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SirActionSlacks last won the day on May 9 2012

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About SirActionSlacks

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  • Birthday 01/17/1980

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  1. SirActionSlacks

    My Saxxy Idea this year (wanna help?)

    well, it wouldnt really need voice actors, just a ton of extras!Also, Janobi says I should scrap this due to the fact that people may not know what a spycrab is, and it will turn out like demopan beggings where it wasnt very popular since people dont know the meme. So, i guess im back to the drawing board.
  2. SirActionSlacks

    My Saxxy Idea this year (wanna help?)

    i have most of the hats in the game, so costumes wont be a problem really. However, i have no editing software, so while I can direct it ect. i might have some trouble editing it. Last time I uploaded the vids to you-tube in pieces and friends edited them....anyone wanna help there?
  3. SirActionSlacks

    My Saxxy Idea this year (wanna help?)

    well yeah, you can all help, if it actually wins i want as many saxxys given out as possible haha.But, critiques? Advice? Editors? what do you guys think?
  4. so, last year, I had a humiliating defeat with my movie "Demopan Beginnings". Like any sad hopeful, I am ready to embarrass myself again with a new film this year. Here is the script for your reviewing pleasure. If you want to help, please do. Engineer with a Shotgun running time, 1 minute scene opens to a dark room, camera positioned behind a spy's head. Spy is looking forward at a engineer who is turned around. Voice over in my old silly prospector voice: "There are two kinds of men in this word" scene changes to a slow zoom at a farm house, with a spray that reads "spy crab sanctuary" next to the door, with a deep DUN DUN sound like a heartbeat. "men that build" Shot of dispenser erecting on the farm during the day time. "and men that destroy" Shot of dispenser with a sapper attached exploding with a spy barely visible running away. "men that give" scene changes to a engineer crouching next to a thrown buffalo steak sandwich with a spy crab slowly crabbing twards it, with several crabs visible in the background in a fenced in pen. A pyro with a madam dixie is also in the background, hitting the ground with a backscratcher. "Come and get your yummins, Cinnamon" spy crab picks up the steak "good boy!" scene changes to inside a farm house (probs coldrfront's house) with a pyro in humiliation mode, tapping foot with a madam dixie on. Engineer is standing across from her. "and men that take" engineer is speaking to the pyro with the pistol out. "i dont care what they said, I aint sellin my farm, and they aint taking my CRABS!" engineer leaves house and camera pans after him, the pyro says the negative response line (muff mu mugg.... {thinks thats oh my god sarcastically}) scene changes back to the dark room behind the spies head. "but take enough from a man" scene changes to a close up of engineers face, then big zooms in with the sound of heavy punching (take DIS un DAT) and engineer pain noises (im going to act like the camera is heavies fist) scene changes back to the dark room, now with the camera on engi's face, looking upward "destroy what he loves most" scene changes to the farm during the night. explosions can be seen all around (rocket jumper soilders shooting behind objects to remain hidden, and pyros also hidden shooting flames). Camera follows engi running toward farm for 3 seconds then switches to behind a dead pyro's body on the ground, just slightly peering over the corpse. Engineer is running to the corpse and towards the camera. "no nO NO!" engineer runs OVER the pyro corpse and the camera, camera pans with him to reveal a dead spy behind the pyro. Engineer stops next to the dead spy and crouches. camera changes to a over the head view of the engi and spy corpse, engineer looks upwards at the camera shaking violently as the camera quickly zooms away into the sky. "CINOMANNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!" back to the dark room, camera behind spy's head, looking ad engineer with his back to the spy. "And you can engineer.... " ​engineer slowly turns around, facing the spy and the camera, relieving a googly gazer and a gunslinger hand. (he is also wearing the crazy engi hair and the old geezer) "A different man entirely" This should be the 30 second mark, halfway done. Stamda's banjo comes in now, and the cuts are extreamly fast paced to match the banjo music. First cut is to a heavy wearing the back market business loadout with the security shades as he is slowly following spy crabs with a shotgun, as if he is herding them. Heavy turns around and the screen pauses with a title card coming in quickly flashing "THE MUSCLE". As heavy completes his turn around he sees the engineer. Heavy says "Uh Ohhhh..." Scene changes to a close up of heavies face, camera going in and out with engineer hitting noises (POW BAM) and heavy pain noises. Scene changes to a sniper with a kuriki out. He is hitting spy crabs and there is a spray which says "spy crabs for sale" next to him on a wall. As he turns to dface the camera, the screen freeses and a title card flashes saying "THE THEIF" Screen unfreeses and the sniper says "Holy DOOLIE". Camera pans to what the sniper was looking at behind the camera to revival a lvl 3 sentury being wrangled by engi standing next to it. Engi fires the gun and sniper can be heard screaming. Scene changes to several demopirates in a room with the camera focused on the doorway. Engineer walks in with a sentery box and as he places it down the demos all look at him and say "WHUT" as in "WHUT JUS HAPPENED?!" Screen freeses and title card flashes which says "THE GANG" Screen unfreezes as engineer runs in to the room with a "battle cry (yeeee haaaaawwww) off camera with pistol as the mini sentry sets up. Lots of demo screaming can be heard (the camera never moves from the door way) as the sentry shoots and pistol shots can be heard. Demo corpses (launched by sticky jumping ragdolls) are shooting across the screen for a few seconds with all the screaming, explosions, and gunfire. Banjo slows down now, and we enter the dark room. the camera is zoomed with the spy's side of his face filling up the right part of the screen. After 2 seconds a shotgun muzzle swings into view from the left, inches away from the spies face. The screen pauses and title card flashes "THE BUSINESSMAN". Camera follows the shotgun, up to the engineers face. A shotgun shot is heard, banjo stops. Badass music starts playing Scene changes to a engineer walking tward the camera. The background is lots of explosions, sentries firing, and all sorts of mayhem. Tons of spy crabs can be seen walking around behind him as engi walks toward the screen. "engineer...." engineer switches weapons to the shotgun, and is reloading it as the voice over continues. "with a shotgun" engineer finishes reloading, then jumps toward the camera saying "YAHHHHHH!" the end. What do you think?