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Everything posted by Mersopolis

  1. Can we all at least promise to be nice and respect all people in real life?
  2. I feel proud and grateful right now. I like solving puzzles, riddles, brain teasers, etc. Recently I’ve been hoping to gather a group to go to a live escape room: A place where you solve puzzles as a team to complete an objective, from robbing a safe to stopping a nuclear meltdown. I expect it to be precisely what I love doing, and more. There’s two places near me: Getout Games and Escapes in Time. I like their pages on Facebook, and earlier today, noticed Escapes in Time post a strange picture with the caption “Test pic” I quickly analyzed the picture and commented: “The blank key should have "N". There should be a spot for "M", too, but it seems that another key has been shifted over to cover it's spot. Did I pass the test?” They responded: “Ha ha. You are amazing. In fact, you are so amazing that you just won a free ticket. If you want to bring some friends and play one of the rooms, just call and tell us when you're coming and you can play for free. I took this pic bec i was setting up our Instagram account and I wanted to make sure it had linked to FB correctly. Call us when you want to book. Thanks for following us!” Yessir! I got 100% off a $25 ticket!
  3. This year's Shakespeare competition went well. In our division: Our ensemble piece (Richard III Act V scene III, where Richard is haunted by the people he's killed, while I, as his enemy, Richmond AKA Henry VII, am blessed to defeat him) took first place and was showcased. Just like last year with our Henry V scene inspired by Mad Max. We had one monologue take 2nd place, our tech team take 3rd in the tech Olympics, and one girl in our improv team get the Tina Fey award. The duo/trio scene competition was fierce and none of ours placed (Not even my scene from Merry Wives of Windsor, where I played an angry French doctor who discovers that he's in competition with another guy for the same girl. We took 9th.) Overall, our team tied for first with a performing arts school, which made us happy. The competition was held on a college campus, and I went to see what swords I could buy in the bookstore (yes, they have swords, tall, small, and made of metal, although dull for obvious reasons). I found some nice swords, but found better deals for them online, and I will get them later. I did buy a cheap wooden two-handed sword that I expected -and found- to be wobbly, because it is not full tang (a new phrase I recently learned). What I would like to know is: How can I reinforce it to a decent durability, fit perhaps for combat? Screws? Duct tape?
  4. The ball wasn't squished, my hands were cupped!

  5. Tell me what you know about garlic, sapphires, mud, and axles.

  6. I send thee mine good vibes, Rammite. Hopefully this will turn out good.
  7. R.I.P.

    My arms


    "I did NOT expect this from a 'dance conditioning' class."

    1. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      You know you're supposed to use your legs, right?

    2. Mersopolis


      In school, I am taking a dance conditioning class. I need some form of exercise and dancing is the only one I'm willing to do.

      It's been mainly Zumba, but on Friday we did some actual conditioning, meaning things like lots of push ups and other workouts. I lost all nearly all my strength, and I am now in near-constant pain.

      Going to Homecoming in this condition last night was oh-so-joyful.

    3. Silent


      whens dance class

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  8. Mersopolis

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I did, yet it persists. I spent a long time looking and found one thing that said it had something to do with the newer BIOS, and suggested downgrading to a previous version. I tried it and it worked for a time, but it came back after a week or two.
  9. Mersopolis

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    My only complaint with 10 is that it causes my laptop to crash almost every time it wakes up, whether from sleep or hibernation. So, one has to keep it on and running at all times or else it takes a very inconvenient amount of time to continue or start something.
  10. Mersopolis

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Dad-gum Mount & Blade: Warband is HARD! I'm mostly disappointed with how the enemies in the arena melee fights all eventually team up against you, sometimes even at the beginning of the fight. They all go for you and literally can't hit anyone else. Their weapons either go through or bounce off each other until you're down. But, pulling off a chamber attack is wicked sweet.
  11. The father of a family on my street had a heart attack this morning and died. A good man was lost from this world, but now there's one more angel in paradise.
  12. Mersopolis

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    On the other hand, Freelancer was a wonderful, complex space game from many years ago yet still plays well today, and it has lots of good mods. Getting one of the pirate very heavy fighters and loading it with codename weapons is a blast.
  13. Mersopolis

    The Adventures of Admiral Doe (CYOA)

    >Trade Bonk! For bread >Teleport bread
  14. Mersopolis

    The Adventures of Admiral Doe (CYOA)

    >Take corpses of Bonk Bros >Throw three against the shelf of Saxxies >Take the new golden corpses to trade for other stuff later >Throw the last corpse against the mysterious private door until it opens
  15. Mersopolis

    The IT thread.

    That case is just like my desktop model's!
  16. Mersopolis

    share your worst jokes

    In the play I'm in, Pippin, there is a duck. It is no ordinary duck, though. While most ducks quack, this one croaks.
  17. In a turn of events, my elementary school bros unknowingly caused Windows 10 to be installed on the family laptop. I'm not sure if they clicked on the popup or if it was included in an update, but now we have to deal it. I didn't pay close attention to anything that was said about it before, but is there anything that I should do to optimize our experience?
  18. I am a man in tights.

    1. ICBMoose


      are you roaming around the forest looking for fights

    2. General DeGroot

      General DeGroot

      I had to be one once

      it was fun and then we had to do it too many damn times

  19. Mersopolis

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    It uses the phrase "such as," which implies more than what is listed. Although, I don't see them in the rather specific list including links below that, so I think you are right, unless more is planned in an upcoming update/DLC.
  20. I have a feeling that, if Trump is elected, not much will be accomplished, good or bad. I have a feeling that Trump and congress will simply be butting heads constantly and cancelling each other out, resulting in little change. Many people might support him, but that doesn't mean too much.
  21. It's never okay to _____.

    1. Huff


      Not support the Frederalist party

    2. A 1970 Corvette
    3. Arm the Homeless

      Arm the Homeless

      teh Last Door?

      Do u know wot a thespian si?
      Would u say thespian or thesbian?
      wot kind of grudges do u ahve?

      wot si nine times six?

      To kill or not to kill a mockingbird?
      Tequila or not tequila mockingbird?

      Which Impossible Quiz can help u find hidden meanings?
      Why did teh Mexican push his wife off of a cliff?

      wot fi I nailed my finger to a birdhouse accidentally?
      wot fi I dropped my phone?
      Or encountered my clone?
      wot fi I get mononucleosis?
      wot fi my house got foreclosed?
      wot fi I had a cat, n it exploded?
      wot fi I woke up in a trunk?
      wot fi my best friend went steampunk?
      wot fi I met real pirates?
      wot fi there was an awkward silence?
      wot fi I say something unintentionally racist?
      wot fi I was an adult with braces?
      wot fi I can't swim?
      wot fi I am visited by Mr. Timn?
      wot fi I fed teh troll?
      wot fi I'm being attacked by a narwhal?
      wot fi teh apocalypse started?
      wot fi I ahve a recurring dream where teh world runs out of bacon?

      Which person do u think will do teh next AMA?

      r brains better than brawn?
      Bread, melons, or lemons?

      Would u give Fimmian a sweet roll in exchange for calming pants in real life?
      Would u care to donate to Sheogorath's brain pie?

      Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo?

      wot would happen fi Pinnochio said, "My nose si going to grow now."?
      fi Cinderella's shoe fit perfectly, how did it fall off?
      fi teh opposite of sky si earth, n teh opposite of rim si middle, then si Middle Earth teh opposite of Skyrim?
      Do seagulls ahve better-looking legs than chickens?
      si Doctor Who better than Tony Stark?

      Can u make a picture of a Toa in a toga getting towed by a toad in a toe themed tow truck?

      Why don't people understand that I get more information from teh answers to these question than just teh answers?

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  22. Phew! It's been a rather eventful few weeks, and quite a while since I last posted. Region Drama was a blast. Our one act, Fully Committed, took first by a LANDSLIDE, let me tell ya. Several of our actors (and our foley artist) got special awards for it. In the way of Individual events (Comedic/Dramatic monologues, Classical/Contemporary scenes, musical theatre, and pantomime), only 2 of our 24 groups didn't qualify for state. Me and my partner doing a contemp scene, from Controlling Interest, qualified, and we are all well-pleased. Our scene was even selected to be the one presented in the school's art assembly. State Drama starts Thursday! Prom is at the end of this month, and I asked a girl out on her birthday a few days ago. She said yes, and we're happily planning. A day later, I got my learner's permit. I still have yet to start driving, though. Insurance, learning the basics of actual driving, and all that. I also put in a job application for Weed Man, a lawn care and fertilization company. I hope to be part of their customer outreach team that goes to potential customers' houses to explain our services and provide estimates. I'm hoping that it will provide me with a decent base for other careers, as well as give me some good communication skills. I'll need this to pay for Prom, if I can start working soon and if I can't get enough paid-in-full referrals to get a free tux or suit rental at Men's Warehouse.
  23. Shout it out - from the highest tower!

    Shout it out - in the darkest hour!

  24. Statistically, according to that, Doop, I should be the only person in the US with my name. However, some quick Google searches have proved that to be far from the truth.
  25. I recently realized that I will be just old enough to vote in this presidential election. However, I don't know who I ought to vote for. Trump is a stupid jerk. I expect him to cause nothing (which is bad) or nothing good to happen in congress during his term. Hilary seems to be part of an evil agenda. Lobbyists already have too much power. Bernie seems crazy. I don't trust him to make good decisions. I've heard that Cruz is like Trump, but smarter and, therefore, worse. I don't know a thing about any other candidates.