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Everything posted by Gyokuyoutama

  1. I can't shoot Max!

    1. Kraszu


      You crack me up little buddy.

    2. John Caveson

      John Caveson

      They're mine, nachos!

    3. hugthebed2


      max and ruby

      ruby and max

  2. I find "bro"+"guv"(ner) to be more plausible.
  3. Gyokuyoutama

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    FINALLY FOUND THE SOURCE FOR THOSE ENGLISH NAZRIN CLIPS: EDIT: Apparently some of it also comes from this interview:
  4. Needed to write something down, grabbed an old unused notebook.  Open to random page.  Written in the margin is "DEATH IS THE ONLY WAY IN."  Except for a couple of notes I made in the beginning of the notebook the notebook is otherwise blank.  I don't remember writing this.

    1. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      I haven't watched Death Note, but this sounds like a Death Note thing.

    2. Gyokuyoutama


      I'm going to methodically start writing down the names of various spuffers while picturing your avatar.


      Let me know if you die.

    3. Expresate


      oh, oh, me first.

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  5. Gyokuyoutama

    Anime General Discussion

    IT BEGINS (I do agree that Senko-san's voice is too high though).
  6. Gyokuyoutama

    The IT thread.

    There's no sounds, but I don't know if there is a system speaker installed. I'm not there physically at the moment to check. Basically current plan when I get over there (unfortunately that probably won't be until next weekend) was to check individual parts and connections as best as I could. Hopefully it's something simple.
  7. Gyokuyoutama

    The IT thread.

    Got a call from my Dad whose computer apparently got majorly messed up. I don't know the exact specs on his computer, but it's a modest HP desktop with windows 10 installed. The computer restarted based on updates needed by the HP Update Manager. He claims that the computer has never rebooted previously due to this, so I don't know if that's a legitimate part of the pre-installed software suite or not. If it is, I imagine it was installing some drivers or a firmware update. After turning off for the restart, the computer power cycles without getting anywhere. I had him go through a few cycles to get some ideas of what was going on and what happens is that it will start for 10 seconds, turn off, then automatically restart for another 10 seconds and so on. Nothing comes up on the monitor, and there are no sounds from the speakers. I had him try to get to boot menus through a variety of approaches and none of them worked. My next suggestion was to use a recovery disk, but he doesn't know where those are for this computer. We tried just putting in a random CD to see if the computer would read things from the optical drive, and it did seem to read the disk and stay on longer with a disk in a drive (maybe about thirty seconds?) But then it restarted again When I have time next week I might make a recovery disk myself and bring it over (he lives far enough away that it is inconvenient to drive there, especially with the snow coming over the weekend). Any ideas about what else can be tried? My gut feeling is that this is a hardware issue. The computer is about three years old, so it's not impossible that something went wrong with the CPU or motherboard or something. In that case I might try seeing if there's anything obviously wrong with the parts, but honestly with what he uses it for it might be simpler to just buy another low end desktop as a replacement.
  8. Gyokuyoutama

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    I'm amazed by how well some of these old onion clips hold up, especially since the onion itself has become pretty mediocre in the modern day. Some highlights:
  9. I mentioned in another thread that I have coworkers who argue which is the best/easiest East Asian language (from the big three of Chinese (specifically Mandarin), Japanese and Korean). I decided to make an honest attempt at each language to try to get an objective opinion on this. Now I can't say this for 100% certain since I've spent about 50 times more effort learning it than the other two, but I'm pretty sure that Japanese is by far the easiest. Korean may be easier in theory to learn the writing system for (though there's so many vowels/consonants which are just barely different from each other that I'm not convinced even of that), but the politeness system is a nightmare. Mandarin has the problem of being a tonal language, too few conjugations to easily figure out how to say things, and the fact that you have to learn hundreds of Chinese characters just to get started. In contrast Japanese has a reasonable number of conjugations, only two major politeness levels to worry about for 95% of interactions, and if you learn Hiragana (which should take about as much time as learning Hangul) you can ease your way into the Kanji. But then again I'm a huge weeb so this may not be entirely unbiased.
  10. Gyokuyoutama

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    Tooth and Tail is really solid as a local multiplayer rts, since it's basically the only local multiplayer rts. It's also somewhat notable as one of the first games that supported gog/steam crossplay, but it doesn't really matter because the playerbase died before it could really matter. Basically if you know someone online with a gog copy and you have a steam copy you can play each other easily, but don't expect much from random games. There are some mildly interesting campaign missions, but I wouldn't recommend it purely as a single-player experience. However, I have played it repeatedly with a friend in real life and it's been a blast in that context.
  11. Gyokuyoutama

