I'm in. I have all the expansion packs/DLC civs, too. Just a few things though-multiplayer Civ is VERY hard to pull off. My friends at school and I play often, and we've found that you need to all have the same OS for it to work-Macs are slightly behind update-wise, which makes cross-system multiplayer incredibly laggy at best, but more often it crashes the game after about 10 turns. So everyone would need to be on a PC, probably.
Also, I propose that we ban Egypt. Because trust me-he WILL get all of the wonders. I'm not even kidding. We did a 6-player (3 teams of 2) match once. I was the Aztecs, my partner was Egypt. Since you share science (oh yeah, in multiplayer Civ your partners and you share science. Plan accordingly.) he rushed all the good wonders, while I boosted our culture massively. It was a fucking brutal game, for the other players. They didn't stand a chance. I'm pretty sure between us, me and him got all but one of the Ancient/Classical era wonders. Egypt is SO OP in multiplayer.
Also also, what timezones is everyone in? Because I'm in England right now, which is 5 hours more than EST. And I'm going to be in continental Europe all next week, so I won't be able to play at all then. Sorry for the wall of text, I've just played a LOT of multiplayer Civ and I feel like I know a fair bit about it.