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John Caveson

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Status Replies posted by John Caveson

  1. Can we forget about all that shit that happened in the last few weeks and be normal again? I would appreciate that and even change normally if freakin' needed.

  2. Out in the rain for 10 minutes at most a couple of days ago, now I might have a fever. What the hell, life

  3. I want to get this shit straight, why do you guys ignore/flame/taunt me for having said that I'm a pokemon when there are people dokng the same or even worse stuff out there? You guys better explain yourself.

  4. What's considered a good rep-post ratio on big SPUF?

  5. What do you guys think about my new profile pic? 3fort made it :3

  6. Facebook bought Oculus Rift and the shitstorm on /v/ knows no end

  7. Alright, so Steam isn't working and nor is bigSPUF. Steam says I can't connect to steam network and bigSPUF just says the page aint available. Help?

  8. So Disney has indeed bought Maker Studios, which makes Polaris and all of its content creators a part of Disney, including Pewds and the Grumps. Arin and Ross are technically Disney animators now.

  9. Yeah! Got the job! Start work wednesday! Money get!

  10. So my laptop is broken. As much as I was broke before, I'm REALLY broke now.

  11. So my laptop is broken. As much as I was broke before, I'm REALLY broke now.

  12. So my laptop is broken. As much as I was broke before, I'm REALLY broke now.

  13. Natalia Poklonskaya > Everything . Do you agree with me or are you wrong?

  14. Natalia Poklonskaya > Everything . Do you agree with me or are you wrong?

  15. Natalia Poklonskaya > Everything . Do you agree with me or are you wrong?

  16. My pet peeve is the pronunciation of the letter W.

  17. If you were on death row, what would your final meal be? I'd probably just grab some cake & a burger.

  18. Xenophobia is bad.

  19. 404 rep no esta aqui

  20. Propane Nightmares is an awesome song and anyone who calls it Gunshot Bride shot LITERALLY be shot

  21. I feel pointless being called Medic when I don't play TF2 any more.


  23. This feel when people IRL dislike/hate/laugh at you and people on the internet are on your side, no matter how weird you are. Thank you guys *hugs*
