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Status Replies posted by tsc

  1. Thank fuck it's Friday, I need a break

  2. Am I the only one here on subSPUF who doesn't really care about Halloween?

  3. And I'm all out of bubblegum.

  4. I will be unable to adequately perform my duties for an indefinite amount of time as I work to restore my desktop to a working state. I apologize for the inconvenience.

  5. Is it worth it to get a mic for gaming?

  6. Alright everyone, get in the car. We're going to Vegas to hunt down Corv.

  7. Alright everyone, get in the car. We're going to Vegas to hunt down Corv.

  8. Even though the Civ server crashed again, Commander's reaction made it almost worth it. Almost.

  9. This is jarateing me off. SPUF is the only site that won't load, "because the DNS lookup failed." How the fuck do I fix that?

  10. This is jarateing me off. SPUF is the only site that won't load, "because the DNS lookup failed." How the fuck do I fix that?

  11. After a delayed flight, 2 trains and a trip through the metro, I've finally arrived in my hotel in Stockholm. It's a boat. I'M ON A BOAT MOTHAFUCKAS.

  12. I'm getting a mexican walking fish next week then. Google them they're cute

  13. I got adobe CS4 for my birthday, so now I have photoshop, illustrator, flash, and some other stuff on my new computer. But more importantly, I GOT A LOT OF VIRTUAL HATS WOO YEAH!!!!

  14. Just realized that the Birthday Bot has been erased from history. Or at least, that section is gone. I am probably really late with this.

  15. Like this for a TBH

  16. Like this for a TBH

  17. Tonights Game Night was a failure, with a combination of the server being down, barely anyone showing up, and a server crash that later destroyed what remaining players we had, I had to call it a night. ;( Oh well, there's always next week.

  18. So the results of my serenade: she has work on Homecoming night. I either feel a sincere rejection or an uncomfortable friendzonr. And I spent so long writing and learning the song :/

  19. Honestly, I don't get why people still bother with HLDJ or TF2DJ. They are completely inferior to the Virtual Audio Cable + Foobar method of micspam

  20. 3rd Annual Saxxies announced, yet no Replay category....fucking bullshit.

  21. I didn't update Fallout on Monday and I'm not doing it today either. MEBEE NO ONE WILL NOTICE

