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Everything posted by TheOnlyGuyEver

  1. TheOnlyGuyEver

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Big shit: -Post-genocide "next world" theory debunked -Deltarune's characters are completely separate from Undertale's (this may debunk the prequel theory as well, since that theory banks on the fact that Deltarune Sans and Undertale Sans are one in the same. He's either an exception, or he's just a lame, possibly non-timecop Sans, we'll see) -Your choices actually do not matter; there will be no multiple endings. Kind of a letdown seeing as one of Undertale's coolest features is how detailed the endings were. Like there were 3 main ending, but lots of little sub-ending of those 3. Like he says, most games only have one ending, but in the context of Undertale, it is kind of a letdown. You might as well not even "ACT" at that point, since straight up fighting is often easier. Still really looking forward to the rest of the game. There's still a lot of unknown shit, like why Toby was even compelled to make this odd alternate-universe game parallel to making Undertale. I find it kinda strange that, given the fact that according to him, these two universes are completely separate and don't affect each other, he decided to use the same characters we know. I get that that's kinda the point of an alternate universe, but given that Deltarune is a different game entirely with a completely different premise, he could have just made new characters for a new franchise. I think that fact adds some suspicion to something going on between these two universes. It sounds more likely than him just being lazy and wanting to work with the personalities he already knew best. Either way we'll know eventually.
  2. TheOnlyGuyEver

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    SMASH DIRECT SHIT: -Spirits = Stickers but with Tamagotchi shit that I don't like -Story mode seems A-OK. Sakurai giving himself a wee suck-off with Kirby being the only fighter surviving being Thanos'd. Cinematic better've been inconsequential cause I don't want to have to start as Kirby's dumb ass. -Saw Ken, immediately thought Grinch confirmed -Saw Incineroar, immediately thought Grinch deconfirmed (both Ken and Incineroar are big yawn anyhow) -Online looking good -See Piranha Plant, immediate first thought is "THEY DIDN'T ACTUALLY PUT WALUIGI IN DID THEY!?" (cause Waluigi holds that potted piranha plant in certain art), expected Waluigi to sprint in from stage left any minute. The plant is looking pretty good, honestly. Seeing a normally stationary enemy having such a wide range of movement is weird though. Regardless, its attacks look really varied and good, and that long-ass neck-stretch attack that you can angle looks bonkers. I fucking knew that someone was gonna show up that had more range than even Simon/Richter and their long ass whips.
  3. TheOnlyGuyEver

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Stop-n-Swap shit going on here.
  4. Get-together at the old neighborhood.
  5. TheOnlyGuyEver

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    https://www.deltarune.com/ Undertale 2 shaping up
  6. Had a good birthday spent at the St. Augustine Alligator Farm and Zoological Park. Saw every single species of crocodilian on the planet (except for 2/3 of the proposed species of African Dwarf Crocodile because whether or not it is warranted to split the species into three separate ones is still pending, as well as one of the now TWO species of Slender-Snouted Crocodile, as just as recent as two days ago it was finally and officially decided that the species actually consists of the West African Slender-Snouted Crocodile and the Central African Slender-Snouted Crocodile) Couldn't have asked for more.

    1. LordCOVID Monkey

      LordCOVID Monkey

      You sure do like crocogators. Not that I blame you, 'cause they're pretty neat-o.

    2. General DeGroot

      General DeGroot

      Crocodiles are my kinda animal.

    3. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être

      Which one swims up the toilet and bites your ass?

  7. TheOnlyGuyEver

    TF2 general

    Honestly with truces already being Engie-fun-time, I'm indifferent to this.
  8. TheOnlyGuyEver

    TF2 general

    I originally thought it had something to do with achievements, as it reminded me on the fanfare particle effect and trophy that people get above their heads when they get achievements.
  9. TheOnlyGuyEver

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Some of this shit makes even the most bonkers of TF2 jumps look like fucking child's play.
  10. Hurricane Season is the most whimsical time of year for me. We live inland, so realistically, unless you live somewhere prone to serious damage like the coast or a basin of some sort, hurricanes are a cool event where the power goes out for a while (a few days tops) and you get to experience intense downpour and wind and lightning like every two seconds as you hear tree branches bonk off the roof. Usually play some board game and whatnot; my neighbor would usually have a hurricane party, which is a like a party where you're snowed in, except instead of snow it's a hurricane. Then the next morning it's like Christmas and you get to wake up and look at how strange the place looks with so much debris and shit strewn about, take a drive around and see some streets and ponds flooded over here and there. Hurricane Season is coming to a close though, and there were no hurricanes in our area this year; Michael whiffed us. Irma last year must've sucked up all the thunder.
  11. TheOnlyGuyEver

    TF2 general

    I've never liked doing the Merasmissions. On another note, look at this statistic: Unless all the shit-ton of bots that got banned came back, that's a pretty big number. Even in the event that the bots did return that's STILL a big number given the content of the update.
  12. TheOnlyGuyEver

    TF2 general

    Highlights of this year's Scream Fortress for me: -Badass tank taunt, and entirely NEW voicelines for it. God bless you Rick May. -Dell in the Shell and Crocodile Mundee FINALLY got added, though it looks like they might be the 4 "bonus restricted cosmetics" mentioned in the patch notes, which is total bullshit after Yeti Heavy happened. -Fat Demo for Big Smoke antics -Badass Spartan helm for Scout -Castlevania hat for Soldier; pair with whip -Mutated Bread warpaint I honestly haven't played any of the new maps yet, but I'll check them out sometime later.
  13. TheOnlyGuyEver

    It's Time to Place Your Bets

    Well shucks, y'all.
  14. TheOnlyGuyEver

    It's Time to Place Your Bets

    Inb4 they bring spells back and everybody forgives the wait.
  15. TheOnlyGuyEver

    TF2 general

    Yesterday I played my first ever game of MvM. I beat Wave 666; it was very fun!
  16. TheOnlyGuyEver

    Top Memetic Song by European Country of Origin

    Made by Bosnian Serbs. Country of origin is Bosnia.
  17. TheOnlyGuyEver

    Doodles on my mediocre drawing tablet

    Saw Palmettos: The thorns aren't actually that big, but if I drew them actual size you wouldn't be able to see them that much.
  18. Dude Google+ is fuckin dead. Our efforts have finally paid off.
  19. TheOnlyGuyEver

    TF2 general

    Fucking hilarious when I got to what the thumbnail is referencing.
  20. TheOnlyGuyEver

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    There is further. Now you have only to lift up the barrel and scrape the grime that lie underneath.
  21. Reviewed taxonomy and classification of extant crocodilians today. I'm fucking HYPED.
  22. Since Cactus just reminded me of it, and I'm such a NICE GUY, here's the entirety of the Jag Whacking thread, which I archived: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1V5tAzJj7evJ7XWd8vF7Ze0W2PQhhhtCc


    Never ask me for anything ever again.

    1. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      I'm so glad that this very important part of our history and culture has been preserved.

    2. LordCOVID Monkey

      LordCOVID Monkey

      Thanks, TheOnlyNiceGuyEver.

    3. Confusedn't


      hey look forum posts I made when I was 14, nice

  23. Still no crocodilian tier list video. C- channel at best.