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Everything posted by ScampSixteen

  1. ScampSixteen

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Man the GTA V sandbox is really fun but it really hammers home just how dumb the idea of being punished for doing evil shit is in this game.
  2. ScampSixteen

    Girl Stabbed 19 Times Because Slenderman

    "[suspect Anissa E. Weier] told police that Slender Man is the 'leader' of Creepypasta, and in the hierarchy of that world, one must kill to show dedication. Weier said that [fellow suspect Morgan E. Geyser] told her they should become 'proxies' of Slender Man — a paranormal figure known for his ability to create tendrils from his fingers and back — and kill their friend to prove themselves worthy of him. Weiersaid she was surprised by Geyser's suggestion, but also excited to prove skeptics wrong and show that Slender Man really did exist." How the fuck can anyone be this ignant like this isn't even remotely close to correct.
  3. Anyone else putting off work they need to do and feeling terrible about it?

    1. Arm the Homeless

      Arm the Homeless

      Research paper is due Friday. Finals week is next week as well.

    2. Binary


      I have about 30 thank you notes to write.

    3. <Witty Name>

      <Witty Name>

      I need to get some source code emailed to my prof but it's being a pain and I'm doing other stuff aaaaaaaaa

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  4. ScampSixteen

    Mario Kart 8

    I'm really liking it, might be my favourite Mario Kart so far, everything just feels so refined and fresh, and the graphics are simply beautiful, the replay system's super fun and nearly all of the new tracks are unique and interesting. Five babies is just inexcusable though, so many great characters are gone for no good reason, the Koopalings are cool but they don't really seem to deserve individual racer status because they don't have enough personality and function best as a unit, I'd gladly trade in all of the Koopalings just to get Dry Bones back.
  5. Danny or Jon gogogogo.

    1. Veez
    2. DualJay


      I agree with Skye.

    3. Huff


      Danny. I want more Single Train, though. Jew Grumps is good.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  6. ScampSixteen

    Shaq-Fu: A Legend Reborn

    The original Shaq-Fu is honestly pretty fun, mainly for the fact that y'know, Shaq, but behind it is a pretty neat fighter with the only major downsides being wonky jumping and needlessly complex combos, I don't see why out of all things that was the game that got holocausted.
  7. Fuertaventura was awesome, but I'm glad I'm bax.

  8. ScampSixteen

    "IAMA North Korean Defector"

    It's really crazy that something like this can happen at all, let alone in this day and age, North Korea is so fucked, I wish we could help those poor brainwashed peeps.
  9. I say, this is quite the splendificent jape we have got going on here.

  10. ScampSixteen

    Smache Brothers

    Who do you guys main in Smash? Luigi/ROB all the way.
  11. ScampSixteen

    Aminal Crosses

    How have we not had an Animal Crossing thread yet? Whass ya town called. Favourite villagers? QR codes??
  12. Honestly sounds tasty but that shit would probably kill you.
  13. Ah fuck McDonald's is doing Monopoly again, there goes my diet.

    1. Grobag


      Free coffees galore!

    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      *with a purchase of equal or greater value

    3. FrozenFirebug


      i may have won a car from that maybe i don't know how it works i lost my thing anyway

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  14. ScampSixteen

    Best website in existence.

    The lack of commitment to the moustache you people exhibit is disheartening, in all the years since this thread has been up not once has my avatar been shaved!
  15. Ground Zeroes so good I don't give a shit it's a demo it's so fucking good my body is so ready for Phantom Pain holy shit.

  16. ScampSixteen


    Oh man this week was busy, sorry I was away guys. TONIGHT TUNNELING SHALL RESUME!
  17. ScampSixteen

    Game Grumps

    Fucking hell I love this video, it just condenses all of Game Grumps so neatly, it's like your Grump life flashing before your eyes.
  18. ScampSixteen

    2014 Mod Selection - Nominations

    Raz seems like the person with the best grasp of what this forum should be, I nominate him.
  19. ScampSixteen

    Game Grumps

    Tumblr's going apeshit because Arin won't come out as bisexual and doesn't want to make a video where he clears up his sexuality for them. Holy fucking shit.
  20. I hope they can see their errors of the ways now, fuck those anti-vaccination idiots.
  21. ScampSixteen

    Banning the Word "Bossy"

