So even though I post about it a lot, I haven't actually played Magic in like...a year. A few of my friends and I got together today, so I brought some decks to test out. And wow. I made some good-ass decks. I won a game with Slimefoot, even though I had been manascrewed the whole game and only had 4 mana to use. Deathspore Thallid was just stupidly good, absolutely the MVP of that deck next to Slimey himself. A friend of mine did really well with my Gishath dinosaur deck, which was nice to see. And then in the next game, my friend sat down with my Varina zombies deck. And good god.
I've been working on this deck for about 4 years now-I had started assembling the cards for a zombie deck back during like Khans of Tarkir, when Sidisi, Brood Tyrant came out. And then last year, when Varina came out, I swapped over to her. Which turns out to have been the right move because she is like...ridiculously consistent. My friend won on turn 5 or 6 with Approach of the Second Sun. It was like halfway down his deck but he managed to dig that deep in the space of just a couple of turns. It was super impressive. Also kind of nice to see a deck that I'd spent a ton of time and money on do so well. Kinda wish I'd been piloting it, but hey-it's my deck so I'm counting it as a win for me.