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Status Replies posted by Doopliss2008

  1. I have nanchos. My day is complete.

  2. what day is it for you US citizens? it's a fine Thursday for me.

  3. DPC status. Give me inspiration to ignore.

  4. So the paper that I thought was due tomorrow is actually due in 3 hours. Fuck.

  5. Performing Chopin at a concert. Wish me luck!

  6. hahahaha I have 200 euro more than I expected hahahaha

  7. Meesa so happy!

  8. For whatever reason, I got into Minecraft Realms. What qualifies me as to be part of closed group of selected, approved players?

  9. What the fuck did I just make? A layer of brownie, a layer of cookie dough, a layer of nutella and peanut butter, a layer of biscuit, another layer of brownie and butter icing...

  10. Welp, today's going to be busy. First, I have to make up two history tests that I missed, then I am going to stay at the very last club meeting of the Board Game Club (of the school year), which will end at 5pm, then immediately afterward I have to show up to an awards ceremony for my school to accept a Networking award. I really, REALLY hope I don't get any homework assigned today.

  11. Weekly DPC status. Give me inspiration.

  12. Weekly DPC status. Give me inspiration.

  13. I worry one of my friends is a robot; he hates swimming and out of the 900 trials in my study he had only one error

  14. noooooooooo I have the flu

  15. noooooooooo I have the flu

  16. I finally got the custom Yugioh/MTG play mat that I've been wanting for a year! Was worth the wait.

  17. I finally got the custom Yugioh/MTG play mat that I've been wanting for a year! Was worth the wait.

  18. I feel oddly sensual this morning.

  19. The DnD game was fun. I was a human monk that was a luchador and I grappled a necromancer. Highlights include our cleric killing a wyvern with a critically thrown wrench and finding an annoying magic fish that spoke Draconian.

  20. New guy here. haven't selected a good profile pic yet, thats important right? I'm an anime fan- though i hope i don't come off as too weeb about it. play some games, mostly just for the social experience i'm pretty shit at everything. Friends with Wulff and Paero so blame them if i'm shitting on your day

  21. dans dans revolution, a rhythm game in which all of the playable characters are dans, like danny devito, daniel day-lewis and dan from dan vs.