    And I mostly agree. By all means, let women have equality in those areas, as long as it doesn't harm men, I don't care. Yes, yes I know it's relative and first world problems and all that. And I do take women seriously, all the time, and they all want to fuck me (in a good way) because I show them mutual respect just like I would any man. Sometimes I show them even more respect than I do for men. Even so, it's hard to take feminists seriously when shit like this goes about and makes women everywhere look bad. Feminists these days to me seem like they want less equality, and more about gender superiority. I was just poking a hole in their logic, because like I said, in order to have true equality, women will have to give up certain benefits they have gained in the past years. But, feminists don't want that to happen, they want to keep those benefits and be equal to men, which ironically will make them superior. Back in the 1900s, feminism was about choice. Letting women be able to choose whether to be a housewife, or to have a career, maybe even become president (honestly if it weren't for Barack Obama being black, Hillary Clinton would have won that election). And you know what? They have achieved their goals mostly. Now feminist groups are barely needed and only serve to piss off the rest of the population as they fight to stay relavent. Maternity leave is fucking necessary dude, if we didn't have that the world would be worse off, and it's a thing that only affects women biologically, if a woman came into work the day after labour, she'd be fucking terrible at her job, the idea of society existing without maternity leave to at least some extent is ridiculous, hence why that's not a thing anyone wants, it's not about equality, it's about sensible equality, as for the whole chivalry thing, a world where less people get hit is better than an eye for an eye thing to me, but it needs to be more, people, don't hurt people, as opposed to men, don't hit women, even in your own post you cite the biological superiority in strength that men have, so equality in areas of that would be disadvantageous to women, segregation in sports and stuff is a good solution to the inherent biological differences, a true equality wouldn't be discriminating, but women would end up getting beaten up way more. If women kept their benefits while being equal they wouldn't end up being superior to men, it'd just be a good solution for this complex problem, however you're right that responsibility is something that women should also take up, and if they are put in a position of power, or preferably work their way towards it, they should assert their dominance by not letting their gender play a role in how they lead, it's kinda bad that male is the "default" gender, but that's just how the world is, women can still have their benefits, be equal to men, and not have that be a safety net that means they just get life handed to them.
  22. A guy on a breakfast news show just said Phillip Semen Hoffman.

    1. Skye


      That made my day. :D

    2. Comeau


      "Cheeseburgers" now means a whole 'nother thing entirely!

  23. ScampSixteen

    Game Grumps

    Last night I was looking at Danny related media and wow this is a thing. Fuck's sake Danny, but Happy Birthday to ya.
  24. ScampSixteen

    Banning the Word "Bossy"

    Caveson, total equality is impossible and somewhat undesireable, but it doesn't mean that women shouldn't try to get things equal in places that disadvanage women for no good reason. Just because something can make things equal for women it doesn't mean men will be harmed in any way, the bossy thing, yes, as they're saying you can't apply this to women and don't even mention men, which is equal in the same sense that affirmitive action is equal, meaning not at all. Even though there are children starving in Africa, some guy in the world is mad because they got the wrong pizza topping, and even though women are below housecats elsewhere, women in the Western world want to be taken more seriously, our problems are relative, and just because total equality is impossible, it doesn't mean it's not OK to improve the areas of society where inequality hurts the most.
  25. ScampSixteen

    Banning the Word "Bossy"

    I gotta say, this whole Daily Mail type approach to cherrypicking the worst stuff from whatever you disagree with and having fun getting angry with it is getting seriously fucking boring. Third-wave feminism is some bullshit, women shouldn't be put down for being assertive and then be told shit like are they on their period or whatever, that's just awful, but banning a word is just blatant freedom of speech violation, and dances around the real issue. Gigolo, an assertive woman will be taken less seriously than an assertive man, this was the case with all of the teachers I have ever had, and is something that just is a thing in society, like an actress getting mad on set will be treated more humourously than an actor doing the same, there are already special rules, and in quite a few places those special rules are a handicap on women, the special rules you're talking about aren't giving women a leg up on men like this is some sort of gender war, it's encouraging evening of the playing field, not in the bossy banning case, that's just stupid, but in a broader sense. Don't dismiss this as feminazi bullshit, I haven't been indoctrinated by anyone, I've simply noticed this myself, modern day feminism is pretty awful nearly all the time, the execution and individuals often expressing desires contradictory to our most basic of rights, but you have to admit that in some areas of society women just do not get as fair of a deal.