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Everything posted by Razputin

  1. it's real bad in the netherlands. There is only one school validated to give away driver's licences but they are still corporate so they actually have a failing quota to get to by the end of the year. It's common knowledge here that you should always try to get your driver's test early on in the year because the later you book it the higher the odds they fail you for some arbitrary reason. You're also basically expected to fail the first two times
  2. I am never nervous for tests but for some reason my driving test got me so nervous I felt my heart was gonna explode
  3. Razputin

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    That enchantment cycle(?) gets me really excited and a little worried Watch the blue one being Tolarian Academy
  4. Another student here is doing a study on tACS artifacts in EEG so he is stimulating on a melon to make a model Yesterday I came to uni at 9 and he was already testing and when I left at 6 he was still going so I went into the test chamber to see how he was doing, and he's sitting on a table eating half of the melon. Apparently he was really hungry
  5. Razputin

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    Ya know yer a control player when yer more excited about a one mana cantrip than any eight mana legendary tricolor dinosaur
  6. Razputin

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

  7. Razputin

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/6xqtgz/an_insightful_thread_where_game_developers/dmhz7fa/?st=j74vov4h&sh=94577080 There was some Twitter discussion about hidden game mechanics and someone compiled them all into a reddit thread. Some of these are really cool
  8. Razputin

    Shameless SFV shilling thread

    So it turns out Abigail was a potatoman because they had to stockpile all the moe for Menat instead
  9. Razputin

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Every time I see the title come by I read "Asslover"
  10. The last lines seem very spiteful to me, directly aimed at valve and talking about how they changed for the worse
  11. I know what you're trying to do but it's not working Because apparently it actually does not work anymore
  12. Razputin

    Ben has been kidnapped

    Give up on Huff, there is no saving from such degeneracy
  13. Razputin

    Recommend ONE (1) thing

    There's so many different pieces of media to choose from nowadays we get complete choice overload and end up sticking with what we already know. If you ask for recommendations, people will gladly help, but often present you with such a massive pool of options you end up with the same problem. So ITT: 1. Recommend ONE (1) piece of media that you really enjoy and would like for more people to get into 2. Media can basically be anything, movies, music, games, annemays 3. Don't suggest your "best thing ever" per se, but something you think could get other people interested into a broader subject, like a good introductory album to a musical genre 4. Really try to sell it to someone who wouldn't otherwise be interested; just wailing about how amazing it is won't do much (and a longer post isn't a better post per se) 5. If someone convinces you of watching/listening/reading their suggested piece of media, give them a nice juicy reply
  14. A cupholder is basically just a cup for cups

  15. Razputin

    Marc Laidlaw leaks HL2:E3's story

    I don't think a good ending would be fitting, imagine if they did reverse engineer the borealis and went back in time to undo the resonance cascade. That would've been a huge cop out. Getting a glimpse of the Combine's real power and the melancholy of barely being able to delay them a bit is a great ending
  16. Razputin

    Marc Laidlaw leaks HL2:E3's story

    To me what's more important than reading the ending (as it is only Marc's version) is how this puts the heat on valve. They can't really not react to such a big shakeup and get called out pretty hard
  17. Razputin


    It's a shame this fell flat, I really want to see more games like this and it flopping will make publishers think people aren't interested in arena shooters. Good thing quake champions is doing decent at least
  18. Razputin

    We Media Now: TF2 Edition

    I hate those things
  19. Razputin

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    Maybe Im completely missing something but as cool as "Teferi's taking his ball and going home" is it does not have much legacy applications
  20. A flipping digital card game

    1. aabicus
    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      compare to this:

      Looks like valve should step it up

    3. DualJay


      i paste the cards over my wallpaper, an eternally collectible sanctum, hearthstone, gwent, shadowverse, scrolls, magic - these cards are my friends, they speak to me, i collect them and hold them and they hold me and collect the broken broken broken things i leave behind

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  21. Razputin


    No gore tonight but equally horrifying I was sitting at my (work)desk and read online that this mtg deck was doing really good and it looked real fun to play being in my favourite archetype (modern jeskai), but the community name for the deck that had already caught on was Sasuke Uchiha for some reason So I'm sitting at my desk contemplating whether I want to play a deck called Sasuke Uchiha when my sister (who knows nothing about mtg nor naruto) calls me to tell me how disappointed she is that I am playing the Sasuke Uchiha decklist and before I can get a word in she hangs up on me
  22. Razputin


    Completely unrealistic A real psychologist would have you wait AT LEAST a whole month between sessions
  23. Razputin


    I just keep having the most heinous gore-filled dreams what the fuck is going on
  24. Razputin

    Tell Your Raccoon Stories

    Raccoons don't look like real animals, they come straight out of a studio Ghibli film
  25. Razputin

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I don;t think I've ever turned around on a game as much as Hollow Knight. I started off loving it but by now I would've refunded it if it was possible. I finally cracked and looked up how to pass some kind of barrier, and I needed an upgrade but to get to that upgrade I needed another upgrade and to get that I needed another upgrade and to get that I needed another upgrade. I felt I passed into endgame 3 hours ago but I'm pretty sure I'm not even halfway. On top of that the fast travel system sucks and backtracking to where I'd need to be for the first upgrade in my fetchquest sequence would easily be 15 minutes of walking. The game starts off charming but is quite literally too grey and monotone to go on for as long as it does. It would've been a much better game if it had been half its actual length