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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/22/13 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    DCP's Artistic Art

    And here I am again with a new double update to finish the summer (or beginning the autumn, dunno) On the one hand, a new digital drawing with the humble name "Extreme Dungeon!!!": And obviously, a new page of Sketchies: Hope you like this!
  2. 2 points

    SPUF City

    What? Two chapters in one day? [spoiler2]Chapter 10 Dr. Evil Brain fled the subway station in a panic. “Any second now, part of the city should explode, at least.” He looked in the direction that the subway train was headed. The sound of a boom rang through the sky, and buildings in the distance started toppling over. “Not a big issue. I can still raise the dongers of these people with a little skill.” He started to turn and run again, until he saw the Maidsassins approaching him. “I guess you thought you could hide by staying in the most obvious spot.” Moby snapped his arm, and his chainsaw appeared. Bowie reached under his dress and brandished two knives. Doopliss reached into a pocket on his dress and pointed a pistol at Dr. Evil Brain. “Get him!” Moby and Bowie started dashing at Evil Brain, while Doopliss stood back and tried to pick him off. Dr. Evil Brain bolted into an alleyway and ran down multiple winding paths. The Maidsassins quickly lost him. “Don’t let him get too far ahead.” Doopliss ran down one path, leaving the others for Moby and Bowie. ------------------- Rammite, Cuba, and Simon hid behind a building. Bullets zipped by them. Simon grabbed Rammite by the collar of his shirt. “How smart of you. They weren’t going to attack us, but you insisted you attack them. And now look at us!” Rammite smacked Simon’s hand away. “We need to kill them. As long as they’re working for Evil Brain, he has an advantage.” “Too many of our men have been killed already.” Cuba took a look from the corner of the building. The rebel army was already starting to dwindle. “They’re going to overtake us if we don’t find something to do quickly.” From the other side of the alleyway, they were approached by Huff, Guy, Raison, and John Caveson. Huff extended his hand to Rammite. “You’re the leader of the rebel militia, correct?” “I am. Name’s Rammite. Who are you?” “Just call me Huff. I work for the mafia under Don Stamda. He told me to work with rebel leaders until our crisis has been averted.” Huff bowed and at that motion, the others bowed too. “The mafia is under your command until the enemy has been defeated.” Rammite pointed in the direction of the mod army. “Go out there and help fight the war. Any weapon you find on the ground is yours to use. I expect you’ll make good use of it.” “As you wish, Rammite.” The four sprinted out to the battlefield and began to fight. ------------------- Dr. Evil Brain looked ahead and looked behind. No one seemed to have found him yet. He continued walking forward, being careful to look in all directions. In the distance, he saw this alleyway led to a lake. “That must be the lake in the middle of the park.” He rested his hand on the ground. After a few seconds of looking back and forth, he started walking again. “I should be able to get there in about a minute. They won’t find me before then.” He started running. Just as he passed another alley, he was stopped by a familiar voice. “Don’t go any farther, Dr. Evil Brain, or I’ll shoot.” Doopliss was holding a gun to Dr. Evil Brain’s head. “Your hiding skills aren’t even close to your ‘stuffing a train with bombs’ skills.” Dr. Evil Brain faced Doopliss. “You aren’t going to just shoot me now? I thought you were an assassin.” “I haven’t been a murderer for eight years, Evil Brain. And I’m not going to start again.” Doopliss lowered his gun a little. “You submit now, and I’ll lead you out of the city in quiet. The others will think you’re dead, and you can live peacefully somewhere else.” “That’s very thoughtful of you Doopliss . . . unfortunately . . .” Evil Brain reached for his pistol and shot Doopliss with one quick motion. Doopliss plopped to the ground, writhing in pain. His blood formed a puddle around his stomach. “I’m not leaving until this whole damn city raises its dongers.” Dr. Evil Brain started walking way, until he heard a shriek from behind. He turned to see Bowie knelt down next to Doopliss’s now lifeless body. “D-D-D-Doopliss! What ha – who did – Please wake up!” Bowie looked down the alleyway and saw Dr. Evil Brain still holding his gun. Bowie became enraged, but the more enraged he became, the more he started crying. Over time his crying evolved into laughter. His voice became more and more deranged. Dr. Evil Brain tried to shoot him, but he couldn’t seem to get a good aim at him. “Come on, Dr. Evil Brain!” Bowie’s voice now sounded like the voice of a madman. “Having trouble with that gun?” Bowie lifted up his hand, and more knives than he could possibly hide in his dress started floating by his head. Dr. Evil Brain dashed down the alley as the knives flew straight for him. “Come on, Evil Brain! Fight me!” Dr. Evil Brain entered another alleyway as the knives zipped right past him. ------------------- The militia’s numbers were dwindling down to the twenties. Rammite, Cuba, and Simon were fighting alongside them, hoping to drive down the mods in short time. “Don’t stop firing!” Rammite yelled. “We only ha – Ach!” Rammite was shot in the neck. Cuba and Simon rushed to his side. “Rammite! Get up!” Simon knelt down by Rammite and started shaking him. Cuba started looking for the wound. Both he and Simon were shot down to the ground by stray bullets in their stomachs. Cuba took a look over the battlefield. Only the mods were still fighting back. They had taken down the entire rebel army within fifteen minutes of the fight beginning. The mod army started making their way towards business district of the city, trampling the corpses of the fallen rebels in their path. They flooded the alleyways, looking for their leader before someone gets the better of him. ------------------- Bowie followed Dr. Evil Brain into an apartment complex. When he saw the Evil Brain was already nowhere to be found, Bowie sent his knives to fly around the room erratically, killing a few people living in the apartments and not finding a single trace of Evil Brain. After a moment of searching, he heard footsteps running up the stairs. He followed the sound until he eventually found himself at the room of the building with Dr. Evil Brain standing at the edge of the building. Dr. Evil Brain dropped his gun down the side of the building. “Come on, Bowie. If we’re going to fight, let’s fight like men. No magic knives. No guns. Just our fists.” “Fuck that.” Bowie sent a large number of knives flying at Evil Brain. Evil Brain tried to step to the side and dodge them, but he started losing his balance. Seeing a chance, Bowie dashed at Evil Brain and tried to knock him off the building. Just before they collided, Evil Brain regained his balance and stepped out of the way. Bowie couldn’t stop himself from moving until it was too late. He fell off the side of the building and died on impact with the ground. Dr. Evil Brain laughed and started to walk away, but as he looked back toward the entrance to the apartment, he was smacked with the butt of a gun and knocked to the ground. Moby knelt down and held his chainsaw up to Evil Brain’s neck. The Binocrat, the Commander, and Rin all held their guns to his head. “I hope you’ve made amends with Heimerdinger, Evil Brain.” The Binocrat saw the mods swarming the alleyways and pointed his gun towards the door. “I bet you wish this was over. There is just one small issue, however. You see, when you sent my train in the opposite direction, did you do the same thing with the other train?” Moby glared at Evil Brain. “Maybe we did. What does it matter?” “Well, I planned for the possibility that me revealing my plans would lead to you foiling them, so the other train that was moving was also filled with explosives. I also had it set to be in just the right spot that, if its movement were reversed, it would be in the center of the city just in time to raise you dongers.” The Commander started panicking and looked over to the center of the park. “But when will it get there?!” “Any second now.” ------------------- Bowie woke up and found himself in a lush, green field. All of the plants had been replaced with candy and unicorns roamed the wilderness. “What the hell . . .” “Bowie!” Bernkastel ran over and put an arm around Bowie shoulders. Shortly after, Doopliss did the same. “Bernkastel? Doopliss? You’re both alive?! But how? Where are we?” “You should know where we are! This is Pyroland! This is where every SPUFer goes with they die!” Bernkastel handed him a cup of tea. “Bernkastel and I were just having a tea party. Come join us!” Doopliss walked back over to the blanket he and Bernkastel were sitting on. “But I . . . No!” Bowie became enraged. He started stomping around. “This is not an ending to a story! This is some stupid joke! Narrator! Who the hell are you? What’s with this shitty ending?!” Bowie started tossing his knives at the ground. “What a god damn cop out! I’m done with this story!” Bowie then proceeded to walk out of the story . . . wait, what? End.[/spoiler2] And that's the end. Thanks to everyone who read it. Stay tuned for the next one.
  3. 1 point


