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Everything posted by kayohgee

  1. kayohgee


    Last night I had a mild night terror type thing where I thought the world was literally about to end and ran upstairs to some very confused family members.
  2. kayohgee


    Cool. I'm breeding horses and I'd be willing to let people borrow saddles/armor for this mission if you need a fast way to get around.
  3. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Bought Transistor Still haven't played Transistor What's my damage
  4. kayohgee

    Game Of Thrones

    Finally finished book 3. Definitely my favorite of the series so far. Things are really starting to get interesting. Now to slog through book 4 so I can get to Dance With Dragons.
  5. kayohgee

    Game Grumps

    Do you mean the series is actually ending, or that it just sucks now? I haven't kept up with it for a while.
  6. kayohgee


    I found a skeleton spawner. I should have an xp/arrow farm built soon. I'll post coords and everyone can feel free to use it once it's finished. I may also build a rail line but I'll need Veez's permission as one of his provinces is between spawn and the spawner.
  7. kayohgee

    Did somebody call Whine One One?

    It's so nice to have a new member. Welcome, friend! I get the eyes.
  8. kayohgee


    Yeesh. I thought they were called shaders, not blinders.
  9. kayohgee


    I might have some extra. I made a bunch of black glass for my house a while back.
  10. kayohgee


    Who wants to help me quest around the edges of the explored space on the web map and fill the rest in to make it more square? Or better yet, who wants to give me flying powers which would also help me accomplish this? *waves a binary*
  11. kayohgee


    Veez was actually talking about this as well. I think we'd be able to get a good party together to take that thing down. It would also be nice to get some people together to do some wither farming like EB suggested.
  12. kayohgee


    I keep having dreams of people being in my room. It's really bizarre. I used to have night terrors where people or creatures would show up in my room or on my bed, but this is totally different. I don't feel threatened or afraid, it's just mildly aggravating. I just want to get a restful night's sleep and some dude is trying to sneak his was across the room because he things we're playing tag and he's it (this happened last night and I still don't understand what the fuck was going on), or a group of people have made themselves at home and are talking, or doing weird shit like pulling all of the clothes out of my dresser and generally intruding on my private space. Sometimes it happens as more of a hypnopompic hallucination (a transitional state in between being asleep and waking up), which can be extremely disorienting because it can be hard to tell when I'm actually awake and when I am not. I'm not upset about it or anything, but it disrupts my attempts to sleep. I just want my brain to get these people the fuck out of here.
  13. So my girlfriend and I broke up... Send me the best porn you have.

    1. Unromantic XYTWO

      Unromantic XYTWO

      Rule of thumb: if your fetishes are too weird to be shared with the other guy, just bring some ice cream.

    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      i was concerned that nobody was recognizing it

    3. kayohgee


      It's the thought that counts.

    4. Show next comments  168 more
  14. kayohgee

    share your worst jokes

    What's black and white and red all over? A gay interracial couple in the south.
  15. kayohgee

    ITT We Appreciate Good Video Game Music

    Same. Just got the soundtrack edition today.
  16. kayohgee

    The Reaction Pictures Thread

    How is FoF? Been thinking about playing it.
  17. kayohgee

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    The new Roots album is pretty damn good.
  18. kayohgee


  19. kayohgee


    Is this the newest IP? Is this server still running? I can't connect to it.
  20. kayohgee

    Movie Thread

    Star Trek Into Darkness just came to Netflix so I rewatched that. Pretty much have the same opinion I did the first time I saw it: If you ignore the lazy writing/plot hole kind shit this movie is littered with, you still end up with a fun, stylish space adventure movie with an awesome cast. People like to rip on this film because it's not "real" Trek for abandoning the more philosophical, thought provoking issues of the series, but give me a break. If that's your criteria, there hasn't been "real" Star Trek produced since DS9 ended. Voyager and Enterprise touched on these things occasionally, but they really weren't what those series were about, and the TNG films were just as much action schlock as the new films, without any of the things that made the new films good. I'd take Chris Pine's caricature of Kirk shooting a bunch of dudes over Patrick Stewart's wildly out of character Picard shooting dudes any day. Also Captain America was good.
  21. It's been a loong time. How have you been?

    1. <Witty Name>

      <Witty Name>

      Kayohgee! We're all coming baaaaaack!

    2. Unromantic XYTWO
    3. John Caveson

      John Caveson


      Hi, hows it goin'?

    4. Show next comments  168 more
  22. kayohgee

    GOTY 2013

    IMO this is where the kinds of concepts discussed in The Stanley Parable come into play. Simply put, when you reduce them to their basic elements, every game is like this. You can say "real" games have more free will or interactivity, but it's only as much as the game designers are willing to give us. In any kind of story based game there may be multiple paths to different events or multiple outcomes, but all of these are still following some kind of programmed, linear path. When you think about it, there really isn't a tremendous amount of difference between "Hold the right arrow key and see random shit" and "Hold the right arrow key and click the mouse and press the buttons at random times and see random shit". Whether it be the plot or (even in a sandbox game, for instance) the world we're put in, every game is laid out for us in advance. I can agree that entries like Dear Esther aren't what some would traditionally consider games. They take minimalism and linearity to extremes other games do not. That being said, just because they're unconventional doesn't mean you can oust them from the medium entirely. It's a lot like 4'33", for those of you who've heard of it. it's minimalist and abstract to the point where (IMO) the amount of actual sound content wouldn't warrant a "Song of the Year" award or anything, but it's still music in the fundamental sense.
  23. kayohgee

    GOTY 2013

    If we're talking individual categories, I think The Stanley Parable certainly wins for best writing. Not sure it's enough of a game in the traditional sense to qualify for GOTY overall, however.
  24. kayohgee

    GOTY 2013

    I'm gonna have to go with Antichamber as well, but I'm guessing a lot of GOTY wins will go to Metro, XCOM or Bioshock.
  25. kayohgee

    Anime General Discussion

    Speaking as one of those people who considers themselves more of a casual this is not an inaccurate statement.