I feel like I REALLY need to 'play' through this.
The "gameplay" is really good, it's extremely well animated and well VA'd.
Also catgirls are fucking great.
The first time I ever played WoW I had Marcus, Wulff, and Pip spamming silly toys like the puntable marmot and the one that makes critters explode.
That day was probably some of the most fun I've ever had playing a video game due to how hilariously dumb it was. Hell, had it not been for that, I probably would've been bored out of my mind for the early leveling. So toys basically got me into wow. All in all, pretty silly game/10.
I leave you with the best toy in the game.
Can you stop being so emotional.
can you guys just knock it off already jeez
in other news
This however is not a lie.
"we've received reports of possible malware being sent in disguise of a puush update. for now we suggest closing the puush app (windows only)"
"we do suggest you run a virus scan on your PC if you were running the windows puush client, and uninstall the client for now."
Was someone counting how many days it's been since they started dating? Because I think I was right.
no one has ever broken up with me in person
and lived
"Britt, I think we should start seeing other people"
famous last words
Is there anyone who really really likes WWI? I just found some old materials from Academic Decathlon about WWI. Each resource guide is 200+ pages I think.