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Everything posted by Medic

  1. Hiya matey. Welcome to that nasty place underneath all those TF2 Halloween maps.
  2. Medic

    Steam Summer Sale 2014

    That's even worse than my first steps into the FPS genre, playing Left 4 Dead with a slideshow frame rate. Anyway I voted FEAR too. Better offers. I've got 2.90 to spend on stuff, I dunno if I want to spend it on TF2 stuff or on a cheap game.
  3. Medic

    Steam Summer Sale 2014

    I bought Skyrim Legendary Edition for the DLCs, a couple of keys and bought and sold trading cards and that's pretty much it.
  4. Medic

    Forum Changes - Late June 2014

    That moment when you suddenly remember that the Saloon exists.
  5. Medic

    The Binding of Isaac

    It's so bad it's good then. I wonder if he DID sell his kidney?
  6. Oh yeah, I never finished the Binding of Medic stories. Actually, I finished two of them, the Halloween one and the Christmas one. 50% ain't bad. There's also the Bohrok-Kal's Ramblings, which I give up on and restart on a regular basis.
  7. I think people are scared to post their crap. Most things I write are crap so I don't really care.
  8. I love going backwards. -_-

    1. Razputin


      I wish I could moonwalk

    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      Think of it as looking for another way forward.

  9. I have cake.

    1. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette


      this concludes the simulation of 2007 internet, please carry on

    2. Raison d'être
    3. Simon
    4. Show next comments  111 more
  10. See, that idea is actually really bloody good. And you're smart enough to write down your plots rather than just making it up as you go along. You do not want to go through my Stories folder. It's terrifying. And full of really bad assorted fan fiction. Top scorers on the Wall of Written Pain include a failed Team Fortress 2 zombie arc, a cannibal Bionicle universe, a reverse Bionicle universe where Rahkshi are Toa and Toa are the bad guys, a couple of LoL fan fictions and a literal ton of failed original stories, one of which actually was good until I introduced the fourth character. Unfinished LoL story Tales of the Dessaron, an unfinished, never to be finished original story, because occasionally I can be original, you know.
  11. Medic

    PETA Claims Milk Causes Autism

    Next up, breathing air causes diabetes.
  12. Medic

    The Binding of Isaac

    the catwalk-ish maze rooms with six maggot vaginas are literally hitler And the same catwalk-ish maze rooms with the Greed heads that fire at you.
  13. So this client can't open SWF files yet won't tell us what the error is or anything. Could someone give me telepathy please?

  14. Medic

    The Binding of Isaac

    Congrats. Meanwhile, Necropolis is evil. I wouldn't mind if it didn't keep on throwing those maze-like rooms full of blood-spitting enemies which give you no room to move.
  15. I did. I honestly just think Google's fucking with me since I don't use it any more. Oh well, I don't really care any more, I'll just install ClassicShell. As for me, I'll just wait until Windows 9. Or switch to Linux/Ubuntu. Stupid Windows.
  16. How do you make Windows 8.1 look like an actual OS rather than a tablet operating system designed for little children? Everything just says "install something like ClassicShell" but isn't there something you click or a setting you can change to make it all look like our beloved Windows 7/Vista/XP/whatever?
  17. Medic


    But you're just making generally rather peaceful animals fight each other... And you're keeping them inside little balls until you die. I hope it's nice inside those pokeballs. (I also have no idea about the generic plot apart from everyone wanting to catch that damn Pikachu.)
  18. Medic


    I hate Davjo's signature because it one-upped the picture I drew. I also dislike Pokemon in general. It's gladiator battles and slavery and no one seems to notice.
  19. Even though I don't get Skyrim with it because I already own it, I bought the Legendary Edition to save myself 60%. No more buying for me.

    1. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      That's funny, Jay did the exact same thing

  20. Welp, that's my €10 spent. No more spending for me.

  21. Medic

    Steam Summer Sale 2014

    Yay, we're both on the team that's losing by a damn mile.
  22. Welp, just broke down and cried my eyes out. gg wp life

    1. Facade
    2. Simon


      *internet hug*

    3. ICBMoose


      Well, I cant do mmuch over the internet beyond saying "I hope you feel better," but I do hope you feel better.

    4. Show next comments  111 more
  23. Medic

    League of Legends

    Hey, Nidalee got buffed. Time for us all to scream and die.