than the stones version so what do I know.
  22. Gyokuyoutama

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    More and more I'm thinking that ICP is like Pro Wrestling where the whole thing is a joke and half the fans know it:
  23. Gyokuyoutama

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    The future of E-Sports is here: