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A 1970 Corvette

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Everything posted by A 1970 Corvette

  1. A 1970 Corvette

    Anime General Discussion

    As a person who watched most of it... ...The first and last seasons honestly are the best. The first season just fucking throws the rules out of the window so it seems less like a card game and more like some sort of fight with actual summoned monsters. It's joked about a lot by fans, but honestly I think if the anime (and its spinoffs) continued like that it'd be far more interesting. It may have a bit of a lull, though, but I had fond memories of it. Season Five legitimately is awesome because there are so little card games. In this season, they finally fucking get past the filler and now go back to a memory of Ancient Egypt where the Pharoah himself once lived, and honestly it's pretty damn cool; it shows origins of some of the most iconic cards in the series and whatnot. Also Thief King Bakura's laugh. The seasons between honestly weren't as good. ADMITTEDLY, I never completely watched the Orichalcos arc, and it might have had some cool moments. I've told this to people before; the main reason people think it's a kiddy anime is because 4Kids tried to change the presentation of a lot of the story, everything from changing names to outright removing certain parts (the most infamous is the whole removal of guns, making it look like guards were using their fingers as guns), but the Japanese version actually was pretty good. ...There's also another season, that was not dubbed. It was deemed "Season 0" and was based more closely off the manga of Yugioh. Season 0 was pretty damn good in my opinion, because it was about all games, not just card games. Also the fact that Pharoah was... well... he was pretty damn awesome, especially in the beginning. I'd recommend S0 to anyone who wanted to watch yugioh but didn't care much for the card games, as it does introduce pretty much all of the important characters and it has some cool moments in between. Take this with a grain of salt as I'm a rather biased source. tl;dr Season 0, Season 1, Season 5, subbed. Spinoffs-wise? Hell if I know, but I'm going to be staying with Arc-V if any of you want to know how that turns out.
  2. A 1970 Corvette

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    someone posted this in response to what happened to Nui in KLK 22 and oh god it was fitting
  3. A 1970 Corvette

    Anime General Discussion

    watched klk 22 [spoiler2] I came. And so did /a/, apparently. [/spoiler2]
  4. I occasionally get reminded that I curse a whole lot, both on the internet and real life. As it stands, though, I'm too uncouth to actually care.

  5. A 1970 Corvette


    I'm a little ashamed to play my Y game whenever my friends are around. They all know shit about the game, so they always are like "WHAT'S YOUR TEAM WOW YOU KNOW THAT POKEMON SUCKS RIGHT WHY DOES YOUR CHARIZARD HAVE SUCH A BAD MOVESET DID YOU KNOW THAT ALL YOUR POKEMON ARE NOT COMPETITIVELY VIABLE" I just choose what I think is cool dammit just let me be a casual in peace ;~; Considering how dressing up my character is the thing in X/Y I'm best at, I'd be all for this.
  6. A 1970 Corvette

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    ...I'm imagining a particularly fucked up set of parents giving their kid one of those, and the kid plays with it not knowing what it is, and then later on when the kid's old enough the parents show the kid Madoka
  7. A 1970 Corvette


    time to return the discussion to pokemon someone explain IVs to me
  8. A 1970 Corvette


    Dude what do you take right before going to sleep I had a dream where I was playing some Deus Ex game, and apparently you could make Jensen look like a Halo 1 Marine. Even though I've never played any Deus Ex games.
  9. A 1970 Corvette

    Anime General Discussion

    It's hard to recommend shit, at least for me. There's quite a wide range of stuff people like and then I have to factor in my shitty memory for stuff I haven't watched within the year...
  10. A 1970 Corvette

    Anime General Discussion

    He told me that he was going to watch it, too. I hope he did. And then I hope he stopped being a butt and read Gakkou Gurashi like I told him to, but hey everyone has to start somewhere
  11. Today I learned that Guy is a total pervert.

    1. Doopliss2008


      not big surprise.

    2. MarcusTherion


      We're all perverts, you're lying if you say you aren't.

    3. Guy923


      That's also true.

    4. Show next comments  381 more
  12. A 1970 Corvette

    Anime General Discussion

    Man, fucking six years? I should probably watch it. But still, six goddamn years! I can barely stand waiting a week sometimes.
  13. A 1970 Corvette


    He just needs... A contract.
  14. A 1970 Corvette

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    It feels good to know I remember seeing that thread.
  15. A 1970 Corvette

    Which items do you wanna see changed?

    100hp is a pretty annoying downside. I'd say it's a fine buff. If +100% cloak is too much, nerf cloak gain from everything else a little, but I'd say it's pretty good. EIDT: Or maybe another cool buff would be "On backstab: For the next x amount of seconds, cloak meter does not deplete?" I'd like to see that.
  16. A 1970 Corvette

    Which items do you wanna see changed?

    Uh yeah Comeau it's pretty much a pretty big part of the Medic's balance problems
  17. >tfw you get the highest test score in class

    1. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      Nah, my two friends who are rather sharp got like a 50 and a 40 on it.

      It covered stuff like inter-VLAN routing, ACLs, and OSPF, which we haven't covered in any way, shape, or form.

    2. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être

      The answer to every question is either "Plug it in" or "Turn it off then on again."

    3. Huff


      i usually just smack the monitor and that fixes my problem

    4. Show next comments  381 more
  18. A 1970 Corvette

    Anime General Discussion

    [spoiler2][/spoiler2] God damn that scene was awesome. And probably painful as all hell.
  19. A 1970 Corvette

    Cute stuff.

    Yeah, that does make sense.
  20. A 1970 Corvette

    Cute stuff.

    I wasn't aware that anime had any character other than that spazzy brownhaired girl, because that shit's the only thing /a/ ever seems to post about EIDT: I just realized that could be applied to KLK too. Unless Mako is kill, no spoilers I haven't watched yet
  21. A 1970 Corvette

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    Hey guys I found Skye in an anime
  22. A 1970 Corvette

    TF2 general

    It's a subcounter, for god-knows-why, but it's a start I guess.
  23. Damn, it's really hard to focus on doing homework right now. Nothing interesting is even happening right now yet I can't stop checking all my sites.

    1. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      Congratulations, you've made an early transition to college work ethic!

    2. John Caveson

      John Caveson

      Welcome to my world.

  24. A 1970 Corvette

    TF2 general

    Hmm... The only interesting part of this is tweaking hud_combattext_batching. I wonder if I should tweak the settings for different classes. 2s actually seems pretty good if you're on a stream damage class.