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Status Replies posted by tsc

  1. So my laptop is broken. As much as I was broke before, I'm REALLY broke now.

  2. So my laptop is broken. As much as I was broke before, I'm REALLY broke now.

  3. The chat is broken ;_;

  4. The chat is broken ;_;

  5. The chat is broken ;_;

  6. Xenophobia is bad.

  7. Greentexting should be a thing here

  8. Greentexting should be a thing here

    1. tsc


      Binary's decision overruled, motion denied without prejudice.

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  9. I feel pointless being called Medic when I don't play TF2 any more.

  10. Moderator applications may be sent via private message to my inbox.

  11. I'm in the Steam Music Beta~~

  12. Seriously, guys, it's like none of you have heard of the Streisand Effect.

  13. >tfw no qt3,14 Third Reich gf.

  14. Speaking of which, word filters are OP and stoopid. Nerf nao pls

  15. I feel like negarepping everyone who claims the new reputation system is a like system.

  16. YOUR GOD(DESS?) HAS ARRIVED. What did I miss?

  17. Ask me one question and nothing else.

  18. So I'm in Florida this week. I've appointed Rammite as my secretary while I'm out. Oh, and I deleted everyone's rep, whoops.

  19. The twenty-first comment on this status update will get to choose my next SubSPUF AND Steam avatar, as well as my Steam name.

    1. tsc


      "Power! Unlimited power!" they said at IPS, and thus I had the power to lock statuses, as does Binary and Rammite.

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  20. The twenty-first comment on this status update will get to choose my next SubSPUF AND Steam avatar, as well as my Steam name.

    1. tsc


      Maybe I should lock this and watch the rage.

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  21. You know what's fantastic about tomorrow? No school :3

  22. Crossbow, noooo!