    chapter 2 [spoiler2] Corvo Velvet, or Corvette as his (very few) friends called him (if he could convince them to, which he couldn't), was hiding out in a forest on the outskirts of Forum City. He had, upon learning of the Rep War, made preparations to summon a Class to fight for him. He had no real plan of who he wished to summon- he'd heard the Scout class was supposedly excellent in hit-and-run tactics, though. Speed and striking power would be damned useful provided he could dodge well enough. With that in mind, he began the ritual. "Evade your foes, strike them down in an instant. Move faster than the wind, and capture my victory." As the light died down, Corvette gaped in shock at the result. An impressively muscular man... in a skin-tight, purple tank top- which only went down to the top of his stomach… and bloomers… and lipstick. Oh, and carrying a shotgun with eight barrels, two horizontal by four vertical. "Hello~ I'm Scout for this war, but you can call me Doopliss! Or Mademoiselle, actually." "Uh… I'll stick to Doopliss." Corvo managed to say, before asking the obvious question. "But, uh… what's with the outfit?" "Well!, it's what I used to wear when running that inn with my daughter!" Aaaand train of thought derailed. "…you have a daughter?" "Why, ye~es!" "then… you're…" "Yes~" "But… the outfit… the lipstick…" "I find it's fun to mess with perceptions," Doopliss said in a (very thankfully, Corvette thought) more normal voice. "If they're too distracted by my outfit and body, they'll never be able to hit me." Corvette managed to pull his mind back to a semblance of sanity. "Okay, well… if it works, I can't really complain, I guess." Corvette shook his head slightly to reorient his thoughts a bit more. "Well, the hotel I'm staying in is a couple of blocks away… I hate to ask, but would it be possible for you to wear more conventional clothing in public?" Doopliss smirked… and struck a pose. "Not a problem." And then he vanished from sight. "What the-" "Relax, it's a trick the classes can do when not in combat. We can go incorporeal, or "spectate," as it were. That way we're less likely to be spotted, but we can't fight this way." Corvette settled down. Bullet dodged. "Alright then, let's head back for now." As the teenager plus surprisingly heterosexual ghost-scout sauntered back to the hotel, Corvette had one last question. "So, that shotgun's your weapon, right? Anything special it can do?" Laughter echoed through his head. "Let's just say my special trick is called "buckshot curtain" for a reason." [/spoiler2]
  4. 1 point
    Idiot Cube

    DCP's Artistic Art

    Luxo Junior! <3
  5. 1 point
    A 1970 Corvette

    DCP's Artistic Art

    I love that knight's expression it sums up the feeling you have when you're in the last level of a game and everything is being thrown at you at once
  6. 1 point
    You should check it out. I have 0/5 slots taken.
  7. 1 point
    Sometimes you come across some random, completely unknown artist who turns out to make Godlike music You can even Download his album for free: http://bit.ly/VgTOyR
  8. 1 point
    Or you can just play it like DOOM and have WASD to move, Arrows or Q and E to look, and Mouse to Cursor