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Everything posted by Buddhazilla

  1. Buddhazilla

    Fistful of Frags

    Pass the whiskey. Forced memes aside, this is seriously the most fun shooter I've played this year. I love how it punishes spray n' pray with long reloads and unreliable accuracy while moving. Then again I pretty much just use the hatchet.
  2. Buddhazilla

    Smache Brothers

    Are we sure giga bowser's back? Also giga mac isn't really that big, and the mega evolutions are a pretty good idea, since they don't change size or anything.
  3. Buddhazilla

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Shoulda figured. Remind me never to get excited over "leaks" ever again.
  4. Buddhazilla

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Sooooooo... How about dem e3 leaks? (thanks 3fort :3)
  5. Buddhazilla

    The International 4

    Nope, they're Chinese and Swedish.
  6. Buddhazilla

    The Reaction Pictures Thread

    After a heated Internet argument, one is entitled to the sweat of their own brow.
  7. TI4 just hit 3mil+ prize pool.

    1. FrozenFirebug


      totodile interpolation four

    2. Medic


      The International? That's a lotta money. Still not quite the same as people who kick balls around fields though.

    3. Arm the Homeless

      Arm the Homeless

      It's the special items man. Made the pool go to the moon.

    4. Show next comments  60 more
  8. Buddhazilla

    Dota General

    Well since we all have fantasy league passes, I suggest we make a fantasy thingy.
  9. Buddhazilla


    What we know: Groudon exists Kyogre exists Earthquakes are loud
  10. Buddhazilla

    Shaq-Fu: A Legend Reborn

    Holy crap it actually got funded. I'm all over that.
  11. Buddhazilla


    Oh, that's right, steel is NVE against water... Well, there goes that theory.
  12. Buddhazilla


    So I was thinkin, right. Groudon has all these metal-looking spikes and claws and shit. And Kyogre has this new rainbow stuff. What if they made Groudon Ground/Steel and Kyogre Water/Fairy?
  13. Buddhazilla


    Ruby actually had better exclusives, save for Groudon. Who cares about legendaries, anyway? Dat post count.
  14. Buddhazilla

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Wii U's getting a quickboot thingamabob. Looks pretty good.
  15. Jon finally hit a million subs. He is now in the upper ECHelons of YouTube.

    1. FrozenFirebug


      dog ducking famine what the shelling hellfart why the do the puns

    2. FrozenFirebug


      what did i just type

  16. Buddhazilla


    Ohhhhh boy. Gen 3 megas. Also rayquaza merging I guess, meh.
  17. Buddhazilla

    Dota General

    I think the deletion rewards have been removed. I suggest saving them for the next seasonal event, they usually have ways to burn a crapton of items with decent returns.
  18. Buddhazilla

    Smache Brothers

    New screenshot's up. Apparently there's a light fixture above the boxing ring stage that you can use as a platform, but you can knock it down.

  20. Apparently tri-tip steak is a Californian thing?? How can you guys not know about this glorious cut of beef?

  21. Buddhazilla

    Mario Kart 8

    She stares past your soul and into the abyss hiding within you. She does not blink. Her stare is unwavering as she laughs at your very core. You suddenly start to feel heavy. Your voice comes out strange and wobbly. The last thing you hear is the clang of metal on the ground as you fall to it.
  22. 27 hours of waking time. The pain begins.

    1. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

      Stackbabbin' Bumscags

      At first I misread this as "27 hours of wanking time."...

    2. Buddhazilla


      Might as well be :U
