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Everything posted by TheOnlyGuyEver

  1. Stick Arena released on Steam today. If any of y'all used to play this shit all the time like me back in the day, go get it, it's free: https://store.steampowered.com/app/879650/Stick_Arena/
  2. TheOnlyGuyEver

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Best game I've played in recency is Subnautica. Bought it years ago on early access and beat it soon after it went full release earlier this year. So many early access games stay stuck in development Hell forever and then end up hardly delivering on any promises at all; Subnautica is not one of those games.
  3. TheOnlyGuyEver

    New TF2 Update Idea: The Mann Con Update!

    It is but a wonder as to how you are not employed at Valve.
  4. TheOnlyGuyEver

    Doodles on my mediocre drawing tablet

    Minipwn: I have been animating all day every day recently, so I have not doodled much. Anyways, this'd make a good Twitch emote. If anybody uses it as a Twitch emote I will fine them.
  5. If it doesn't have Adventure on it it ain't shit.
  6. TheOnlyGuyEver

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    249 isn't even alive.
  7. Nowadays what with every single supposed leak being dismissed immediately under the eye of intense professional scrutiny, it's sometimes hard to believe that there was even a time when people fell for stuff like that. Really the last big hoax like that I remember people falling for was Rayman in Smash. But man, I remember that shit, L is Real, and the following Purple Prizes, Triforce in OOT, fake stills of "Halo 4", pictures of beached sea monsters and giant otherworldly fossils. I very vividly remember looking up a video of how to play as a brute in Halo 3 and getting rickrolled. Wonder how many kids these days are falling for "free vbucks enter password here"
  8. TheOnlyGuyEver

    Doodles on my mediocre drawing tablet

    This needs no explanation.
  9. TheOnlyGuyEver

    Doodles on my mediocre drawing tablet

    An Alpine Incline:
  10. I'd ask for one for the rock collection but it wouldn't count unless I've actually been there.
  11. Happy America!

    1. hugthebed2


      july the fourth be with you

  12. TheOnlyGuyEver

    Doodles on my mediocre drawing tablet

    "Stay Rad!" with Claire Normal: Summer: I'm very happy with how this turned out! It's been a while since I've done a big perspective thing like this, and I think I nailed it! It's such a nice picture.
  13. The other day I posted an alligator in my doodles thread. For a while now I have been thinking a lot about what I want to do. I enjoy drawing and animating, but more as hobbies; I don't want to make a career out of it. I've enjoyed architecture at school, I think I could do that. But that's not what I WANT to do. I want to become a wildlife biologist and work with alligators (or more crocodilians if I'm lucky). I've lived in Florida my whole life, and my family and I have always gone camping every year (like real out in the middle of fuckin nowhere camping) on the river during the colder months, and that gave me a real appreciation for the nature and wildlife of this state. Especially gators. They're just so plain cool and fascinating; and not only to look at. Crocodilians have existed for 200 million years and are very smart, contrary to the idea of a big dumb reptile. In my spare time during classes I'd read scholarly articles on all sorts of things about alligators and other crocodilians. Did you know that the American Alligator spends considerable time hunting on land, mainly on warm nights and at the edges of roadsides or trails where it can wait for prey to pass by? Or that many species of crocodilians exhibit arboreal behavior to reach higher sunning spots or to keep watch over their territory? So yeah. I want to work with and study alligators as a wildlife biologist, and also to help preserve and protect Florida's beautiful and important wilderness.
  14. Same thing as "I am altering the deal, pray I don't alter it any further."
  15. TheOnlyGuyEver

    Doodles on my mediocre drawing tablet

    I'll never understand where the idea of gators being green came from:
  16. TheOnlyGuyEver

    TF2 general

    "I can't see shit"
  17. TheOnlyGuyEver

    It's SOPA all over again

    Am aware. Europe ruins the world for the nth time within the last century.
  18. TheOnlyGuyEver

    Doodles on my mediocre drawing tablet

    Those helmets are real nice, but they leave a lot to be desired. Thus, I give you: Sadly I will not be using these designs for anything in the near future. But I will definitely not forget them for something in the far future.
  19. TheOnlyGuyEver

    Doodles on my mediocre drawing tablet

    Bonus Space Marine helmets. It was really fun to design these. Standard, Covert, Incendiary, Pilot, Submarine:
  20. TheOnlyGuyEver

    Doodles on my mediocre drawing tablet

    Quick creepy window thing: We Space Force now. Coloring these guys is too much fun so forgive me for it coming in red, blue, green, and orange, each with muted versions:
  21. The Holy Trinity:


    1. Expresate


      we elementary school now

    2. John Caveson

      John Caveson

      Reaper main detected.

    3. aabicus
  22. TheOnlyGuyEver

    The Thread that Makes you go Hmmm

    Life in the wild is fuckin tough my dude.