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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/15/19 in Posts

  1. 3 points


    JIKAN DESU! JIKAN DESU! Another year of anime has passed us by and it wouldn't be right if we didn't do a bit of reflection of the year 2018! Here's the template for our trusty chart!
  2. 3 points


    I can never do charts for these because I will often just not watch any shows from a season for no particular reason. Will I watch more than four seasonal shows this year?!? Hopefully, but I've got an entire year to figure that out. I know I've got Monogatari in the next two months, Non Non Biyori Vacation in probably three months, as well as the Psycho Pass movies later on. My figure collection has grown two-fold since last year - I just hope that doesn't keep up.
  3. 3 points


    fuck yeah! another year, another oversized image! I went easy on memes this year since I actually took it halfway seriously.
  4. 3 points


    I'm biased, fight me. PopTeam was also great. Hope Mob and One PunchMan season 2 come soon.
  5. 3 points


    Not watched enough anime to comment but Hero Academia still good (movie good too) and Zombo Land Saga good and Yuru Camp good
  6. 2 points
    A 1970 Corvette


  7. 1 point


    thoughts + reviews now
  8. 1 point
    A 1970 Corvette


    I was gonna say that there wasn't much overlap but reviewing it I spose there is. I originally tried out ZLS but a little bit below halfway through I kinda had a feeling that they'd just keep doing idol show stuff (the little things they changed because of the premise of zombies wasn't enough for me tbh) which inevitably meant dumb drama (easily the worst part of any idol show) so I dropped it. I don't really feel like I was missing much and a lot of people's discussion on it kinda confirmed that with me. Plus pretty much all of the girls annoyed me other than Saki. I felt like I was really watching it just for the parts where the producer was introducing what was going to happen next episode. I did watch Retsuko but apparently it is a part of 2018, so I can amend this to the thing I guess. I had a mild interest in it just because the art style was super cyute, and decided to watch it on a whim. The first episode was pretty out there but for some reason I kept watching and then it kind of clicked. I also didn't know it had anything to do about metal until I had actually watched it which was a nice plus. I guess this is the closest thing to a metal girl anime we've got. Retsuko might be candidate for MC of the Year and Fenneko probably deserves a spot for girl of the year in there. I Lost My Colors In Another World or better known as the actual title Irozuku Sekai something something is a show that I'm still watching technically but it's from another season. Kind of out of my element because rather than being a comedy centered around an autistic girl it's a drama centered around an a(u/r)tistic girl. Not sure if I'll ever finish it. But it gets a mention for almost making it in the list of shows I watched. Yurucyandelta was okay. I was really blown away by the animation quality in the first episode but I enjoyed the solo camping more than the group camping. The chat bubble thing that did with texting conversations was cute and it kinda gave a neat way to look into how the characters talked and it's definitely one of the things that stuck out to me even months after watching it. I enjoyed pretty much all of the supporting characters more than the main characters though. Except for the short haired grill. She was pretty cute. I can't really think of anything else. +huff for SSR but immediately -huff for dissing the Colors
  9. 1 point


    I might do this, but only as a "best of what I watched." That would include three shows form 2018 I think? Patlabor anime of the year though.