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    Of course. Youtube never stops recommending steamed hams of one variety or another.
  12. Gyokuyoutama

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I see you've played Crusader Kings.
  13. Gyokuyoutama

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I was trying to figure out how Epic had enough money to burn to play the McDonald's/Starbucks game of "fuck you I opened up across the street and I'll operate at a loss until you go out of business." Then I realized that I forget they made Fortnite.
  14. Gyokuyoutama

    Anime General Discussion

    There are more frames in this fan video than in all of Kemono Friends season 2:
  15. Gyokuyoutama

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    1 - Dumb JRG shit. Story takes a while to start up. Interesting side characters, and by the end of the game things get interesting. But honestly it's below average at best. 2 - Beginning is much like 1, though it also is more difficult which forces you to use items proactively instead of just mashing attack and using your highest damage spell against bosses. Story is a little more interesting. Average. 3 (aka V) - Revises mechanics to be more interesting. Story is essentially a reboot in a reboot, so you can start here no problem. Tons of characters, with plenty of story events for them. Might actually be worthy of the title of a "good game." 4 (aka VII)- Introduces a lot of new interesting ideas, and a pretty complicated plot. Dreamcast girl best consolegirl. Graphics are overhauled to actually look good. Probably a legitimately good game. Don't know about beyond that, didn't play them. Of course even 1 and 2 are okay if you like kusoge. I mean, I played Agarest and that was way worse than Nepnep 1 and got some enjoyment out of it so I'm not going to judge.
  16. Gyokuyoutama

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Twelve years a slave is a documentary about Valve employees working on Half Life 2: Episode 3.
  17. Ownership of the Funko Pickle Rick figure is considered justification for homicide in all first world nations.
  18. Adding on to this, the search is horrible. Lots of things related to news and comedy will just get you endless CNN videos or late night talk shows, regardless of whether they are relevant. The worst I've encountered so far happened when I wanted to post that old Harry Partridge cartoon "Stephen the Lesbian" on another site. The first result is for a reupload of the original video with less than a thousandth of the views of the original. Then a couple of playlists with the original video on them, then fandubs into other languages, then a mix of videos about lesbians, people named Stephen and other Harry Partridge videos. But as far as I can tell the original video never appears in the search results. Even adding "Harry Partridge" to the search doesn't really help anything. At first I thought the video got taken down for being offensive or something, but it's still there if you go directly to his channel. Maybe it was shadowbanned, maybe the search algorithm is just shit, I don't know. It's worth noting that video.google.com generally has better results for youtube videos than the search on youtube itself, including in this example (where the video comes up as the #1 result). EDIT: Looking at the comments of the original video apparently it showed up on a ton of people's recommendations a few weeks ago. So apparently youtube will recommend it to everyone, but not reveal it if you search for it. Which just makes everything make even less sense. EDIT 2: Okay, so while both "stephen the lesbian" and "stephen the lesbian harry partridge" give you results where the video doesn't appear at all, "all hail stephen king of the lesbians" does get you the original video as the top result (with the next results mainly being about Stephen King with a few Harry Partridge videos mixed in, then tons of playlists which have nothing to do with either topic). What the hell is this search even doing.
  19. Gyokuyoutama

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    Oh man I didn't know that Nyango had a full band:
  20. Gyokuyoutama

    Touhou Containment Thread

    Current character rankings:
  21. Gyokuyoutama

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    Speaking of Alita, apparently this happened: Half the time Christoph Walz looks excited to be talking to an anime girl, the other half of the time he looks like he is wondering what the hell happened in his life to get him to this point.
  22. Gyokuyoutama

    Anime General Discussion

    I dunno, really. Probably not. But I haven't watched much of it, basically I just started looking into what the hell it was when Shadowverse had a promotional event. I'm happy that Kaguya Luna finally got that anime adaptation.
  23. Gyokuyoutama

    Anime General Discussion

    There is no agreement whatsoever between the fansub names, official anime names, and official game names of the characters in Mysteria Friends. (Hell even the title was originally Manaria friends). Lou/Roux/Rue seems to have gotten it particularly bad. Still if you call Grea Glare or Heinlein Hainlain (or worse, Hainrain), you are a heretic.