And I mostly agree. By all means, let women have equality in those areas, as long as it doesn't harm men, I don't care.
Yes, yes I know it's relative and first world problems and all that. And I do take women seriously, all the time, and they all want to fuck me (in a good way) because I show them mutual respect just like I would any man. Sometimes I show them even more respect than I do for men. Even so, it's hard to take feminists seriously when shit like this goes about and makes women everywhere look bad.
Feminists these days to me seem like they want less equality, and more about gender superiority. I was just poking a hole in their logic, because like I said, in order to have true equality, women will have to give up certain benefits they have gained in the past years. But, feminists don't want that to happen, they want to keep those benefits and be equal to men, which ironically will make them superior. Back in the 1900s, feminism was about choice. Letting women be able to choose whether to be a housewife, or to have a career, maybe even become president (honestly if it weren't for Barack Obama being black, Hillary Clinton would have won that election). And you know what? They have achieved their goals mostly. Now feminist groups are barely needed and only serve to piss off the rest of the population as they fight to stay relavent.
Maternity leave is fucking necessary dude, if we didn't have that the world would be worse off, and it's a thing that only affects women biologically, if a woman came into work the day after labour, she'd be fucking terrible at her job, the idea of society existing without maternity leave to at least some extent is ridiculous, hence why that's not a thing anyone wants, it's not about equality, it's about sensible equality, as for the whole chivalry thing, a world where less people get hit is better than an eye for an eye thing to me, but it needs to be more, people, don't hurt people, as opposed to men, don't hit women, even in your own post you cite the biological superiority in strength that men have, so equality in areas of that would be disadvantageous to women, segregation in sports and stuff is a good solution to the inherent biological differences, a true equality wouldn't be discriminating, but women would end up getting beaten up way more.
If women kept their benefits while being equal they wouldn't end up being superior to men, it'd just be a good solution for this complex problem, however you're right that responsibility is something that women should also take up, and if they are put in a position of power, or preferably work their way towards it, they should assert their dominance by not letting their gender play a role in how they lead, it's kinda bad that male is the "default" gender, but that's just how the world is, women can still have their benefits, be equal to men, and not have that be a safety net that means they just get life handed to them.