Best courier.
That's not how you spell Baby Roshan..
Baby Roshan is boring dude. Chicken is nostalgic as fuck. I should get that courier, because I call the courier "Chicken" all the time anyway because I am the epic wannabe DotA oldschool player.
I tend to say Crow, but I'll say chicken whenever it gets killed. For some reason. Anyways, we courier/hud/announcer discussion now
I'm pretty fond of the mechanical spider seeing as that was the first courier I ever got (thanks rammite), but ever since the baby rosh it became my favorite. I got my current unusual one from Binary, and I haven't unequipped it since the day I got it. I would like to get a hollow jack some day though.
As for Huds and announcer packs, Juggernaut/Underwater are the best.