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Raison d'être

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Everything posted by Raison d'être

  1. Raison d'être

    Huff's TF2 is Dead Giveaway

    Give me the scrap metal or you die.
  2. Raison d'être

    The Gun Mettle Update

    Pay six bucks to do achievements you probably already have so you can have a shitty gaudy weapon. Great!
  3. Oh please, that's literally every day out here. ​You live in Vegas, kill a coked-up hooker while gambling or whatever it is you do, all I know is whatever you do keeps your mind off the heat. We have NOTHING to do here. P.S. stop stealing our water or we'll show you why we're the golden state and you're the silver state. ​Best advice I can give is ditch the blanket and sleep without one or just use another sheet if you have to.
  4. ​Hey, it's supposed to be 107 F (41.6 C) here today. And we don't even have any fucking water! Drain those dykes of yours and give us some.
  5. Raison d'être

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    ​It gets a lot better when you know the background of that image.Someone made a thread on /pol/ and posted a screencap of a facebook conversation or something. He said that some girl was a racetraitor bitch because she went out with a non-white instead of him. He didn't block out the names too well and /pol/ found his page and found that image of him. Fucking Noah.
  6. Raison d'être

    Payday General

    When playing solo, no, once you get hit by a socom motherfucker it's basically over.
  7. Raison d'être

    The IT thread.

    Looks alright, you're cutting it pretty close with 430W though, I'd go for 550W or higher.
  8. Raison d'être

    The IT thread.

    Ditch the mom CPU and get an i5 or whatever AMD offers around that price point. That monitor is really fucking expensive, what are you doing man? You can prolly shave off $50 or more by getting one that isn't that. Speaking of, the monitor I use is on sale and it's excellent for the price. Games are using a lot of VRAM nowadays, I'd grab the 4GB version of your card. If you're still using less than 350 watts or so bump off the 620 W and get something like this, Seasonic is god tier for PSUs, Antec not so much.
  9. Raison d'être

    Payday General

    Stealth just means that the alarm isn't raised. Alarms can be triggered by guards, cameras, and civilians. If you see the phone thing instead of the exclamation point above their head the alarm's about to be raised but you can stop it if you shoot whoever's doing it. Unless it's a camera, once the camera goes "!" it's over and you can't stop the alarm even if you destroy it and kill the cameraman. This has a good run down of what triggers alerts. So there's more or less two types of stealth, "conventional" stealth (don't get seen) and "control" stealth (get seen, tie people down/keep them from raising the alarm by shouting at them).
  10. Raison d'être

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    ​Now every new player can buy their karuma!
  11. Raison d'être

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    "On 24 August 2007, Ken Livingstone (Mayor of London) apologized publicly for London's role in the slave trade. 'You can look across there to see the institutions that still have the benefit of the wealth they created from slavery', he said pointing towards the financial district, before breaking down in tears. He claimed that London was still tainted by the horrors of slavery. Jesse Jackson praised Mayor Livingstone, and added that reparations should be made." You're #1 in white guilt, I'll give you that.
  12. ​"No. A lot of powerful companies stand to lose alot if my generator becomes well known, and given the simplicity of it, I wouldn't be surprised if several people already did it and were squashed to prevent the concept from becoming known. Billions of dollars are made every year on power generation, and this concept would reduce that amount greatly even if those companies switched to this concept. So I figure I'll face lots of opposition, so I want to make it hard for them to squash me, which means not using any method that allows them to track me down before I'm ready." Then why the fuck are you posting it on a public forum you mongo?
  13. 6:52 PM - touch my beanus: want a sneak peek at what i've been up 2??? 6:52 PM - Puff the Magic H Bomb: sure 6:53 PM - touch my beanus: http://i.gyazo.com/feb4e16ad35457ff764cc50a713aed87.png 6:53 PM - touch my beanus: idk if it'll work y'know man 6:54 PM - touch my beanus: loic is easily blocked 6:54 PM - touch my beanus: but still worth a shot i guess 6:54 PM - Puff the Magic H Bomb: reach for the stars dude 6:54 PM - touch my beanus: alright i'll try!!! 6:54 PM - touch my beanus: lemme know if u struggle getting on http://www.memepowered.com 6:56 PM - touch my beanus: nvm it doesnt work
  14. Raison d'être

    The thread about Sports

    American Pharaoh won the Triple Crown. First time this has happened since 1978.
  15. ​From what I can tell Majickus lost it and kicked everyone from the Subspuf steam group and then started spamming gore/porn images here. But since our mods are no-life losers they reacted quickly and banned him. You know, speaking of no-life losers, where's Commander been?
  16. Goddamnit Brain don't make me fucking rescind what I said.
  17. I'm just confused. No effort at all, it's like going on a Christian forum and posting a thread called "god is a fag". ​Well at least your shitposts are benign, well as benign as shitposts can be.
  18. Raison d'être

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    ​If it's anything like the other Fallout games doggy's gonna die when he charges a deathclaw before you can even get your gun out.
  19. Raison d'être

    Steam Refunds

    There's not much more concerning to me than seeing a developer saying "I'm afraid of refunds." I mean shit if Lay's can tell me if I'm not 100% abso-fucking-lutely satisfied with their fucking chips I can call them up and they'll give me my two bucks back then why can't you? Sure some people will always abuse refunds but most people aren't total scumbags like Brianna "John" Wu.
  20. Raison d'être

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    Apparently the new Firefox update removes posts from Evilbrain.
  21. Raison d'être

    Windows 10

    I'll probably upgrade a week before the deadline so all the kinks are worked out first.
  22. You know, I used to enjoy status updates, because they were quick and easy to check. But then this "upgrade" removed the ability to see comments on the main page, why? They're half the fun. But that wasn't enough. No, it had to introduce the ability to add images but not even show a thumbnail on the main page, so just about every fucking status update is a picture, or a video, and I have to go here to check. But even that wasn't enough, because BRAIN has to spam his STUPID FUCKING WEEB SHIT, AND EVERY FUCKING TIME I WANT TO CHECK THE STATUS FEED, BECAUSE MAYBE, MAYBE, FOR ONCE THERE'S A SOMEWHAT INTERESTING PICTURE, NO, IT'S JUST SOME GODDAMN ANIME BROAD IN GENERIC FUCKING POSES THAT I DON'T FUCKING CARE ABOUT, YEAH GREAT FUCKING UPGRADE

    1. <Witty Name>

      <Witty Name>

      it's also very bad from a design perspective; taking up space whilst communicating no information is something that only youtube comments should do

    2. Jaydor


      Please, there is nothing wrong with Brain spreading the gospel of glorious Suguri.

    3. <Witty Name>

      <Witty Name>

      how about, for every two or three posts about your sub-par waifus, I post gore

    4. Show next comments  81 more
  23. Speaking of sports, where's Slick?